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The Forum > General Discussion > The Importance of Corruption Commissions

The Importance of Corruption Commissions

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It seems that Gladys won't be prosecuted because her corrupt behaviour wasn't criminal; but the boyfriend's was.

It is more and more important to put the 'bottom feeders'- Liberals, Labor and the Greens at the bottom of the voting slip.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 29 June 2023 6:52:28 PM
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She should just claim that Liberal MP Daryl Maguire raped her.
She'd get a huge settlement like Brittany Higgins 3 million.
Why not, the whole country's gone to shite anyways...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 29 June 2023 6:57:23 PM
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Dear mhaze,

Seem you are perfectly fine with non disclosure of conflicts of interest because 'no law has been broken'. What a dystopian world you want for us.

Dear Armchair Critic,

Why are you quoting a figure of $3 million? The amount was never disclosed. This is just a speculative amount which you have been fed and decided to regurgitate it here. Higgins says the amount was substantially less but non disclosure rules prevent her being open about the correct figure.

You are OLO's conspiracy guru and yet here you are being lead by the nose by purposeful misinformation. You are being the pawn you always seemed to be at pains to avoid. How does that make you feel?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 29 June 2023 7:10:14 PM
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There's a bit of poetic justice here that might or might not come out in the days to come. What has happened to Gladys was what happened to others in the past (remember Margaret Cunneen; and there were others, including a government minister and several business people who were named, shamed and ruined, but never prosecuted) could also happen to her. But, she sat on the information and advice; did nothing from 2017 until she copped the same treatment.

That’s poetic justice in my book. Stiff cheese, Gladys. You allowed it to happen to others because you didn't care about them. Now it's happened to you.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 29 June 2023 7:52:00 PM
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"Why are you quoting a figure of $3 million? The amount was never disclosed."

A lot of things were never disclosed since the case was never concluded.

She gets a payout, and for what?
- there's no legal outcome, hence no perpetrator.
Innocent until proven guilty.
There's not even any crime.
It's an alleged crime.

Situations like this I imagine the government would want to keep under wraps.
The government certainly not going to want to people to know how much they paid a woman for unproven allegations.
And she's not going to want to tell, because it's going to lead to her being publicly attacked.

I know the amount was never disclosed, but I'm happy to go with the 3 million dollar figure anyway, you know why?
- Because any amount the government has paid her should be transparent, it's matter of public interest.

If they want to keep it secret, then I'll highlight it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 29 June 2023 8:19:25 PM
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The people of NSW should be thankful that they have an anti-corruption commission to weed out another corrupt state Premier in Berejiklian. Others exposed by the ICAC have been the LIBERAL Premiers, Greiner and O'Farell, both unceremoniously removed from office. Not since the days of the most corrupt Premier the state has ever seen in the LIBERAL Robin Askin, who literally was paid wads of cash in brown paper bags by organised crime, has a state leader been able to act corruptly and get away with it. For the NSW ICAC, a job well done.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 30 June 2023 6:02:41 AM
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