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The Forum > General Discussion > The Elite Disconnect

The Elite Disconnect

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You really are a flog.

The Calma Langton report was created under the liberals, championed by the then Indigenous Affairs minister Ken Wyatt and put before cabinet on two separate occasions without Dutton saying boo.

As soon as he is in opposition he disowns it entirely to score political points.

He is everything most of us should despise in a politician. But people like you will form the usual conga line of suckholes behind him.

Utterly pathetic.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 19 October 2023 7:24:09 PM
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Are you pretending to be stupid or are you really?

Because this activist report was generated during the Coalition government and even presented at a cabinet meeting does not in any way mean that the coalition endorsed its findings or recommendations. For example a review of this report included:

1-The Calma-Langton Voice plan would potentially create an additional 850 new politicians, over 4,000 political staffers, at an annual wage bill in excess of $600 million – half the annual government hospital budget in the Northern Territory.

2-The Calma-Langton Voice plan would be pre-occupied with niche concerns of inner-city elites and the activist class, rather than improving indigenous outcomes. The terms “gender”, “diversity”, and “inclusion” referenced over ten times more than “disadvantage” throughout the report.

3-The Calma-Langton Voice plan would be undemocratic. The report does not once mention the term “democracy” and the method for selecting Voice participants would be determined by local communities, which means closed-shop nepotism would be rife.

Dutton wasn't stupid enough to accept the report's recommendations but Albozo and his 40 thieves were.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 20 October 2023 8:45:26 AM
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As Gerard Henderson says, "Can you believe it?"

Public servants in Queensland are being offered 5 days paid leave for psychological stress after the Voice failed!

And, don't forget the counselling offered to the pussies in the Australian cricket team.

Australia is definitely a lunatic asylum run by the lunatics.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 20 October 2023 8:54:22 AM
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This seems to be becoming a habit with SR. He starts a post professing that what I wrote was wrong and then proceeds to write said post which completely confirms what I wrote.

My point was not at all supportive of Dutton yet SR seems to think that he's refuting my point by being not at all supportive of Dutton! Strange.

the point remains that our political elite and their drooling followers, got this whole thing utterly wrong when it ought to have been obvious that it would fail more than a year ago. Albanese was repeated encouraged to retreat but remained convince the people would ultimately do what they were told.

This is partly due to the arrogance of political elite but also due to the fact that these people surround themselves with like-minded sycophants. Its telling that the ACT alone voted 'Yes'. So all those public servants that the politicians rub elbows with each day were just as deluded as the pollies and just as clueless as to what the outside world, the productive outside world, thought.

The ALP in general and Albanese in particular, like to think of themselves as working-class heroes. But the fact is they haven't the faintest idea what the average Australian thinks. Unfortunately, the other side are no better
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 20 October 2023 10:49:18 AM
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How can people who depend on the callous exploitation of workers profess they care for the lower class ?
Parasites can't survive without without a defenceless host hence the largely Labor supporting academic/bureaudroid Left aligning itself with a traditional worker orientated party ! Easy too fleece & keep the young ones more ignorant as time goes by ! As long as the lower class provides the profits for the parasites !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 21 October 2023 2:43:31 PM
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