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Dud Electricity Schemes So Far
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Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 23 February 2023 10:00:57 AM
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Oh no here's another one, and you promised!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 23 February 2023 10:04:45 PM
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On the futuristic scheme of 'rewiring the nation', the Green Left show their hypocrisy once again: they wet themselves over threats to koalas but barrack for renewable energy projects that are a significant threat to koalas.
Vast acres of wind and solar requiring to be cleared for solar and wind. Renewable projects make up 1 in 5 of the threats to koalas now. It will get worse. 'Rewiring the nation' would involve thousand of kilometres, ripping through the environment - as well as rendering good farmland useless - to get power from these remote wind and solar 'farms' to where it will be needed if the madness continues. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 24 February 2023 9:55:19 AM
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"playing pokies can be a thrilling and rewarding experience." I suppose drinking arsenic can also be a thrilling and rewarding experience, and like pokies just don't drinking too much otherwise, like from pokies, you might suffer acute vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. Its all part of the wonderful experience!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 24 February 2023 10:43:08 PM
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Pretty dodgy list you've got there, ttbn!
There's disagreement over whether a cable all the ay to Singapore is economically viable or whether it should just concentrate on hydrogen production, but Sun Cable is far from kaput. What are you criteria for inclusion? I notice you've not mentioned the defunct plan to take advantage of the coal north of Tarcoola. Is Rewiring the Nation even a specific scheme? It looks like a Labor slogan! But if you mean KerangLink, a lower impact route further west is now the preferred route. Posted by Aidan, Saturday, 25 February 2023 8:52:13 AM
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Your list is pretty spot-on ttbn but I'm not sure you can include Snowy 2.0 in it.
If you understand its purpose, Snowy 2.0 was a massive success. The purpose? It was introduced by Turnbull to allow him to kick the electoral problem of rising electricity costs down the road. He was able to say that the problem was already solved by his brand new scheme. That's why it was massively under-priced and over-promised. Not for infrastructural purposes but for electoral purposes. And it succeeded. Its usefulness has now passed which is why there is talk of abandoning it. Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 26 February 2023 10:13:02 AM
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Thanks mhaze. Always sensible.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 26 February 2023 10:59:03 AM
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Mhze, it could have been successful but someone didn't do the value
study of the project. If it worked the value of the electricity would have been high when blackouts dominate. However the sun cable to Singapore was doomed before it started. They would have spent an enormous amount of money building it and the one customer might say, no the cost of your power is too high. With one customer, that customer owns your business. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 27 February 2023 10:46:51 PM
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No surprise given Twiggy Forrest is involved. Not sure about Atlassian but having a banker father would surely have stopped him being involved with Twiggy. Twiggy has a history of getting into bed with Chinese interests- and other woke communist causes Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 28 February 2023 6:59:42 AM
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Matt Kean has been hit in the face with reality, he is now considering
how to keep Eraring on line after 2025. How about keeping Liddell on line after April ? I would have thought any idiot would try that first. Wakey wakey it is one month away ! Still, what can we expect our masters have proved how STUPID they are. I think there is no hope until blackouts become a daily experience for every mum & dad. Posted by Bazz, Monday, 6 March 2023 1:53:54 PM
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It occurs to me that if we are to build nuclear powered submarines
that there would be a group building the reactor system for the submarines and they could also be extended to build modular power reactors. No doubt extra advise from a company such as Rolls Royce to firm up the engineering expertise for the expansion. I suspect that Rolls Royce may be involved with the reactors for the British submarines. It would be a beneficial alliance. Australia could become the go to for Asian countries power needs. Labour and the Greens would have to be sent to the wilderness. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 11:46:01 AM
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Something I heard on the BBC, the Germans are reopening, I think it
was 30 coal fired power stations. Anyway it was a large number more than we ever had in Aussie. So much for renewables. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 10:14:52 PM
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If ever we do get those nuclear subs, we will have to permanently moor them in capital cities to supplement the meager wind power we will have by then. They will be needed to keep the lifts running in the greeny occupied high rise inner city units. We obviously can't have the greenies suffer the consequences of their stupidity now can we?
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 11:40:34 PM
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The real worry is that there will be a collapse of industry and
commerce because of electricity failures and fertiliser shortages bringing on food shortages. Food going bad in failed refrigeration would just aggravate the problem. Note the green generated protests in Europe by farmers on their tractors. With the legislation going through parliament at present can we be far away from scenes like that here ? Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 12 March 2023 3:38:51 PM
. Wave-powered generators generators. Both sank.
. Sun Cable to 'power Singapore'. Kaput.
. Snowy 2.0. Supposed to be completed 2021. Estimated cost at start $2
billion, now $12 billion.
. Rewiring 'the nation'. Unlikely to start due to environmental
damage, loss of farming land, and threat to koalas.