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The Forum > General Discussion > The peril... of plastic surgery...

The peril... of plastic surgery...

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ooOOK...I promise...not more threads for a few days :) people have plastic surgery ?

Breast Implants.. "I want to feel more confident"... when ever I hear this I think of Debra Messing. Her breasts are not large, in fact quite small, but in the show Will and Grace, she often pokes fun (the script writers ?:) at this fact..and it works well. If it says anything, it shows you can survive with small breasts and still have fun. Yes..its just a show, but would work in real life I reckon.

NOSE JOBS.. oops.. my shnoz is a bit.. hmm strange.. got this bump on it... off for a quickie 'plastic' loan..and then to Thailand or Toorak for a 'decoke and valve grind'... aaaah..thats better.. now I feel 'confident' and better about myself.

Ok.. rather than woffle on.. I'll cut to the chase.

REASON usually given for some aesthetic modification is.. "So I feel better about my....SELF."

PROBLEM.. The not 'you'..its a fake you :)

How can this rebound and bite us in the bum ?

You have to be a FrazierFan to know this.. (or just plain smart). There was an episode where Ros (Mid 30s) gets pregnant to a young student (late teens, 20 ish) after a fling. Long story short, HIS parents come over to Fraziers where Ros is, to 'meet' her.. Frazier assures Ros that meeting them will help her to know what the baby might be like :)...oooh boy.. "ding" the doorbell opens.. and Frazier is gobsmacked.. they BOTH have the hugest noses! Pinoccio at his lying best would be jealous..
Ros..sees them and is totally spun out... shattered. Ros says to Fraz "But he(the father) didn't have a nose like that"! They leave and return later, giving pictures of their son with some other boys when he was young. Ros doesn't recognize him, 'Which one'...they point..He has HUGE nose. They comment "Yep.. this is him b4 the accident, they fixed his nose during surgery and it really changed him."

Plastic surgery does not change 'genes' :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 13 September 2007 6:59:20 AM
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Plasic surgery, for some could be the answer to the rampant ageism that is part of 2007 society.
It seems that if you are on the wrong side of 40 you are unemployable.
I have not had any surgery myself but if I found myself with no way to make a living because I am "Too old to employ" I would have to consider it.
Posted by Goddess, Thursday, 13 September 2007 5:12:02 PM
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Hi Godess.. yes I can understand what you mean.

There is another side to cosmetic surgery.. some people have issues which are not genetically related, and could be helped.

I just keep on thinking though about .. well.. imagine if you reshaped urself.. (specially a female).. GENerous breasts.. (originals were very small).. sculped nose, packing here.. take a bit away there.. tummy tuck.. this that.. and suddenly you look nothing like the genetic you..and you find ur very popular and some bloke casts himself at ur feet..and wants to marry you.. you marry him.. THEN.. some time later.. you show him, or he finds... the 'family photo album' :) woooops....

If he married on the basis of 'the package'.. you can guarantee he had in mind what genes are being passed to his and her children.. etc..

it could be quite a shock.

On your employment situation..I don't believe you are too old to might not gain access to preferred employment.. which is a bummer.. I know.. man..I suffered for 9 yrs at a place I hated.. but had a mortgage to pay.. I had 'overseas experience' and no one wanted to know me .. one of my friends, was responsible for a large part of the construction of the new hong kong airport (at that time) and he could NOT get a construction job of similar status in Australia.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 13 September 2007 9:23:26 PM
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I have walked into a job interview and seen the look on the face of the interviewer.
It is insulting to think that my years of experience are discounted because I am over 30.
Mind you, I am still slim and present myself as immaculately as I can but you can just tell without them saying it that age is a big issue.
Anyway, because of all the garbage I have copped trying to work for someone else I now run my own successful business, so in the end the ageists did me a favour.
Plastic surgery? Not just yet.
Posted by Goddess, Friday, 14 September 2007 5:14:10 PM
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Good on you Godess :) the best revenge is a good life as they say.

Sooo many people have a's called 'EmployeeOnlyism' :)

They simply cannot imagine themselves working apart from 'for someone'

The only 'revenge' better than the good life to be SO successful you can BUY the company where the 'ageist' bloke rejected you and FIRE the SOB :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 15 September 2007 6:42:56 AM
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