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Samantha Joy Mostyn AO - Australia's next Governor-General.
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Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 April 2024 9:35:34 AM
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The position of Governor General has no bearing on “other women hoping to aim for a higher position”. The appointment is a gift of the Prime Minister. Nobody, male or female, can aspire to the position.
As with the appointment of the last female GG, Quentin Bryce, there will be no effect simply because there is no connection between the Vice-Regal position and the rat race of general employment. Good luck to Ms. Mostyn, dedicated Leftist, who will probably fill the position in the non-political way others in the position before her have. It is not a “career in politics”. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 4 April 2024 6:23:34 PM
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There was a rumour late last year that Albo would choose Linda Burney as next GG as a Voice-loss consolation prize.
Given Linda's unfortunate health problems, preventing her from making off the cuff speeches, thank Christ Albo chose well in the end. Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 4 April 2024 6:49:10 PM
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Christ had nothing to do with the choice. The carry on in Australia could not be further from the teachings and advice of Christ. Of course, his name is being taken in vain, here. Eye-watering ignorance.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 4 April 2024 7:48:07 PM
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Sorry ttbn
Didn't realise you were religious. Mavs Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 4 April 2024 8:11:24 PM
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Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 April 2024 10:26:16 PM
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She's not trans. She's not a lesbian. Struth, she's not even a cross-dresser.
We've missed a massive chance to show how wonderfully inclusive we are. What was Albo thinking? Posted by mhaze, Friday, 5 April 2024 8:04:41 AM
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It's true she's not a lot of things.
She doesn't have British peerage. She's not a retired senior army officer. She's not a former state governor. She's not an Anglican Bishop or a university administrator. And the bottom-line is - she's not male. However she is known for her integrity, empathy and intellect. Her qualifications and professional experience is well regarded. What was the PM thinking? Could it be that he thought she would do the job well, being the King's representative in Australia. That she would be able to carry out the powers given to the Governor-General in the Australian Constitution. That she would be capable in helping to ensure that Australia is governed to the rules set out in the Constitution. Perhaps having integrity, empathy and intellect mattered in our PM's choice of Governor-General? Just sauing. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 April 2024 9:02:34 AM
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I'll make no comment, but these are some of the media’s descriptions of Albanese’s pick;
. The wokest of woke women . A second tier functionary of the New Left . Member of the inner city woke brigade . Constantly on the government pay roll . Former Labor staffer . Has referred to Australia Day as invasion day . A massive mistake . Not a unifying move for the country . Should be reconsidered . Nobody has heard of her . Personal friend of Albanese Posted by ttbn, Friday, 5 April 2024 10:21:33 AM
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Michelle Grattan writes that warriors on the right
have reacted variously on the appointment with, "outrage, sarcasm, or carefully-pursed lips." Grattan confirms that Samantha Mostyn does have progressive political views and "historically and currently, has links with Labor governments." We're told that "she was a staffer to Paul Keating and has headed Anthony Albanese's Women's Economic Equality Taskforce." None of which Grattan points out makes her unsuitable to be Governor-General. Grattan says this is a "post occupied with distinction by former ministers from both sides of politics. Nor will she be the first in the position with known republican leanings." Grattan says that Mostyn trained as a lawyer, has had extensive business experience and is known as an unsurpassed networker. "She ticks a veritable warehouse of community boxes - from being a former AFL commissioner to having served on the board of the Sydney Theatre Company." Grattan states that "occupants arrive at Yarralumla after long and substantial careers. They don't automatically shed their views when they cross the threshold. They may use the office to promote certain causes ( Deane and Indigenous rights)." Although as Grattan says this can bring criticism and needs to be handled carefully. Grattan suspects that Mostyn will not see her position as a platform. She expects Mostyn will understand that the Governor General should be restrained, non-partisan, and a force for unity. That is why the PM has chosen Mostyn for the job. There's more at the following: Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 April 2024 10:21:56 AM
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She worked with The Swans, so I'm OK with the choice.
Its a mere figure-head position. Zero power, zero influence, zero importance. Keeping her head down is the only criteria for the job. Talk of creating unity etc is so much gumph. Still think a cross-dressing, transexual, lesbian, first nation woman would have been a more inclusive choice. Posted by mhaze, Friday, 5 April 2024 10:28:51 AM
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Not at all surprising.
Who we support shows who we are and what we stand for. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 April 2024 10:32:21 AM
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The Role of the Governor-General:
"The highest office in the land. The Apex of Australian Society." "In Australia, all the powers and functions associated with a "Head of State" lie with the Governor-General. He performs all the duties which the constitution assigns to him in that role and does so in his own right, not as a delegate of the Queen." ( Sir David Smith, Former Official Secretary to 5 Governors- General). The functions of the role can be divided generally into Executive, Community, and Ceremonial functions. There's more at the following: Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 April 2024 10:50:37 AM
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It's a safe bet that Samantha Joy Mostyn as our nation's
new vice regal will not settle for being a stuffed-shirt cutting ribbons and hosting open days at Yarralumba. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 April 2024 1:22:49 PM
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The GG in waiting has fashioned a highly paid career out of woke causes like reconciliation and climate change.
She refers to Australia Day as “invasion day”. She argued for the date to be changed. She reckons the founding of our nation was a “bloody invasion” and that “Black Lives Matter is teaching us about what it means to have privilege”. She said this country’s land was “never ceded but … taken by the occupiers”. She campaigned for the Voice. She has apparently deleted all of her social media accounts so you can’t see what else she’s been saying. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 5 April 2024 4:38:32 PM
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A few quotes on Mostyn from various public commentators:
The Mostyn appointment is a “triumph of affirmative action over talent and accomplishment” “As far as we can tell from her public profile, she was appointed because she is a woke woman”. “ She has no has no track record of running an actual business” (despite being referred to as a “business woman” by all the gushing Leftist who don't know what a business is). “Her main skills appear to be gender advocacy, networking and being a quote queen…”. “Her CV reads like a Disney movie about Ms Woke, winning climate awards, popping up in university diversity programs, deputy chair of Diversity Australia, presiding over the CEW, chairing the Women’s Equality Taskforce and sitting on multiple corporate boards and commissions…”. “An insult to mainstream Australians and confirms he (Albanese) cares more about the activists and elites than the people working hard to make this nation great…”. “The Prime Minister’s recent appointment of a political activist as the new Governor-General surely makes one deeply sceptical as to the current political system’s ability to promote accountability.” Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 6 April 2024 8:26:02 AM
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I watched an interview with Samantha Mostyn last night
on the "One On One," TV program. A very impressive executive who's been appointed as Australia's 28th Governor-General. This position is the latest for her in a long line of public service roles. From prolific company director, to policy adviser, to AFL commissioner, this South Australian has worked tirelessly across most areas of Australia's economic and social life. She's been one of Australia's most influential company directors for many years shaping policies. There's more at the "Chief Executive Women" website: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 April 2024 9:36:50 AM
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Terry Barnes (“The concerning appointment of Australia's new governor-general”) sees the appointment of Mostyn as just another one of Albanese’s “assaults on the standing of the monarchy in Australia”.
Thankfully I didn't hear Mostyn's address at the announcement, but Barnes reports it as “more like a presidential candidate launching her campaign than someone who, in the Westminster constitutional tradition, is required to be impartial and apolitical.” Her record of advocacy for Leftist fads is the “most troubling” aspect of the appointment. And, she said, her time in the position of GG would be shaped by her values. And she can't wash off her association with the maniac, Paul Keating. Big trouble ahead, unless she is brought to heel; but who's going to do that in the ultra-Left, republic-loving government we are saddled with because voters didn't use the preference system intelligently. Given the slide in support for Albanese, and the possibility of minority government after the next election, Barnes expresses concern about who the new GG would take advice from if the Liberals turn out to be the largest party. With a possible of a rickety minority government next year, and all the problems that will prevail, Terry Barnes muses on the possibility that Albanese has appointed a GG with a Leftist outlook to the Crown “at a time when the governor-general may become crucial to who forms the next government”. I wonder though, if everyone has forgotten the Laborite, John Kerr, who's personal leanings didn't stop him from giving Whitlam the chop. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 6 April 2024 12:59:05 PM
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The appointment of Samantha Mostyn is a testament not
just to her credentials but also to the need to modernize the office of the Governor-General, experts say. When asked about Samantha Mostyn's appointment as Governor- General, former Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick had a simple response, "An inspired choice!" she said. King Charles approved the appointment with pleasure we're told. And no wonder, for as we know, and have been told regularly, the King really cares about the environment. And, he is one of the most influential thinkers on climate in the world. He has much in common with Australia's new appointee in many issues. Well done PM! Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 April 2024 1:58:58 PM
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Political commentator and writer, Lillian Andrews, wrote that the appointment of a political activist to the position of Governor General was just the opportunity the Liberal Party needed to call out Labor’s unfettered cronyism and obsession with rewarding identity politics.
Instead, the Liberals scuttled away like “cockroaches” from a bright light, with Dutton’s non-comment having the power of a “damp sock”. Cowered by those who will never vote for them, the piss-weak fools are too frightened to say anything that might be construed as anti-women. Australia has an appalling government and an appalling opposition. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 6 April 2024 3:07:52 PM
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The Australian system of government is considered
good by most people. The separation of powers is the reason for that. The separations of powers helps to make sure that no group has all the power. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 April 2024 3:59:35 PM
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The GG is a figurehead. No power, no influence, no purpose other than to open this or that. Bill Hayden got the job as a pay-off for being shafted by Hawke. But to use his famous phrase, a drover's dog could do the job.
Who cares who the G-G is? The only person it affects and benefits is the women herself. I don't care that she got the nod...good luck to her. She won the lottery. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 6 April 2024 4:41:35 PM
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Regarding the appointment of Samantha Mostyn
as Governor-General? The move was welcomed by MPs across the political spectrum including Peter Dutton, Malcolm Turnbull, Paul Keating, Mark Vaile, to name just a few. It marked a change from figures of a military background such as Sir Peter Cosgrove and David Hurley. No Coalition MP criticized her after the annoucement was made. Former Coalition deputy PM Mark Vaile who's known Samantha Mostyn for decades said she was - "Ideal for the role." "She's a firm believer in the institutions we built the nation on and that have served the nation well. Obviously she will carry out this role representing all Australians very well." Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton praised Mostyn saying she was " Somebody who's been involved in business and sport for a long period of time and obviously is well known to many people within the government over a long period of time." There's more at the following: Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 April 2024 4:49:02 PM
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Many people care who the Governor-General is. The
various commentary and reactions prove that. Regarding the role of the Governor-General? The role has been summed up as: "The Highest office in the land. The Apex of Australian Society." "In Australia all the power and functions associated with a "Head of State" lies with the Governor-General. He performs all the duties which the constitution assigns to him in that role and does so in his own right, not as a delegate of the Queen." (Sir David Smith, Former Official Secretary to 5 Governors-General). There's more at: It's a safe bet that Samantha Mostyn as our nation's new vice regal will not settle for being a stuffed-shirt cutting ribbons and hosting open days at Yarralumbla. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 April 2024 5:12:52 PM
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Law Professor James ALLAN. Australian "judge-made" separation of powers doctrine, the idea that there is a clear division between what judges and the elected branches can do, does not exist in Canada, Britain or New Zealand. He does not believe that Australians are more free or better off because it exists here.
Something else for blabber mouth to disagree with. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 6 April 2024 6:57:13 PM
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Besides, Australia does not have a complete separation of powers because: The Prime Minister, ministers and the Governor-General are part of the Executive and the Parliament. High Court judges, the Prime Minister and ministers are appointed by the Governor-General, who is part of the Parliament and the Executive.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 6 April 2024 10:16:42 PM
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Another hasbeen, Tony Abbott, is calling (again) for women to join the Liberal Party. I can't see why anyone, man or woman, would want to join the Liberal Party now that it has morphed into a real, small "l" liberal, in the sense of Leftist, party.
Abbott is living in the past. Like the drones we are still paying to waste space in Parliament, he thinks a person’s sex is exploitable just because it works for the Labor Party. The Liberal Party is shot: a poor imitation of Labor. Its erstwhile voters are moving to One Nation, UAP, Family First or even the Libertarians. The only other thing for disenfranchised conservatives is to do what Diver Dan suggests: don't vote. Stage a voters strike. Show your contempt. Australia is kaput anyway. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 6 April 2024 10:36:01 PM
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Here's a tad more information:
Australia has a stable government. Is a thriving democracy, is ranked favourably by not only the Economicst Intelligence Unit but many other reputable sources. And, that's thanks to its preferential voting system which successfully can stave off and tamper extremism unlike America. You're welcome. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 April 2024 9:55:10 AM
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Hi Foxy
Albo indeed did well choosing Samantha Joy Mostyn AO. However much the knuckle dragging testoster-ati have their jocks in a twist. Mavs Posted by Maverick, Sunday, 7 April 2024 10:10:47 PM
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Thanks Mavs.
I'm glad you agree. As do so many MPs from both sides of politics. I'm sure she'll do the job well. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 April 2024 10:45:30 PM
Governor-General in July, taking over from David Hurley.
She will be Australia's 28th
Governor-General and the 2nd woman to serve in the post.
Quentin Bryce was the first in 2008.
Will her appointment make any difference to other women
hoping to aim for higher positions in their fields?
Will this encourage younger women to pursue a career in
politics? Would politics be better with more diversity
in top jobs?