The Forum > General Discussion > Need for PET scan ignored by Tony Abbott
Need for PET scan ignored by Tony Abbott
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Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 10 October 2007 12:53:43 PM
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If politicians directed funds into their most needed areas we wouldn't have the water crisis, hospital crisis, transport crisis, roads crisis, housing crisis, petrol crisis yadda yadda yadda.
I'd be massively surprised if any government ever falls within the radar of getting anything right. My missus has Cystic Fibrosis and has had a double lung transplant. There is a shortage in specialists, technology, awareness, donors, funding and common sense in relation to just her disease. I'm active in trying to get people to sign up for organ donation and lobby the gov for an 'opt out' option in donation. We contiue to fight for these things but unfortunately the fight will go on long after she has passed away. All the best with your personal fight. Posted by StG, Wednesday, 10 October 2007 3:40:27 PM
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Thanks for your comments. Your sincere wishes are reciprocated for your family facing its own ordeal . Until recent events, I was an all/any organ donor and lobbied of willing organ donation being listed on NSW drivers'licenses back in the '70s. With cancers there is a "staging" process. Catching the ealry cancer is important, including finding just a few wayward [maybe] missed with the treatment a first cancer. A PET scan will help identify these cells. My point on ostracization is to target the Minister not the party: Remove the obstacle. Perhaps, best dealt with a special emphasis on Tony Abbott's electorate [Manly]. Kind regards, O. Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 10 October 2007 5:23:00 PM
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An assault on his fax, email and phone sure wouldn't do any harm. Excuse my ignorance, but can a pollie be a Fed pollie without a seat in a particular electorate?.
Posted by StG, Thursday, 11 October 2007 8:19:51 AM
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"An assault on his fax, email and phone sure wouldn't do any harm. Excuse my ignorance, but can a pollie be a Fed pollie without a seat in a particular electorate?." - StG
Thanks for the idea of a mass assault on his Office. Network [TV/papers] newrooms would also be a possibility. I have already written a letter to a Manly newspaper. Moreover, I have access -via a university database - to fax/email hundreds of company execs. Several years, ago when a member of a Apex, we launched a Fun Run to raise money for a Renal Dialysis machine. We produced three-foot wide by four-wide wide posters and placed them in shop windows. Might try this in Manly. If Abbott lost his seat, I think some minor "elected" pollie in a safe electorate would fall on his/her sword and force a by-election and Abbott stand in that electorate? Just the same, the point would be made. I once worked a the national product manager of a Bank and had a list key of phone numbers including the PM and Ministers: Wish I still had it, as these numbers mighht be different to the public domain? O Posted by Oliver, Thursday, 11 October 2007 11:30:02 AM
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the australia goverment is covering up the rapes and abuse that occurred in their states run institutions ,the forgotten australians report is being swept under the carpet by the australian goverment, we are victims of the pedophiles the goverment employed, in orphanages ,girls homes, boys homes, remand centres, foster homes ,out of home care , stand up and admitt the truth labour and liberal as these abuses and rapes occurred under both liberal and labour run goverments
Posted by huffnpuff, Friday, 12 October 2007 8:18:01 PM
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Cover-up is big buness in Government. However, perhaps your comment deserves its own threat. I am targetting Abbott to make PET scans [and other high technologies] avalable to the People at a reasonable price and appropriate locations. I would like to a thousand peole let down by the Health System outside Abbott's Manly Offuce just a few days before the Election. Even if you are a Liberal voter and feel your employee/ representative has failed - sack him. Keep him? Next time, it might a member of your's, requiring inaccesible care. Ostracizism is not party political. It peole power over plitics. Abbott must go. Posted by Oliver, Friday, 12 October 2007 9:16:19 PM
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I have just emailed the NSW police to establish the protocols to hold a 1,000 to 2,000 person rally outside Tony Abbott's Manly Office a week before the election. My initial thought is for the PET scanners and not be fragments but see no reason his failings in other should be highlighted too. O. Posted by Oliver, Saturday, 13 October 2007 3:43:45 PM
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Please note the following: It seems the Hon. Tony Abbott should have addressed this PET matter long ago and given a clear indication of the Government's position in end July 2007. He hasn't: Some pressure before the Election might elicit some response from the Minister. People's lives are now at risk, while Mr Abbott procrastinates, procrastinates and procrastinates. The need is great, the technology is known in a positive light; yet, the Minister remains silent. PET Scanners: we need more units. I think I am correct in saying Tasmania doesn't have any PET Scanners. Moreover, the cost to an individual for a scan is $800, if privately funded. $200 under Medicare would see more reasonable and even less for the poor. Liberal, Labor or smaller some party "members" who can't do their job should go. Ostracize Abbott. Historically, I would have said the same for [ALP] Dawkins over Education. Democracy is meant to be moderated by The People over the parties. Posted by Oliver, Saturday, 20 October 2007 4:48:47 AM
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Funding approaches towards MRIs and PET scanners as ill managed by about continue to be newsworthy:
Today's SMH: O. Posted by Oliver, Tuesday, 23 October 2007 1:00:28 PM
In many places is the world early dection achieved using a PET [Positron Emission Tomography]. In the UK, the NHS has three PET to help citizens live a little longer and three additional private scanners. Similarly, in Hong Kong, I know a PET scan is being used at St Mary’s Hospital. Contrarily, in Australia, Tony Abbott has been procrastinating over this valuable technology, which has been available for years.
Perhaps, being the politician, as he is, Abbott will shift the blame to the States. Here, the two-party system works well to protect State MPs too. Accordingly, my comments could also be largely directed towards Labor health ministers: But prime responsibility is with Abbott.Govermemt can find billions for F-35 jet fighters and millions for flying Howard from between Sydney and Canberra. Surely, it can fund the PET scanners.
Herein, Abbott must go - ostacized. A message needs be sent We the People are in charge. The People take precidence of the Coalition and the ALP. In need remove the Man regrdless of the party.
In days of the Ancient Greek States, the citizens could ostracise failing representatives by placing black marbles in a special repository, as means to remove the poorly performing representatives. In this frame, I say forget the two party system and have the People take control. Ostracize Abbott from parliament and in Labor seats with a State health minister vote against the setting Federal member. Send a message about we are the Boss.
People appropriately using their power to break-up bunkered down representatives embedded politics cocooned in their respective parties and tucked cosily under the two party system can bring control back to where it is needly and that issue would be a good first step.
[I plan to print a similiar letter in the Manly press.]