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The Forum > General Discussion > Nutty and getting Nuttier

Nutty and getting Nuttier

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People who believe that they are in the 'wrong' body are suffering from a clearly defined mental condition: dysphoria. People who believe that they can change their sex are fools. People who support, encourage, and 'respect' these poor, silly wretches are not 'well-meaning': they regard what is really a fad as a bit of fun and entertainment in their jaded lives.

The tide will turn, as it always does. Medical insurers are already turning their backs on quacks butchering people to 'affirm' their illusionary sex change, and prescribing puberty blockers for children.

The madness will cease, but it will leave behind a lot of wrecked human beings, more mentally insecure than they already were.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 8:42:24 AM
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Some of us think it's rather important to gather information PRIOR to forming an opinion. You should try it one day.

It's one thing to elect to not watch a video or read an article for whatever reasons, quite another to slag off on those who did watch it based upon your utter misunderstanding as to what it is about based purely on a misunderstanding of the title.

BTW and for your further education, 'Gone with the Wind' has nothing to do with meteorology.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 9:05:28 AM
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I did not slag you off. In fact, my response to your video reference and my surprise that so many people would need to watch it had absolutely nothing to do with you personally.

Everything is not about you; if you continue to think it is, you will continue to feel affronted and get het up - quite unnecessarily.

Your views on things are often so much like mine, that it is weird that you want to pick a fight with me because of an imagined slight.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 9:52:44 AM
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Another outrage against a woman, and women in general, was perpetrated against one Jasmine Sussex, who was sacked from the 'Australian Breastfeeding Association', "for refusing to use gender neutral language" on Twitter.

Because she didn't use gender neutral language about breastfeeding - for heaven's sake! - she was mauled by the Federal Government Australian eSafety Commissioner for "violating Australian laws. It was this Commissioner who had Sussex's posts taken down from Twitter, not Twitter itself. She is OK with the still up there depiction of a man 'breastfeeding".

Sussex objected to tweets about an Australian MALE breastfeeding his infant with "a cocktail of lactose-inducing drugs". Now the government is protecting another male appropriating womanhood.

"Speaking out about women’s sex-based rights is increasingly resulting in censorship and penalties", says Binary's Kirralie Smith, who is being hauled before the courts herself for posting that men shouldn't be taking part in women's sports.

The gutless wonders at Australian Breastfeeding will only say that "certain conduct of certain counsellors" contravened its Code of Ethics and Constitution, leading to " 'their' 'resignation as volunteer counsellor". Bad grammar there, or just slavish adherence to gender neutral pronouns? Are there any males counselling on breast feeding!
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 11:26:01 AM
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I know you weren't slagging me off. You were deriding those who sought out the movie. But they weren't, as you claim, seeking to be told how to think. they were looking for information about how the whole trans community were affecting their lives and more particularly that of their kids and how to fight back and protect their loved ones from the assault.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 1:18:29 PM
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Well the line where my permitted speech ends would need to be crossed for me to say what I really think on this damn topic.
If I was to say what I really thought, I too might be charged by the e-commissioner as well as face a comment deletion by the forum moderator for the numerous and varied use of many / multiple swear words...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 7:33:56 PM
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