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Chinafication of Australia

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While the politicians and bureaucrats are using their Voice, climate change and Covid nonsense to distract us from real life and their incompetence and growing totalitarianism, Australia is steadily falling victim to Chinafication.

The latest example is small children in taxpayer-funded language centres using text books written by Communist Chinese government officials. This has been brought to our attention by one mother who escaped from Communist China 20 years ago. She has a son whom she claims is being influenced by CCP propaganda at a local community language centre. One of the child's text books asserts that the South China Sea and Taiwan belong to China,

This is Communist brainwashing, not language teaching. And it's happening right here, in Australia.

The mother, Mrs. Emily Sum, says that the text books also "falsely characterise" China as a democracy!

The Chinese consulate admits that what it calls “Model Schools of Chinese education” in Australia must support One China policy and oppose any anti-Chinese government behaviour.

Chinese consulate officials regularly check these schools, 31 of which are subsidised by the Victorian government. (7 News, 7/3/23; 'Advance').
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 8:15:43 AM
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OMG Shock Horror!

How dare the Chinese Govt publish literature that.... [long drumroll]
- is in line with their own policies, which even the US claim to support.

"And it's happening right here, in Australia."
- And it's also happening... [another long drumroll]
d our government funds it.

I'm trying to make sense of all this now
I just can't comprehend it.

The question that comes to my mind is...
'Who exactly are the d#ckheads in all this?'

Is it the Chinese for having textbooks in line with their own policies?
Is it the US for saying it supports the One China policy but not actually meaning it?
Is it the Aussie government for funding these language centres?
- Or is it you ttbn, for bringing this to my attention and messing with my fragile mind...

It's got me knackered
But here's the solution... {final drumroll]
- Stop funding them with Aussie taxpayers hard earned money then.

My goodness, what will it be next...
2023 must be the year of backwards stupidity.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 1:28:55 PM
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Maybe it's the chinese mother for sending her kid to the chinese language centre...
This topic is just so messed up it's frying my brain.
- I have to escape this madness and go back to...

Oh crap, that's right the real world is now just as messed up.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 1:32:25 PM
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You can't tell the difference between the CCP brainwashing their own people in their own country and the CCP brainwashing washing Australian citizens in their country?
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 10:17:17 PM
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Thanks ttbn- The threat that China poses is more significant than others- we should just cut them out of trade and be done with them- rather than financing our enemies. But yes other items are a distraction- but note that the Labor party needs to keep the population distracted so they aren't lobbied to do something about China.

Perhaps many in the US felt with patience that sooner or later the CCP would realise that they would be better off if they dispensed with some of their more extreme Communist belief's. But it appears not- after more than 50 years and favorable trade relationship with the US they still stubbornly cling to the One-China policy.

Interesting comment from Armchair Critic- in a sense he's right that China doesn't hide it's belief's and the language schools are known to be a branch of the CCP. The question is why is the Australian government allowing the CCP to operate in Australia- when they appear to be acting as an enemy.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 11:22:01 PM
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Other than in the more extreme far right media, Murdoch's Sky, there is nothing about Mrs Sum the migrant and here claims of CCP influence in Chinese language schools in Australia, and this supposed brainwashing of children. True to form good old ttbn tries to link these unsubstantiated claims to the Voice, climate change and Covid.

CM chimes in with; " we (Australia) should just cut them out of trade and be done with them- rather than financing our enemies (China)" Interesting that we should cut off billions of dollars in bilateral trade with our number one trading partner based on the machinations of the mysterious Mrs. Sum. Go for it lads!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 9 March 2023 6:15:27 AM
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why is the Australian government allowing the CCP to operate in Australia- when they appear to be acting as an enemy.
Canem Malum,
Shame that that's so damn obvious !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 9 March 2023 9:32:24 AM
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The Socialists certainly want to keep our minds off China. In the news last night was a repeat of the fact that certain medications are unavailable, because the come from "overseas". The backside-licking media wants to spare China from criticism. Everything is made in China.

Our connection with, and reliance on this totalitarian, Communist country is a disgrace. Letting China into the WTO was going to make them more like us according to the "experts"; instead, we have become more like Communist China - particularly under the Socialist ALP which is busily attacking personal wealth and using our money to continue their big spending on big government.

While we are on this newest revelation of CCP influence in Australia, I am wondering if our useless government has got rid of the CCP police presence that exists/existed in our country as well as other Western countries. These scum spy on and report on the ethnic Chinese diaspora, advising what will happen to their families living in China if they don't toe the line.

I hope the courageous Mrs. Sum doesn't have anyone back in China.

Australian authorities allow this stuff to go on because they are more in thrall to the Chinese Communist Party than we are aware of. They might already be puppets of Beijing for all we know. All of our politicians are a cowardly lot, who would all be much better off than the rest of us would, if Australia became a vassal state of China, which is a situation well on the cards if we don't want to end up like Ukraine, although I can't see us resisting, like Ukraine.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 9 March 2023 9:49:49 AM
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"One of the child's text books asserts that the South China Sea and Taiwan belong to China. This is Communist brainwashing, not language teaching."

I'd agree that some of the South China Sea belongs to China but not all of it under international law.
There's numerous claims over it.

What is the 'One China' policy?

>>The United States' One-China policy was first stated in the Shanghai Communiqué of 1972: "the United States acknowledges that Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States does not challenge that position."<<

Is it really communist propaganda ttbn or a policy the US itself claims to support?

Do you have a link to this story please?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 March 2023 9:58:31 AM
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I will repeat my question to you"You can't tell the difference between the CCP brainwashing their own people in their own country and the CCP brainwashing Australian citizens in their country?"

I don't give a continental about what the Chinese Communists think about themselves: this topic is about foreign interference in my country.

But, seeing you are keen to identify with Communists - Chinese and Russian - and you are always defending them, know this:

. The Permanent Court of Arbitration found against China’s claim of 'ownership'. They no more 'own' the South China Sea than any other country 'owns' seas and oceans it abuts. China has the same jurisdiction over seas 12 nautical miles from its coast as all other countries.

. Taiwan has NEVER been under the control of Communist China. And, it is irrelevant whether or not the US accepts the 'one China' policy, especially as the Biden administration has said that it will defend Taiwan against a Chinese attack.

Are you aware that the Nationalist Chinese fled to Taiwan to escape from the Communists in 1949? Probably not.

Are you so enamoured with Communist China that you would see a DEMOCRATIC country like Taiwan invaded by it?

Do you not believe in democracy?

Are you a Communist yourself? You certainly post like one.

Do I have a link? Yes. Two of them are given in my original post.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 9 March 2023 1:46:34 PM
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Do you not believe in democracy?
Democracy is a bit like the Voice. It sounds good in theory ! In reality it's minority groups pulling the strings.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 9 March 2023 10:41:02 PM
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"Are you aware that the Nationalist Chinese fled to Taiwan to escape from the Communists in 1949? Probably not."
- Of course I do, in their failed civil war backed by the US.

"Are you so enamoured with Communist China that you would see a DEMOCRATIC country like Taiwan invaded by it?"
Your another poster that seems incapable of seeing 'the bigger picture' in anything.
I don't care what the Chinese teach other Chinese,
- So long as they're not teaching their kids how to cook Aussie cats and dogs,
- And if you do then you're probably worried about the wrong things.
- But I most certainly do care if Aussies are sent to fight and die for some other BS that has nada to do with us.
China and Taiwan can bomb each other into oblivion for all I care.
They can sail around their glorious South China Sea with their shirts off taking selfies to post on Tik-Tok and I couldn't give a toss.
Just keep sending me cheap stuff since the twits in charge ruined things here already.
It's almost like China is providing free security for our trade.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 March 2023 11:39:29 PM
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"Do you not believe in democracy?"
- Not really, especially if it just means becoming a leg humping doggy of the US,
- And certainly not if Albo, Dutton and Bandt is the type of 'crud' we have to show for it.
I've seen actual turds in the toilet which are more likeable than any of those 3.
It's like all the shite in this country floats to the top.

"Are you a Communist yourself? You certainly post like one."
No, but on the basis of what China's achieving compared to our one way trip down the sewerage I'm starting to think they must be doing something right.

"Do I have a link? Yes. Two of them are given in my original post."
OMG [rolls eyes]
FYI, a hyperlink starts with http, and you can click on it to go directly to to place on the web, even a 6yo knows this
What you gave us was a invitation to do a google search, which I already tried and came up with squat.
- 7 News, 7/3/23; 'Advance' is not a link.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 March 2023 11:40:11 PM
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You're worried about what the Chinese people teach other Chinese people
- When half of Sydney is now Chinese people and the idiots have already sold off half the country...
- To the Chinese people?

It really is the Year of backwards stupidity
(whatever the hell that even means)
- It makes sense because it's stupid.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 March 2023 11:46:11 PM
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You are quite clearly off your rocker.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 10 March 2023 8:13:23 AM
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AC writes: "When half of Sydney is now Chinese people and the idiots have already sold off half the country...
- To the Chinese people?"

Oh dear! The derangement reaches peak stupidity. Half the country sold? Half of Sydney Chinese? Facts be damned, eh AC?

According to ABS figures, 4.7% of people living in Greater Sydney were born in China. For the innumerate 4.7% is not quite 50%.

As to "the country" being sold off, I've laid out the figures here previously. 7% of all land is owned by overseas interests, primarily being US and UK. China is a distant third in that list owning around 1% of "the country". For the innumerate 1% is not quite 50%.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 10 March 2023 10:38:36 AM
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Only AC could bring up the old one about Sydney being half populated by Chinese. Idiotic and nothing to do with the topic. Also nothing to do with the topic is the land supposedly owned by foreigners. Mhaze knocks that one in the head.

But, if anyone wants to talk about land and dodge the issue of Chinese spying and interference, how about the land handed over to aboriginal-identifiers by our moronic politicians? About 50% of it is now owned by 3% of the population. Some say 60%. And how much more will go and be closed off to 97% of Australians if the Socialists' racist Voice gets by the white dumbos who don't want to know about China, Communism and the Australian version of it, Green Labor. Too scary for you to think about is it, you sheep?
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 10 March 2023 11:14:04 AM
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Only AC could bring up the old one about Sydney being half populated by Chinese.

Last time I went there was 6 years ago.
I got off the plane and caught a train, and when I went through the city it was about 80% Asian.
Spot the Aussie.

Maybe they just all like to hang around the train stations.
NSW is a crap state anyway.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 March 2023 12:26:54 PM
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Honest I can't believe your idea of 'Chinafication' ttbn
- Is Chinese people teaching the One China policy in language classes
What a complete waste of bloody time.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 March 2023 12:31:35 PM
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China became the new leader of the world today.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 11 March 2023 7:20:15 PM
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In a few of the pictures of the Chinese lessons there seem to be children of Anglo-British Ethnicity. I am also concerned with Chinese ownership in Australia. Australia has been fairly self sufficient in it's history- we needed to sacrifice some comforts when our ancestors came out from Britain- built our cities, fed our people, developed our industries.

We need to help the Chinese to develop a different sort of government for China- so that the Chinese diaspora feels safe in returning to their ancestral home- sometimes tough love is required.

To allow the CCP regime that has apparently killed more than 60 million of their own people in the name of equality is a blight on the Chinese diaspora that they need to resolve- are they a proud and capable people or are they to hide in the west and other nations- dying far from their ancestors- till the tyranny finally finds them. They should take back their birthright.

The CCP is several orders of magnitude worse than Vercingetorix was when he threw the children of Alesia at Caesar. But at least Caesar wasn't fazed by the ploy as we are.

Let the children orphaned by the CCP have the courage to rise up and crush them to ashes.

Will they make their saviors nationless too should they fail to take responsibility for the rulers of their ancestral home.

Sometimes difficult choices must be made.

The west can't absorb the excesses of the CCP forever- despite our naively good nature.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 31 March 2023 3:01:26 AM
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