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The Forum > General Discussion > Raw Materials of Conversion to Islamic Radicalism

Raw Materials of Conversion to Islamic Radicalism

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BATTLE OF YARMUK (do a google) (Muslim source)

One of the single most important battles of history.

Today...I heard on the news about a newly emerging group of enemies in Southern Philippines, former Christians, educated, converts to Islam.

What ingredients were likely a part of that conversion ?


(The Philippines Military is rife with collusion between commanders and terrorists such as NPA and ABU SAYAFF, the often split the proceeds of kidnappings, and suspects caught mysteriously manage to 'escape'.)

In Australia, having had a short conversation with one Ahmad, brother of one of those in trial soon for terrorism in Melbourne, it is clear that they view our society as terminally corrupt and decadent. (which is to a degree quite true)

Some catholics have been alienated by experiences at schools, or in Churches (molestation abuse etc) and they find such doctrines as 'The Trinity' to be confusing and difficult to comprehend.
To such people, the simplicity of 'Allah is one' and 'Mohamed is his Messenger' can seem refreshingly simple.

Islam fits like a glove to the carnal mind. Using a shroud of 'holiness' it repackages male lust in particular and testosterone based aggression into 'divinely acceptable' wrapping. 'Fight those who fight you' and, 'Made lawful to you are... up to 4 wives and captive slave girls'.

None of these things takes into consideeration the true nature of the source of Islam, and the inherrant cruelty, violence and lust which characterized he who claimed to be the final messenger of God.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 2 October 2006 8:53:47 AM
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I trust that each of us, will consider carefully the following:

a) We ARE corrupt and decadent.. (every service station is a cesspool of lust based literature) ? Sex shops abound on every corner.

b) We DO tend to objectify the opposite sex, and see others in a utilitarian manner.. "How can they be 'useful' to us in the fulfilment of our goals".

c) In all this, we have as our prime philosophical value that faith and belief are nothing more than 'an opinion'.

I encourage all readers to look more closely at not only the claims and confession of Christ "I am the way, the truth and the life" but also the crucifixion and resurrection, and the evidence for them.

Explore the conversion of 'Saul of Tarsus' and his transformation into 'Paul' author of 17 of the New testement documents.
But most of all, 'consider Him, the author and finisher of our faith' Jesus.. Messiah, Lord, and soon coming King and ally your hearts with His glorious presence.

I can almost hear from some of our humanist brethren.. "Speak for yourself BOAZ" and indeed I am. I call from the foot of the Cross, where my call is also a confession, an admission of my own need of overhwhelming renewing grace. That Grace is a reality, but is it a reality to all of us ?

I've heard it said "If Jesus is the 'answer'...what's the question" ?

Perhaps it is this... "Its time we started to.....question"?
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 2 October 2006 8:59:03 AM
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Que the leading lights of academia:

Que the Marxists
Posted by Gadget, Monday, 2 October 2006 12:44:21 PM
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Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 2 October 2006 1:25:57 PM
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You are making a few generalizations and exaggerations.

I am no expert on religion but I am aware that Islam is not the only religion that has sections that some would believe to be morally incorrect or even cruel. For instance, Christianity has more than its fear share of chauvinism. It is possible to take any religious text and bend it to your own selfish desirers, however, it is equally as possible to take the text and use it to promote morality, decent values and selflessness. It is not right to criticize a religion, you should criticize the people who make the undesirable interpretations.

No person is perfect and know one should ever expect it of themselves or any one else. Only a small minority of people fall into the category of “corrupt and decadent” and that group will exist in any society with any religion.
Posted by 0bliter8or, Monday, 2 October 2006 6:16:07 PM
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