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The latest climate change mania is rationing. One Dr. Nathan Wood, a university wallah (naturally) in the UK, has come up with the idea of WW2 style rationing to "fix global warming". Wood says that rationing would help not only in the mitigation of climate change, but also help with a 'variety' of other 'social and political issues' such as the energy crisis.

And here's a lot of us thinking that the energy crisis has been caused by net zero ambitions and unreliable wind and solar!

First, cause a shortage, then bring in rationing.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 23 February 2023 8:45:10 AM
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It becomes more and more a question; at what point do the peasants revolt.
They will, but when?
Historically at the point of hunger and social annihilation.

Already there is rationing. Housing is rationed by scarcity right now, governed by availability of the resource of wealth for its acquisition.

Same applies to other essentials of life such as water and electricity, transport, every necessity of life is governed by the individuals ability to pay the market manipulated price.

The system is called Capitalism.Capitalism is a classic tool for rationing.

The poor always pay the price. So the question is; who are inside the class of the poor who pay the greatest cost of elitism’s failures?
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 23 February 2023 9:38:11 PM
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Just the other day one poster was yabbering on about how he will never start another discussion topic. Who was that ttbn
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 23 February 2023 9:49:46 PM
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That's a pretty good idea ttbn, but first we should get rid of waste, by rationing education to things useful. Thus we could shut all humanities departments in unis, & save 35% or so of the costs, & emissions involved in tens of thousands of hours of useless travel & talk.

Put all those displaced by this to work picking fruit & vegetables & we have solved the farm labour shortage at the same time. It would of course be immensely frustrating for the farmers getting such people to actually do a bit of work, but they would probably manage.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 23 February 2023 10:24:37 PM
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... And you thought China was the enemy ttbn,

How evil they are to make all those TV sets and other cheap goods and sell them to us?
- With money we made from stuff in the ground we sold them?

It's people in the West who promote endless immigration, want to support wars, keep people poor and turn kids transgender.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 24 February 2023 2:40:17 AM
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You suggest mind control and slave labour, how like you is that. I think others of your ilk have tried that in the past with some limited success. Don't you just think we should nuk those 200 million Pakies and be done with it?
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 24 February 2023 6:07:11 AM
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Nothing so drastic needed, just award people according to merit !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 24 February 2023 8:38:34 AM
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For those who are ignorant of wartime rationing, everyone had to have a ration book to buy anything. Once you used up your ration, that was that: no more. That's what this birdbrain from Leeds University is rabbiting on about. It is not 'rationing in the here on now' as was suggested - shortages of electricity etc caused by government incompetence. The goods and services would be there - even abundant - but the government would be controlling how much of it you could have. And, governments being what they are, some people's rations would be more than others. Certain people would be doing much better than the hoi poloi, as is always the with socialist/communistic regimes.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 24 February 2023 8:40:58 AM
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Rationing is rationing, irrespective of the means by which these aims are achieved.

Why is it not rationing in the strict term if for example, a thousand Ethiopians are given rationed social housing north of Brisbane as a Government preference.
Ideological rationing.

Housing is rationed towards the requirements of the wealthy over and above the poor, who will not qualify for loans. When housing is in short supply, the market will dictate who has housing.
The housing market is skewed by Government policy, towards affordability as a priority.
That is rationing where it does most social damage.

Capitalism thrives in times of shortages, especially contrived shortages designed to advantage which will always plunder the poor, who are a necessary evil in the component of profit.
Christ was aware of it when he made the quip “ The poor you’ll always have with you” Matthew 26:11. An essential component of power play and profit; a driving force of Capitalism.

Communism in its pure form is preferable to the plunder of the wealthy Capitalists!
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 24 February 2023 2:44:10 PM
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TTBN nothing like holding an uniformed opinion. The argument for rationing runs as follows. For nations to achieve the objectives they have signed up for under the Paris Agreement it will mean that there will be fewer goods and services to be distributed. (All goods and services require energy a zero carbon future means that goods and services will become more expensive.) Without rationing that would mean that the poorer you are the less likely that you would be able to afford some of the things you need. By introducing rationing along the lines they propose it will mean that everyone will have access to what they need. Of course if you do not agree that there is a climate crisis then there would be no argument in favour of rationing. But if you agree that we need to address the climate crisis then clearly any system that ensures that the burdens and benefits arising out of taking action are fairly distributed.
Posted by BAYGON, Friday, 24 February 2023 3:44:47 PM
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Not at all Paul. We should give them the same conditions & pay rates as those currently employed at the task. It would be a very new experience for them to actually be paid what they were worth. Of course we should not stop them finding other employment in the private sector, if anyone would have them.

In the same way we should limit any government employment to a maximum of 4 years. To be reemployed after that an ex bureaucrats should produce proof of a year of farm labor to qualify, exempted if their employment was in regional Oz. At least we would know something about life not in Canberra or some other capital city. This would much improve their attitude when looking at the world.

Of course again we should not stop them finding other employment in the private sector, if anyone would have them.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 24 February 2023 3:50:17 PM
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I should have added a rider. There are those who argue that we will be able to switch to 100% renewables and so there will be no need for rationing, we can just go on as we always have. I am afraid that they will be cruelly disappointed. The maths does not stack up. But this too becomes an argument for rationing. We will need fossil fuels for quite some time to be able to transition to a low carbon economy. Oil, Gas and coal still provide a solid energy return and we will need those resources to jump start the renewable infrastructure. This in turn means that we need to think strategically about how we use those fossil fuels. For example why use precious hydrocarbons to manufacture plastic toys, drink bottles and the like?
Posted by BAYGON, Friday, 24 February 2023 3:51:59 PM
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And Hassy,

By how much should your Aged Welfare be cut? I suggest Indy's much touted figure of 95%. The SENIORS NATIONAL SERVICE with all its benefits for the nation sound good to me, its the way to go, what about YOU? Agree.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 24 February 2023 3:56:47 PM
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It is not an opinion. It is a report on a suggestion by university academic.

Learn to read what is written to avoid making stupid comments.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 24 February 2023 5:47:28 PM
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ttbn it is uninformed because you have not read the full report; you are constructing your opinion from what you have read in the press.
Posted by BAYGON, Friday, 24 February 2023 7:56:11 PM
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And, how do you think you'd fare with income according to your worth & no welfare ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 24 February 2023 10:51:48 PM
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Diver Dan.

Communism just like capitalism always ends up with a group of people who take control of everything and everyone.
They live in luxury and wealth while the people under them remain
much poorer. This is human nature and it's what destroys both Communist systems and capitalist systems.

At this moment the British Government has quietly had, so called Public Consultation on the new Digital IDs on a Govt Website where hardly anyone from the public has seen it. It's been up since New Year and finishes in Early March,2023. When it will be tabled for secondary legislation
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 27 February 2023 10:29:55 PM
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It is all being demonstrated before our own eyes.
Britain mothballed their coal power stations before the replacement
generation was in place. Now electricity is so dear farmers cannot afford to heat their greenhouses.
The co2 reductions needed under their "plan"are causing food shortages.
Supermarket photos showing rows of empty shelves. You couldn't make it up !

Supermarkets cannot get fruit from Portugal because farmers there can
no longer to heat their greenhouses.
I wonder why no one thought of this ?
Are their politicians as STUPID as ours ?
We need an energy Martin Luther to nail his thesis to the doors of our parliaments.

"Do away with our "Indulgences !"
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 27 February 2023 10:33:15 PM
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Our enslavement by The world Globalists is very close now.
1. Digital ID
2. Digital Citizen Approval - Control App

The Digital ID is computerized to count your alloted citizen points and will automatically be able to
block your access to your Bank Acct at the checkouts to make you comply with Government dictates. Anyone for their 7th booster in only 15months? 4 bags of bugs for your. Weeks rations?
Plus you will need that ID to allow you to,:-
Get a home loan,
Rent a house
Get a job
Buy petrol
Get medical care
At first it will be voluntary to be issued with a digital ID, but that's only until they phase out our credit cards and debit cards.

And we will be confined to 15minute zones. Their allowance of those 100days to be allowed out of those zones will soon be taken away.
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 27 February 2023 10:49:15 PM
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I suggest Indy's much touted figure of 95%.
Actually, when one really looks at the performance curve of many Public servants much of their income is just like welfare so, Paul if you want to cut the welfare wasted on you, by all means do so but let the conscientious useful Public Servants earn their pay.
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 4 March 2023 8:20:50 AM
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I assume from previous posts of yours, the "conscientious useful Public Servants", are in the 5% you would retain? Nothing like talk from a point of ignorance; "when one really looks at the performance curve of many Public servants", how many of these performance curves have you actually looked at, I'd say NONE!

And in your case with your snout firmly wedged in the welfare trough, what has been your value to Australia all these years you have been taking aged welfare? NIL! What is your excuse for not providing for your retirement, and now relying on us taxpayers. Was it a case of piss and pokies?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 5 March 2023 6:12:58 AM
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the performance curve of many Public servants"
You mean the appraisals the 95% Public Servant perform on each other at regular intervals to ensure an unbroken link to the coffers without the need of actual performance ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 11 March 2023 7:55:48 AM
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make all those TV sets and other cheap goods and sell them to us?
Armchair Critic,
The computer I typing this on is made in China. My phone is made in China as is every other item I bought in Australia. Why did I buy Chinese made goods ? Because there aren't any such goods made in Australia ! Why aren't they made here ? Because Unions ruined manufacturing with their demands to pay non-performers equally to those who did do the right thing !
Now, because of Unions we probably have to start serious rationing much sooner than eventually !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 11 March 2023 5:04:24 PM
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Hey Indyvidual,
Yeah well just forget about all that stuff that we need and use and can't do without,
- That's just people talking Chinese lies and propaganda.
And all the riots of woke millenial snowflakes that would be wrecking up the place without there latest tech, forget that.
Or Australian jobs and exports etc.. Not important.

- Because we need to get the drumbeats of war beating loudly!
China's the enemy and we need to send our 60K active personnel in,
You know they 'claim' they're armed with hypersonic weapons and nukes
- Well, they're 'Made in China', so they may as well be cheap firecrackers, probably blow up before they get off the launch pad.
And they're the global leader in 37 out of 44 critical technologies, have 350klm hr trains and their own space station.
- It's just more Chinese lies.

They say they've got 300,000 Naval personal with 535 ships and 600 planes and a total military of over 2 million - but don't you worry.
Don't worry about our economy or anything like that...
- That's the least of our concerns.

Don't you worry Indy, we're gunna smash them with an iron fist.
We'll show those pesky Chinese people who the REAL BOSS around here is.
- Don't you worry about that mate.
We've got this.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 11 March 2023 6:19:18 PM
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You are all skating around the real problem.
Energy; that is where we will come up against it all.
When the power shortage occurs and load shedding is a daily exercise
and factories either close for half the day or give up altogether, then
we will be faced with food shortages because fertilisers will be
unobtainable by farmers as happened in Sri Lanka.
In such a situation there will be money rationing together with petrol
rationing, the 15 minute rule will be fully in force.
I can foresee a time of real rationing imposed by government just like
the covid restrictions were imposed.
You might say it was a practise run for the real thing.

It could be a running down of society as function after function fails.
Hospitals would I believe be early failures because the ill are disposable.
All because power generators were scrapped, or blown up before the
replacement generation was in place.
There is no way they can be replaced in a hurry especially during a
period of power shortage and material shortages.

Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 12 March 2023 3:24:14 PM
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