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Big Sister

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According to Terry Barnes (Spectator), failed UK Prime Minister (50 days in the job) Liz Truss has written a book, in which she writes that she likes Australia and Australians: we are “like Britain without the hand-wringing and declinism”.

But, we are quickly catching up with the absurdity of the UK, and will soon overtake them with the likes of Albanese and his Censor- in-Chief from the U.S putting us down.

Terry Barnes points out what the enlightened and aware among us already know: that “Australia is increasingly a nation of tribes, each sticking with their own, each finding enemies in those different to them, and each unwilling, even refusing, to find common ground with other Australians”.

Governments have caused this. The Covid years saw Australians under the yoke of the most authoritarian restrictions in the Western world.

The authoritarianism of the public ‘servant’ Julie Inman Grant (appointed by ‘call me-Malcolm’ Turnbull in 2015) is an example of our situation.

We have become “more fragmented, intolerant and angry”.

Just what the divisive Anthony Albanese wanted and planned for, resulting in the Voice, with more to come, via Inman Grant.

Our streets are starting to look like those in the UK: howling hate mobs of Arab immigrants, aided and abetted by local Communists; hate preachers vomiting their rubbish with impunity; censorship more like that found in Communist China; truth being called ‘misinformation’ by the Albanese regime - and the Opposition.

Australians had the most draconian Covid rules inflicted on them in the Western world. Government misinformation. Ruined lives. Ruined livelihoods. Ruined reputations. Disbarred doctors. Isolation from families, living and dying. Arresting people sitting or walking in the open air. Rubber bullets used against protesters. Thousands of online posts taken down. Colossal overspending to keep people subdued. Creation of an unconstitutional ‘national cabinet’ by a cowardly Prime Minister.

Soon, we won't be allowed to even ‘wring our hands’.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 28 April 2024 1:38:36 PM
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Terry Barnes believes that Australia's "leadership" is inadequate to defuse the "deep social tensions".

Well, yes, of course; they caused the problems in the first place.

"Australia is less open, less free, less trusting and more fearful than it was just a few short years ago".
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 28 April 2024 1:42:57 PM
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"Actually, she is married to Nick Grant who is Australian.
They have 3 children, and she IS an Australian Citizen."

Majority of women her age have children and they all had to sleep with some bloke to do it.
The fact that she slept with an Aussie bloke and moved here and decided to be an Australian, doesn't really earn her any domain over deciding what is and is right for the rest of us, especially people who were born here, when she wasn't.
No-one ELECTED her to make decisions.

The fact that she 'decided' to become a citizen does not mean that earns her any right to decide what rules the rest of us have to live by.

I honestly wonder if the fact she 'decided' to move here and to become an Australian citizen, should disqualify her from EVER being in a decision making capacity?

You can't 'decide' that you want to come to the country and live here, and then be allowed to be placed into a position where you get to 'decide' what rules the people who were already here long before you 'decided' to come have to now live by.

You should be permitted to advise.
You should not be able to decide;
- Unless elected into a decision-making capacity by the rest of us.
Not appointed by traitors.

What I have to say to / about Julie Inman Grant, can't be spoken here due to forum rules regarding respect and decency.
Would I like to say what I really think?
Do I feel like my rights are being infringed by not being 'allowed' to say what I really think?
Well I have no big issue self-censoring myself, as I am not the owner of the forum and what I have to say isn't at all good taste,
short and sweet; includes numerous instances of foul language.

It's better for all involved if I can find a way to say it without having to break any of the rules.
Point achieved?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 28 April 2024 1:57:50 PM
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I don't want to live in a country that's been bubble wrapped top to bottom,
And that there's someone looking over everyones shoulder checking that everything is to regulation.
And handing out infraction notices for what we say and think when it doesn't align with their dystopian nightmare!
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 28 April 2024 1:59:54 PM
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In January 2017 Grant was appointed by the Australian
government as the national eSafety Commissioner. A
position established in July 2015 by the government
of former Prime Minister Tony Abbott under the
Enhancing Online Safety for Children Act 2015.

In June 2022, Grant was re-appointed in her Commissioner
role for another 5 years.

That speaks for itself.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 April 2024 2:47:47 PM
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Hi AC,

I understand what you're saying. You like it when you don't
have to be careful about what you say. That's when you
know you're with the right people.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 28 April 2024 2:59:26 PM
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