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The Forum > General Discussion > Aussie Wage Theft Hits Record Highs

Aussie Wage Theft Hits Record Highs

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In the latest in a long list of thefts from Australian workers, BHP 'The Big Australian' has admitted it stole $430 million from more than 30,000 members of its workforce over a ten year period. This comes on top of other big corporations such as Woolworths and Coles among others, who have admitted to stealing hundreds of millions from their employees. These thefts have not been merely "minor clerical errors" on the part of big and small Businesses, but well orchestrated thievery, often from poorly paid employees. With Labor governments in control federally and every state except Tasmania, its time to stand up for the worker, the people Labor supposedly represents, and enact laws that see those responsible for these crimes, spend time in jail, then maybe they will think twice.

In 2021/22 the Fair Work Ombudsman estimated Australian employees were being fleeced of $1.35 billion annually by wage thieving employers!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 2 June 2023 12:18:26 PM
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Yep righto.
I don't know about in BHP Billiton's case, but I know that Coles and Woolies is like a well oiled machine to rob their own customers, at least pay your workers properly. Retail has got such a huge markup as it is, and they can't even barely have staff on registers anymore, it's a joke. Gotta pay $1 if I want a bloody bag for my stuff.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 2 June 2023 11:36:57 PM
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There's been a lot of this going on too, people getting rich robbing the handicapped because the government will cough up.

And they all constantly carry on with all this virtue-signalling crap.
- It's all about everyone robbing everyone else.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 3 June 2023 1:50:34 AM
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Hi AC,

In the BHP case they were purposely deducting public holidays from annual leave entitlements. They had their computer programs rigged to do that automatically. In the case of the supermarkets they were claiming pimply faced 17 year old kids were "managers" you know what I mean; The store chief would say; "Kid, you are the new Fruit and Veggie Manager, you get to pick out the rotten apples unsupervised, and you get a bigger mop and bucket! the way, we expect you to stay back until the jobs done, without any extra pay...GOD we're paying you 14 bucks an hour as it is!"
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 3 June 2023 7:07:04 AM
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people getting rich robbing the handicapped because the government will cough up.
Armchair Critic,
Wrong ! It's Bureaucrat Public Servants not doing their job that facilitates such corruption & waste !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 4 June 2023 7:30:29 AM
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What Paul forgets to mention is that the underpayment was picked up and reported by BHP who also intends to compensate everyone without the input of any of the idiotic unions.

PS The "underpayment" by Coles and Woolies was engineered by the unions who happily signed away workers' entitlements for donations by the supermarkets to the corrupt unions.

So spare us the faux outrage.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 4 June 2023 8:08:40 AM
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Adero Law filed a class action against Woolworths and Big W in November 2019 on behalf of salaried supermarket employees. The class action claims that compensation and penalties should be paid to class members who were not paid enough for the hours they worked under the General Retail Industry Award.

RETAIL INDUSTRY AWARD, determined by the Industrial Court, not an enterprise agreement between Big Business and a soft soap union, in this case the SDA, a piss weak union if ever there was one. Sure a guilt ridden employee of BHP fessed up to what was going on, pleading guilty doesn't get you off the hook!
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 4 June 2023 8:56:09 AM
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Failure to comply with regulations is not theft. Genuine wage theft is a serious criminal problem that manly affects migrant workers on short term visas. Compliance failure, where there's no intent to defraud, is a civil problem that should not be conflated with it.
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 1:13:07 AM
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Hi Aiden,

True what you say, but in the case of BHP was it wage theft by deliberate action, ie programming computers to deduct public holidays from annual leave entitlements, or was it nothing more than a case of some clerical error. When talking of hundred of millions of dollars these things should be investigated.

My granddaughter had a part time job doing table service in a expensive restraint. in our local area, She was working plenty of hours, now she has quit, well they stopped giving her shifts. Seems she was ripped-off wages and also underpaid working Sundays and public holidays. All they had for record keeping of time worked, was a sign in book, and fortnightly pay into your bank account (not always on time). I said to her, demand pay slips, that's not good enough. She has lost about $1,000 maybe more, and that's a lot for a 17 year old. Even when she complained, all the manager/owner would say is; "we don't do the pays, you'll have to take it up with the accounting firm", what a cop out.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 6:27:05 AM
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G'day Pal,
Under WorkChoices they treated all days as the same.
Failure to subsequently correct that adequately could well be an oversight not deliberate action.
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 6 June 2023 9:50:19 AM
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Governments seem to be stealing money off workers by their lockdowns of the economy- except a few sectors such as health- which has become highly politicized seemingly along communist lines- and in many cases giving money to the health sector that have a vested interest in prolonging the crises for personal and political reasons.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 12:53:04 AM
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You are so parnoid about these so called "communist", that your posts are unbelievable. You must be some tutti-fruiti religious nut job orbiting way out on the far right. When asked to "name these communists" controlling Australian society, you can't name a single one.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 5:57:17 AM
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Paul1405's rhetorical style seems a bit primitive. Anything that doesn't meet his ideology is consigned to the far right and madness- according to what standard? In the past this is perhaps what was known as a "baseless judgement".
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 8:18:07 AM
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You continually make assertions that government in Australia, along with other organisations are communist controlled, reference to communists appears in 90% of your posts. Here you posted; "such as health- which has become highly politicized seemingly along communist lines". Well no, we have an extremely robust public health system, complemented by a strong private component, in no way is that "communism". If you believe that, then you are paranoid about something which is not true. If as you assert there are supposedly powerful communists running things, name them. Other than existing as figments of your imagination, they don't exist at all!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 8:53:29 AM
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What about the salaries being stolen from the Govt. coffers by bureaudroids ? Or, do you really believe these bureaudroids actually deserve the excessive handouts ? You may be one of them, what do you think ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 11:15:14 AM
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The village idiot as usual has no problem defaming people or companies.

Theft is defined as:

"dishonestly and without claim of right, using or dealing with any property with intent to deprive any owner permanently of that property."

The idiot is accusing BHP of deliberately trying to steal workers' wages that he has no evidence of this doesn't stop him.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 11:51:06 AM
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Shonky Trumpster,

Rather pathetic from someone who claims not only to be running a $100 million business, you can flush that one where it belongs, but also claim you are a legal eagle, a man of letters no less.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 7 June 2023 2:01:34 PM
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Village idiot,

I know that you are feeble minded, but this doesn't excuse your LIES. I never said that, and coming from a fwit that can't even keep a garage business alive that's rich.

P.S. are you allowed near schools?
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 8 June 2023 6:59:29 AM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 8 June 2023 4:47:34 PM
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Paul1405 said- "Here you posted; "such as health- which has become highly politicized seemingly along communist lines". Well no, we have an extremely robust public health system, complemented by a strong private component, in no way is that "communism"."

If an organisation follows Communist principles then you could say that in a sense it has Communist principles. I have noticed employment notices in Health as having Communist and Woke references as well as having enthusiastic DIE policies. Some organisations are even adopting B Corporation auditing. Psychologists seem to be at the forefront of sexual transition ideology even in children. Paul1405 is free to believe what he wants I suppose but I'm just saying what I see- I don't expect Paul1405 to agree with anything I say because he perhaps wants to see me and my kind dead. But die and let live
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 8 June 2023 4:49:24 PM
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Paul1405 said- "therefore there is no deformation under Australian law."

Answer-I think Paul1405 meant "therefore there is no defamation under Australian law."
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 8 June 2023 4:51:28 PM
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Thank you CM, defamation is correct, a bit of nit picking, ah! As for your claim I might want to see you dead, well it don't bother me if some cyber nondescript like you is here or there. Why should it, do you think you are of some importance to me, well no you're not. BTW the government is about to ban Nazi paraphernalia, there goes your Saturday night party fun. Get onto SM's garage sale, sell what you can while its still legal.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 8 June 2023 6:49:32 PM
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[Deleted for abuse.]
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 9 June 2023 6:37:02 AM
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Posted by Paul1405- Thank you CM, defamation is correct, a bit of nit picking, ah! As for your claim I might want to see you dead, well it don't bother me if some cyber nondescript like you is here or there. Why should it, do you think you are of some importance to me, well no you're not. BTW the government is about to ban Nazi paraphernalia, there goes your Saturday night party fun. Get onto SM's garage sale, sell what you can while its still legal.

Answer- Not sure what the justification is for the Federal Governments banning of "Nazi paraphernalia" under it's juresdiction. Usually this type of action occurs due to clear and present danger of terrorism by the group- in this case the Nazi saluters seem to be less violent than Antifa and other Communist and Woke leaning groups. As I understand the Nazi saluters haven't been involved in terrorism and have been protesting against the opposition protesters in their banner "stop pedo freaks". Independent journalist Avi Yemeni was brutally attacked with a pole during an interview recently. The federal government and federal law appears to have become politicized under Labor and "Prime Minister" Albanese.

Police seem to have become afraid to act on issues of child grooming as in the case of the Youtube video of the book found at the Mount Tamborine Library.

Perhaps Albonese wants to cut the Nazi saluters balls off similar to what the Communist leaning seem to want to do in Western nations because he doesn't anyone standing up for the children
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 9 June 2023 7:32:37 AM
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Shonky Trumpster,

You need to brush up on the law, as it applies in Australia under uniform defamation laws.

"Only certain not-for-profit corporations, and corporations that employ less than 10 employees, can sue an individual for defamation."

Me thinks those legal letters you cut out from the Cornflakes packet are slipping. This reminds me of your legal pontifications in the 'Cry Baby' Porter defamation case with the ABC, now what did you say; "Christian Porter has noting to worry about, he's in for $10+ million plus from the ABC, a grovelling apology and 100 ABC staff sacked to pay for it all. Yep, 'Cry Baby' had nothing to worry about, in fact you were trumpeting Porter as a future PM. Where's the grub now?
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 9 June 2023 8:08:25 AM
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Feel free to read about defamation cases including several successful cases against people by companies.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 13 June 2023 11:52:27 AM
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You are completely off track. Show one case where a large corporation has sued an individual for defamation, its simply not permitted under Australian law. All the cases from that private law firm, there is not one listed where a large corporation has sued an individual for defamation.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 June 2023 12:57:47 PM
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"Can a business sue for injurious falsehood?
Businesses can sue for injurious falsehood if they can prove that they have suffered financial loss as a result of someone making a false or damaging statement about them. To win a case for injurious falsehood, businesses must be able to show that the statements were made maliciously and without any justification.

In addition, businesses must prove that the statements caused them financial harm. If a business can successfully prove these elements, they may be awarded damages. However, it should be noted that these cases can be very complex and costly to litigate. As such, businesses should always seek legal advice before taking any action.",do%2C%20especially%20for%20small%20businesses.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 13 June 2023 1:41:42 PM
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You can't wriggle out of the fact, you didn't know that a large corporation with more than 10 employees, that's BHP, Coles and Woolworths, cannot sue an individual for deformation. I ask you, produce one instance of a large corporation suing an individual for deformation in Australia?.

Your claim that; "(Paul) has no problem defaming people or companies" IS WRONG, no person has been named by me, and as for the companies named, they cannot sue an individual, a legal fact. Your link to the two bob lawyers fizzed out, as there were no cases of this nature listed. As for the opinion from a "Ms Chan" at another mob of two bob lawyers, no mention of large corporations is made. When it comes to legal matters you are a real Dennis Denuto type! Its the vibe!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 June 2023 4:34:26 PM
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Firstly, it is defamation not deformation.

Secondly, you did defame a company irrespective of whether they sue you or not,

Thirdly, as I showed a company can legally sue a person if there is reputational damage. Your lies about BHP probably boosted their reputation.

"Companies with fewer than 10 employees and certain not-for-profits can sue for defamation. (Larger companies can sue over untrue and damaging statements under the laws about misleading and deceptive conduct.)"

Suck it up, you lost.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 5:49:32 AM
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Thunder Studios Inc (California) v Kazal (No 12) [2022] FCA 110
Date of Decision: 18 February 2022

Court: Federal Court of Australia

Publication Media: The Second Applicant, Rodric Marc David and his company, Thunder Studios Inc. (the First Applicant) sued former business partners Charif Kazal (the First Respondent) and his brother, Adam Kazal (the Second Respondent)

Thunder studios vs individual. Individual lost.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 5:52:31 AM
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There you go SM, clutching at straws, 'Thunder Studios Inc' of California USA.

W. FLETCHER, Circuit Judge presiding.

Rodric David and Thunder Studios brought suit against, Tony, and Adam Kazal in federal district court in Los Angeles. A jury found that Tony and Adam Kazal committed the tort of stalking under California Civil Code § 1708.7. It awarded David $100,000 in compensatory damages and $1 million in punitive damages against each of them.

What a hoot you are. Just admit you got it WRONG! a corporation of more than 10 employees can't sue an individual for defamation in Australia. You claimed I had in some way defamed BHP in my post. Not possible under Australian law.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 6:23:52 AM
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Wrong again Paul,

The case I linked was held in Aus federal court in NSW.

"6. $1.5 million damages for defamation against Thunder Studios Inc (NSW)

Thunder Studios was an excluded company able to bring an application at the time defamatory publications were posted on Twitter which damaged its Australian reputation. The damages in its injurious falsehood claim and the aggravated damages in its defamation claim were not limited by the statutory maximum."
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 9:57:32 AM
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How many employees does the two bob small business, "Thunder Studios Inc (NSW)" have in NSW? I don't think Thunder Studios" are in the same league as BHP, Coles or Woolworths. In fact no one has ever heard of them, except you.

BTW; You should have your own studio, and call it "Hot Air Incorporated".

p/s We are not talking about SMALL BUSINESS, a small business with 10 or less employees can sue for defamation, maybe you being the $100 million businessman, and also a "man of letters", thinks BHP is a SMALL BUSINESS.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 14 June 2023 3:26:04 PM
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Well, a little investigation by me. Rodric David sued brothers Adam and Charif Kazal for personal damages in the NSW Supreme Court of NSW. Quoting from the SMH; "Justice Rares said he (Adam Kazal) should pay the bulk of the $1.512 million awarded to Mr David. This was a personal litigation by David against the brothers Kazal, no company defamed at all.

SM, you are a hoot, you can't back your assertion at all. Another one of your legal opinions gone pear shaped! You should stick you legal certificate back onto the Cornflakes box. You are embarrassing yourself.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 15 June 2023 6:55:20 AM
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I'm surprised you can read, however, as usual, you have ballsed it up again.

"The Second Applicant, Rodric Marc David and his company, Thunder Studios Inc." i.e. the company was a co-complainant.

The limit on personal defamation is $432,500 the other $1.1m was for reputational damage to his company Thunder Studios.

So once again you are a loser. Stick to reading cereal boxes.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 15 June 2023 12:18:28 PM
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You failed to answer, how many employees does this two bob mob 'Thunder Studios' have in NSW? Besides YOU, Mr David and the Itchy Brothers, or whatever their name was? NONE! So you're telling me the big four are BHP, Coles, Woolworths AND Thunder Studios Incorporated. Your mob are not even on the company register!

You are a classless act!

I see another Liberal Senator was trying to do the horizontal mambo with another Independent Senator, this time in the stairwell. He wanta be careful, she'll bite his balls off! Poor old Dud Dutton had to a-hole the sod from the party! Shameful!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 15 June 2023 4:45:24 PM
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You are a slimy grub. You have lost this one again. You constantly defame people and companies and lie through your teeth.

Give it a break, you are a loser.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 16 June 2023 4:57:49 AM
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I've shot you down in flames, give up, you're a lost again! Back to the name calling I see! 'Thunder Studios' didn't even rate!

How's your Liberal Party hero David Van Grub going these days?
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 16 June 2023 6:43:09 AM
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You've crashed and burned. Thunder Studios is a multinational.

How's your best mate Jono Doig doing?
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 16 June 2023 7:48:13 AM
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According to the web site;

"Thunder is haute, haute, haute this summer hosting a high-end designer advertising campaign. Iconic fashion house YSL returns to Thunder with the eclectic lineup of Dominic Fike, Romeo Beckham, and Zoe Kravitz to showcase their latest collection."

I can't wait for the return of Dom, Romeo and Zoe! Who are they, eclectic friends of yours SM?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 17 June 2023 5:42:18 AM
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So what? you were wrong again and now you are throwing a tantrum. What a crybaby you are Crybaby Paul.
Posted by shadowminister, Saturday, 17 June 2023 3:09:06 PM
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Nah SM,

I'm still waiting for YOU to provide one example of an Australian company with more than 10 employees that has successfully sued an individual for defamation in Australia. Its simply not permitted under Australian law. Suck eggs Thunder man.

If you can show just that, I'll give YOU $10+ million plus in compensation, a grovelling apology and I'll sack 100 employees to pay for it all. Just like you claimed would be the outcome of the 'Cry Baby' Porter case. Another failure of yours!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 17 June 2023 3:36:24 PM
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