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maintinance payment by non custodial parents

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rehctub here.
Time I think to wrap it up.

I would like your answers to the following questions.

1. Do you feel the present system is working and should be left as is?

2. Do you think child support should be scrapped al together?

3. Do you think the state should pay any short falls and persue the debt?

4. Do you think that each child should be supported with a common dollar value dependent on their age?

Posted by rehctub, Wednesday, 10 October 2007 11:09:44 AM
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Sorry I missed your posts.
You seem to have balanced ideas. I do think the parent should make it up.
I do think people are reasonsible for their own children.
I do agree we can help in sad cases.
I dont think anybody should be paid not to see their kids.
I dont think people should be forced to live in a particular area if they are re married.
I do think however every possible arrangment should be made for the children to see the other parent.
Most times the full time parents look foward to weekends off from the stress of kids.
However women should not use kids as a tool
Nor men which is becoming more and more the fashion.
Dont worry keep opening doors we appreciate it.
I would never even look at a man who didnt treat me as a lady.
Part of that is good old fashioned manners. All children need to be taught manners.
Its still live and well.
Thanks for all your interesting posts.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 11 October 2007 4:27:05 PM
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PALEIF, "off topic" but did you see ABC, Catalist on Thursday 11 October 2007 about the cruelty against animals (sheep, etc) still going on?

Perhaps the better way to resolve the issue is that the Australian Government insist that animals transported from Australia can only be slaughtered at Australian approved slaughter houses (in the country they are to be consumed).

And while slowly we have eroded Australian shipping we should also insist that only Australian ships carry life animals from Australia and that such ships must comply with strict Australian conditions as to the transport of life animals.
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Friday, 12 October 2007 2:17:39 AM
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Mr Gerrit
Australian shipping is erroding is because of the buricratic red tape and the union dominated shipping ports that hold the country to ransom.A 12 hour turn around for ships in asian ports 36 hours in Australia I think.

Here we have specialists for each simple little task and we have tall poppy syndrome where customs have this don't harrass me or I will go slow to make your life difficult. Well guess what! we are now seeing the results of this poor attitude with our industries, not just shipping, being out soursed overseas. Wherever you have a situation whereby union officials get bonus money while their members are on strike we will never be competetive.

As for live exports the government does'nt give a toss because they get their cut either way.
Of cause it would make sense to employ our own people to slaughter here and export in carcase form but the reallity is that it is almost impossible to find staff to do the jobs here so live export is the easy option. As for our resourses we are renound for exporting raw materials then importing value added goods such as steel and papper, while at the same time we have all these un-employed wandering the streets. In the mean time we have a social sercurity system that allows this to happen because the 'do gooders' say that it is unfair to make people work for the dole. And the sad part of all this is that we are only just starting to see the results of a poorly exicuted and addministrated welfare system of generation x. Why don't the police have the power to random drug test people wandering the streets, many work places now have this as a condition of employment.Why, because we have no balls to make a stand against these 'do gooders' that rule our world. Off topic I know but frustrating nun the less.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 12 October 2007 1:11:56 PM
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Rehctub, firstly as a “CONSTITUTIONALIST” I do know what can be done but the Federal government screwed up in the waterside workers confrontation and the Court ruled in its favour. Why, because neither the lawyers or the judges understand what is constitutionally permissible. For this I pursue the creation of the “OFFICE OF THE GUARDIAN”, a constitutional council, that advises the Government, the People, the Parliament and the Courts as to constitutional powers and limitations.
While the Federal Government pursued its unconstitutional WorkChoices, with the High Court concealing relevant details to pretend it was constitutionally valid, on the other hand the Framers of the Constitution made clear that waterside workers would fall under federal powers from the time of federation! As such blame the Federal Government for not knowing this!

Australian shipping have gone down over decades and it is because of the failure of the Federal Government to protect Australian jobs. That is what really is the cause of the problems!

As for live-export of animals, for slaughter, the Australian Government could simply make the condition that slaughter-houses must be under Australian supervision or no delivery! As such, they can have their own workers but be subject to supervision of an Australian official!

Drug testing of people on the street would not be appropriate unless they are involved in unlawful conduct. I have no issue with testing when I drive a motor vehicle. I was tested once, about ten years ago, and it was a zero reading!

It is the mismanagement by the Federal Government where most problems lies. For example we have John Howard making known that he pursues a referendum to change the Preamble, if he is re-elected of-course, so people will vote for him, just that the Preamble is not part of the Constitution (Section 9 of the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1900 (UK)is the Constitution). Check it out!
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Saturday, 13 October 2007 1:03:48 AM
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Mr Gerritt and Rectub

Thank You for you comments and yes of course we watched and were aware of the programe. There is but one way to stop this and I am afraid until others get onboard to promote it live animal exports will not only continue but mulipply as they already have.

Here is a sample web web site but it doesnt have to be these players it can be any and or many players. The more the better.

lyn White of AA or Animals Australia is indeed trying to do her best and a wonderful lady.
We think very highly of her.

Actually the Government DOES care about pushing live exports because they dont have the balls or common deceny to say NO to the evil operators who saturate their parties with political donations.

It would not matter if they were Australian ships the whole process is unthinkably cruel. Animals are land creatures and temperates reaching over 50 in long halls alone. Many many millions die at sea .
Please do not apolilgise ever either one of you for brining up the barbaric sickening live animal export trade.

Rectub- Do Godders!
Yes well spoken!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 13 October 2007 1:47:06 AM
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