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Killing The Goose

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The Albanese Labor government seems to be hell bent on an “economically destructive pro-union industrial relations assault on mining, in particular, and business in general”. But, at the Minerals Council of Australia - and Peter Dutton - have declared war on the Albanese in this area.

All Albanese could manage at a dinner meeting with the MCA was to bleat that they were abandoning co-operation for conflict! How ignorant and unaware can he be? Albanese himself is the master of conflict, and the reason for the MCA standing up at last.

Albanese was reminded by the MCA that the mining industry he was ‘undermining’ provided government coffers with $74 billion in taxes and royalties in 2022-23, and provided 10% of GDP.

“The straw that broke the camel's back” according to the MCA were the government's IR laws. They are “reckless” and have brought conflict to every work place.

Then there's the economy-choking rebuttal recently of a mine knocked back after 4 years of applying through red and green tape costing the company millions. Questionably claimed to be aboriginally ‘significant’.

Australia will become a no-go country for investment if the Albanese gets another term. They have made it clear that their stupid pigheadedness is not for turning. Just look at net zero, expensive and soon to be unreliable power situations. The Albanese mob's reaction to alternative suggestions is to double down on their own stupidity. Madeleine King, Resources Minister, for instance, claiming that, ‘No government in recent memory has put the resources industry at the centre of its policy making in the way that the [Albanese] Government has…”.

‘No government in recent history’ has had an anti-mining, take-the-word-of-one-or-two-activists, Minister like Tania Plibersek knocks that lie on the head.

Even the namby pamby BHP has stood up to the Albanese government’s “industrial relations assault on mining”.

An election is coming. I hope Albanese's goose is cooked before he totally kills off the goose that is laying the golden eggs for Australia.

(Source: Michael Baume, ‘Spectator’, Paywalled)
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 22 September 2024 1:37:00 PM
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The latest Newspoll now has Labor’s primary vote at 31%.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 22 September 2024 10:40:46 PM
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Still scarily high !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 23 September 2024 6:00:47 AM
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It's about the same as they got when they formed government with the help of the Greens. They probably will still have the help of the
Greens at the coming election. So, it's not particularly good news, just an observation that they are no more popular now than they were in 2022.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 23 September 2024 8:33:13 AM
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The only Goose here is the ex Liberal Party hack who wrote the anti-Labor diatribe to begin with, full of biased opinion and non-factual nonsense. Reproduced by the forums number one Usual Suspect.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 23 September 2024 9:01:38 PM
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I don't know why Paul(ine) 1405, who accuses other people of bullying, feels the need to try bullying me, and other posters, with abuse and name-calling without ever addressing the subject at hand.

The fool never gets anything right. I have had nothing to do with the Liberal Party. I am not a “hack” (he doesn't know what it means); he doesn't realise that that all opinions are biassed; he has not explained what the “non-factual nonsense” is; he doesn't know that “Reproduced by the forums (sic) number one usual subject” is not a sentence, nor does he reveal what I am ‘usuallying suspected’ of. Like a budgie, he has learned a few words and phrases he doesn't know the meaning of, and inanely cheeps them.

1405 is a wonderful ambassador to OLO for the Greens.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 24 September 2024 8:49:17 AM
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The ex Liberal Party hack; Michael Baume; aged 94 years, (yes he's actually still with us, maybe) former Liberal Party politician who represented the Division of Macarthur, in the House of Representatives and the state of New South Wales in the Senate, nearly 30 years ago.

The Usual Suspect; some anonymous poster using the alias ttbn on this inconsequential little forum.

Old fella, your comprehension could do with some improvement. I hope that clears things up for you.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 24 September 2024 5:14:57 PM
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If you think this is a "inconsequential little forum", piss off, and crawl back under your rock.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 24 September 2024 6:30:45 PM
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Please don't get so excited at your age, its not good for the coronary system, and the old apple cart in particular. Michael Baume, I didn't realise he was still with us, and a young gun like you would adhere to the old Conservatives prognostications. I beg to differ, and think Baume is wrong about the Labor government.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 24 September 2024 9:40:05 PM
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I think the Liberal Party have become just as unelectable as the Labor Party.
I don't think either party act in the nations best interests.

Just read this article:

'Could cars just be stopped?' Why the US government is blocking Chinese cars and why some want Australia to take notice

First thoughts - 'scaremongering bs, an attempt to get Australians to join the U.S. in their trade war, and an attempt to make Australians pay a higher price for an western made inferior product.

They blew it when they mentioned this:
"Mr Macgibbon says there is a case for Australia to act again, arguing concerns should extend to other connected devices — like solar panels and batteries."

They think you're dumb, and don't realise these 3 areas electric cars, solar panels and batteries are an area the West cannot compete in.
Recently a Chinese firm announced a solar effifiency of 31%

The West wants you to prop up the industries they are failing in, but what they also want is for their own consumers to buy inferior products at higher prices.

To the large companies, you sold out your workers and countrymen for cheap foreign labour, don't expect our loyalty.
I'm loyal to my wallet, just as you are to yours.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 25 September 2024 3:02:13 PM
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Killing the goose...

I've had it with all this 'China is the enemy' bs.
It was western capitalists that exported the jobs, now I'm reliant on China for my stuff.
If anyone messes with the imports of cheap chinese goods than they are my enemy now.

You mess with those imports you mess with my way of life.
America does nothing to better my life.

And if you think you can win a war with US weapons and western military industrial capacity, think again.
The best thing you can do if you believe this is put a bullet to your own head right now before you get everyone else you love killed as well.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 25 September 2024 3:21:01 PM
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It's the Western Geese who are killing the Goose, no-one else is as stupid !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 28 September 2024 11:15:12 AM
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I think it's completely pointless whinging about Albo when the Liberals are just as unelectable.
I'm almost happy to see Dutton and the Liberals stay on the sidelines forever.
It's not just Dutton that sucks its the whole conservative platform.
I'm not sure if he's Israel first or US first, but I'm sure Australia comes in in third place.

I will never vote for Dutton EVER
We may as well just stick with Comrade Albo
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 5 October 2024 9:05:02 AM
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