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The Forum > General Discussion > Phil Lowe Its Time To Go

Phil Lowe Its Time To Go

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That's assuming that Corona was much worse than the flu- which I believe it wasn't. Taking ibuprofin every four hours, maintaining fluids, monitoring symtoms, bed rest for the worst four days was the best solution for me. Most fatalities occurred with the over seventies.

Even now many willing workers are blocked from participating in the workforce based on Corona policy- despite the claims that mandates are no longer in force.

Little wonder at the high prices in the supermarkets and high debt due to Centrelink burdens.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 8 June 2023 10:07:10 PM
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Hi AC,

You and I are on the same page on this, Lowe and his cronies of bankers and academics on the Reserve Bank board have no more concern for the battlers, than a snake has concern for the life of the mouse.

Why is it that these non elected mandarins, all appointed for terms of up to 7 years and eligible for re-appointment for the rest of their lives are treated by everyone, including government, as the untouchable, unquestionable and unassailable gurus of the economic well-being of the Australian people. You will hear our elected representatives in humble reverence refer to the "independent authority of the Reserve Bank". Well, who said they are independent when it appears their only concern is for their mates down at the "big end of town" and their corporate profits. Not wanting to sound like a "communist", but it might be high time for real economic management by our elected representatives that servers the people, and not the interests of Big Business.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 9 June 2023 5:24:03 AM
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Ever increasing wage/Profit demands are the REAL underlying cause of inflation as they undermine international competitiveness & brought/bring about outsourcing to lower Wage countries.
All of these factors are to our detriment ! Reign in short term profit in favour of long term sustainability is the only way out.
Lower unwarranted bureaucrat salaries by 1% now & freeze wages for ten years & introduce a 1% Transaction Tax to be put into a common Pension fun will be a great positive start to turn things around ! And, of course a National Service for all unemployed between 18-20. People need to accept that the services & Welfare they demand as their Right are directly coupled to their responsibilities & according to their merit !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 9 June 2023 6:59:22 AM
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So, we want to get rid of the Reserve Bankers, of which Philip Lowe is the spokesperson. This is a recipe for out-of-control inflation.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 9 June 2023 10:40:08 AM
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"Ever increasing wage/Profit demands are the REAL underlying cause of inflation as they undermine international competitiveness & brought/bring about outsourcing to lower Wage countries." (Indyvidual).

Plus government spending!

On jobs, lots of them could disappear altogether - fewer people, particularly immigrants.

Ninety per cent of our economy is made up of service industries. Many of the jobs within the sector are bullshitjobs. (David Graeber, 'BullshitJobs - A Theory', Penguin, 2018). Millions of people — clerical workers, administrators, consultants, telemarketers, corporate lawyers, service personnel, and many others — are wasting time in meaningless, unnecessary jobs. 
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 9 June 2023 11:58:12 AM
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Posted by Indyvidual-

Ever increasing wage/Profit demands are the REAL underlying cause of inflation as they undermine international competitiveness & brought/bring about outsourcing to lower Wage countries.
All of these factors are to our detriment ! Reign in short term profit in favour of long term sustainability is the only way out.
Lower unwarranted bureaucrat salaries by 1% now & freeze wages for ten years & introduce a 1% Transaction Tax to be put into a common Pension fun will be a great positive start to turn things around ! And, of course a National Service for all unemployed between 18-20. People need to accept that the services & Welfare they demand as their Right are directly coupled to their responsibilities & according to their merit !


Definitely food for thought- though I reserve right to disagree. Reagan talked about small government "ie. less bureaucrat spending". I like the bit about rights reflected in responsibilities. Continuous growth can be an issue- but investors won't if they don't get a return- and that means some small amount of growth is necessary- perhaps the return can be obtained through other non-financial or internal efficiency means- this is the sort of question someone with experience like Hasbeen is in a position to answer.

I often think that mismatches between supply and demand also drive inflation- something that on-tap production or short-run production could potentially address in part. But short-run production tends to be more costly than mass production. Mass production has more warehousing costs. It's probably a matter of weighing up the factors and these can be location specific.

Use of durable goods and modular parts rather than disposable consumer goods has much potential for economic sustainability but often require an investment/ cost on the buyer- perhaps light touch regulation can be applied here at strategic points in coordination with other regulatory bodies such as housing construction bodies. Of course these all require some adjustment in behavior.

It was the hebrew Freud family through Edward Bernays that created consumer culture in the US- a culture that spread throughout the west after WWII.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 9 June 2023 2:54:36 PM
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