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Abbott versus Rudd: a real contest? : Comments

By Chris Lewis, published 15/1/2010

Tony Abbott’s leadership of the Coalition will fully test the Rudd Labor government prior to the next federal election.

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Bush bunny

You may be right, but I am entitled to my opinion. I am sure everyone, including experts in their field, get somethings wrong.

That is why I look to the judgments of the masses rather than just one man's argument. Let the people decide.

Fact is polls still suggest that something should be done about global warming, although it may indeed not be addressed for a variety of reasons.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Saturday, 16 January 2010 6:47:26 AM
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I may be wrong but it now appears to me the consensus of opinion on OLO is that Rudd is beatable, when before Spencer’s saga, and with a silly Bull leading the Liberal Party, the Federal Australian Labor Party was considered unassailable. Copenhagen and the attempt to sign away our Australian independence, did not assist Kevin one bit. I voted Labor the last two elections federally, as I was disgusted at the failure of Howard and the Liberals to do anything about the destruction of the Justice System by the Liberals in New South Wales, the Labor Party in Queensland and Victoria, the Liberals in South Australia, and their continuation of Lawyer rule of the country.

The Liberals in the Commonwealth destroyed the High Court in 1979, created a Religious Tribunal and called them the Federal and Family Courts in 1976, and talk about the Exclusive Brethren, these people take the cake absolutely. The Federal and High Court can only be tricked these days into filing anything controversial.

Peter Spencer filed in Canberra, because he would have been blocked by a Registrar in Sydney or Melbourne. He got some sort of a hearing, but still got no justice, because the Liberal Party nobbled the Federal Court completely in 2006. That closet Communist, Turnbull, was part of the push to enact S 31A Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 and tried as Environment Minister to strike Peter Spencer’s claim out at first hearing.

Turnbull was sued in his personal capacity, in Federal Jurisdiction, for doing that in the District Court in Sydney. A Judge and Friend of the Liberal Party, refused to let the matter go to trial. We have no justice because we are governed by an ex Parliamentary coalition of lawyers. If Abbott can do enough homework, to mount a credible justice reform platform, he will again get the support of all the Churches. Without that support Australia cannot be effectively governed.

Abbott must seek a United Australia and seek to repeal the Australia Act 1986 that created nine co-existent republics, while continuing the Australian Courts Act 1828
Posted by Peter the Believer, Saturday, 16 January 2010 8:41:47 AM
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There has been a concerted attempt to replace justice with public opinion. As a popular Church, the various State Governments including the Commonwealth, with the assistance of a coalition of organized crime, and big business, have installed Judges and Magistrates to replace the Justices of the Peace, and courts, that existed when Australia became a United Nation.

The Irish Australians, used to the imposition of Resident Magistrates by the Church of England in occupied Roman Catholic Ireland, saw nothing wrong with replacing two Justices of the Peace, with a Magistrate. In fact it was wrong in Ireland, and is wrong in Australia. It is a form of Church oppression, with the Church being the State, just as in Communist Russia and behind the Iron Curtain, the Christian Church was forced to submit to the higher Church of the State. Most Pastors and Priests are still deadly afraid of the State. However some are waking up.

Its all in the punctuation, and by parsing and analysis, a basic skill no longer taught in School, the meaning of the English language used in the Constitution can be extracted. Deconstruction is a skill taught to lawyers in the United States. Some professors at some law schools have attempted to turn out competent lawyers by teaching it here. Tony can parse his way into the Lodge if he is a good student. Kevin may even beat off his challenge if he works hard, but Kev is going to have to enliven the Australian Federal Police to enforce s 11 of the Australia Act 1986, which continues the Australian Courts Act 1828, and have an Australian Federal Police Officer represent the Governor General in every court.

If Tony works out that the Australian Constitution is a continuation of Christian Government in Australia, and the High Court has said on four occasions since 1996, that the State Governments are not entitled to legislate as they please, then he can turn public opinion against Rudd and the State Labor governments. So far he is still in a learning curve. He should read and understand the “Kable Principle”
Posted by Peter the Believer, Saturday, 16 January 2010 9:13:07 AM
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I enjoyed reading your coruscating asd discursive analysis Chris. Looking forward to reading your next article
Posted by straw, Saturday, 16 January 2010 5:00:50 PM
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And tonight Dear Friends the news tells us that we will all be forced to buy Premium Unleaded "to come in line with the rest of the world" the oil companies have announced. They will phase out ordinary unleaded petrol. They have started already it has been said.

Another hit at the family, business and every poor bugger in this country. As if petrol is not expensive enough now we have to buy "Premium".

And what will the Rudd government do? all. Price watch? what a joke. So if Abbott hasn't got a chance this next election, I don't know when he will have. Somebody tell him.

In case I haven't mentioned it previously but to anyone who buys the family groceries, how much has your bill gone up in the past 2 weeks? It has, it was predicted.

This, announcement by petrol suppliers will again, again hike up our grocery bills. Where does it end?
Posted by RaeBee, Saturday, 16 January 2010 5:42:10 PM
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is the glass half empty or half full. without absolutes we will never know. as you shift the goal posts opinion changes. Gods law or natures principles never change to fit popular opinion and will always have the last laugh.Solomon reputed to be the wisest man to ever live found it was folly to follow man. remember your creator before you pass away for only he knows the past present and future for now we look as through a dirty window but to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord for the dust will return to the earth and the spirit will return to God who gave it. So seek God draw nigh to him and resist the devil and he shall flee.Gods ways are higher than mans ways it's our choice.
God is not mocked you reap what you sew. Fear God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole duty of man. These are the words of Solomon.
Posted by Richie 10, Tuesday, 19 January 2010 4:10:24 AM
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