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The Forum > General Discussion > The United Nations Has Become a Leviathan

The United Nations Has Become a Leviathan

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Hi Foxy,
Thanks for your reply.

I just watched this video with Jeffrey Sachs who made a speech to the UNSC on November 20.
In the second video, a discussion relating to the speech, he states that the key to ending all of these conflicts is that the UN needs to start enforcing its non-intervention policies.

Here are the videos.

Jeffrey Sachs Testimony at the UN Security Council Meeting - November 20, 2023

Peace and security in a world at war w/ Jeffrey Sachs

"Thanks for your comments AC - they are appreciated. As is
the amount of time that you spend in researching topics.
I hope that you shall keep on posting for a long, long, time."

You're welcome, and thanks for the kind words.
Sometimes we agree on certain topics, and sometimes we don't.
- I think it's just the way it is for all of us here.

As for this issues where we don't agree,
I respect you have your own opinions on these topics too, but many thanks for not trying to niggle at me on the issues we don't agree on.
It's much appreciated.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 November 2023 7:35:04 PM
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The United nations at least the WHO, receive 50% of their funding from Bill Gates I think the WEF-Corporations and the very wealthy elites are trying to use digital technology to control all of the populations
so they can go on rorting us and controlling us while they are free from accountability.

Iran has a person in the UN representing Human Rights. That just about sums up the mentality of the UN.

They are responsible for the inflation and the mess they've made in the Banking system. Which they have been covering by printing money
They can't however keep on printing money that has nothing backing it up. It will implode at some point.

Ah! But they have a backup plan. Digital Banking. Where they can block
the citizens access to their Bank Accts by using a Digital Citizen Approval App. Try to take them to court or speak up about their corruption the green approval tick on your digital QR Scan will disappear and you will have no access to your money.

We all know the Digital ID approval App or scan. Yes their new Digital ID is the Covid Pass QR Scan. The world Health origination recently, a couple of months ago, renamed it the Health Pass, but it is exactly the same as the Covid Pass.

All they need to do is add your Bank acct, and every other service you use to that (Covid) citizen Approval App(QR Scan)and you have
A citizen Approval-control Digital ID.

Thats what those QR scans make possible,because they can store megabytes and KB of information. Which the old credit Debit cards can't.
Covid gave them the chance to issue those Covid approval QR Scans
to millions and millions.
But they they'll be back with some disease that affects the children
because the parents couldn't be convinced that they were actually seeing enough young people with Covid to get them vaccinated.

Drat! They want desperately to issue to as many children as possible the
Digital ID citizen control scan. Now called the Health pass
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 2 December 2023 4:43:49 PM
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The UN a Leviathan? Typical TBN confusion. TBN is the sort of person who has heard about the movie and seen the book but knows little else about the subject under discussion.
Posted by BAYGON, Monday, 4 December 2023 8:05:02 AM
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Kudos ttbn.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 11:43:21 PM
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Good points Armchair Critic and Cherful.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 11:52:48 PM
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