The Forum > Article Comments > The electric car revolution will soon take to the streets > Comments
The electric car revolution will soon take to the streets : Comments
By Jim Motavalli, published 28/1/2010Major car companies and well-funded startups are now producing electric vehicles that will soon be in showrooms.
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noise be generated to warn pedestrians as at present they use their
ears more than they realise. One suggestion was for the sound of the
frequency standard station WWV ! What a hoot !
At the third stoke;
It will be 1400 UTC
Beep Beep Beep.
Agnostic, they are coming this time, if the RTA does not find an
excuse to ban them.
Item 4. of your post should have been;
If petrol reaches $5-00 a litre.
I would certainly buy one such as the Leaf as the range is claimed
to be 160Km. Well within 98% of my trips.