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Asylum seekers: cause or symptom? : Comments

By Helen Dehn, published 11/1/2010

Asylum seekers: a regional problem has become very much Australia’s problem alone.

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Ah I knew Helen would cop the wrath of the rabid “left” when she defended the historic base of Australia and its wealth creating sector against the interests of the “internationalists”, who support the debasement of the gene pool with the waifs and strays off the high seas

David Jennings “We are a multi-racial and multicultural country. Deal with it or move on.”

“Multiculturalism”, as you call, it is merely a small hiccup, which will be erased and forgotten about through the natural and irreversible process of Assimilation

Australia is a sovereign state, with a sovereign states right to decide who is allowed to settle here. We are not the doormat of the UN, to be told we will wipe the feet of anyone who happens to be sailing by.

Keep up the good work Helen...

We know it makes sense
Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 13 January 2010 7:28:03 AM
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Regionally Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia bear/have borne the larger portion of asylum seekers in the region. Even though Indonesia is not a signatory to the Convention, it houses asylum seekers in its detention camps, built and funded by Australia.

How we can talk of 'processing' asylum seekers according to religion? culture? Next it will be skin colour, height and weight? Are we returning to White Australia Policy or to Hitler's Aryan race? Is this why the Aborigines remain at the bottom rung in Australia?

Let us remember that asylum seekers are created by dictators, those who do not respect democracy and also by greedy of rich nations exploiting resources and keeping them in power: eg Sudan, DRC, Papua New Guinea.

Asylum seekers need our compassion, they are the victims and not exploiters. Please do not try to incarcerate them, they are human.
Posted by chongaviazi, Wednesday, 13 January 2010 5:07:38 PM
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The Author of this explosive issue is copping more then her fair share of denigration for being honest. The majority of abuse comes from the ' rogue elements ' e.g redneck, xenophobic misogynist, resentful of her provocative stance in addressing a very pressing National, social, community conundrum which Rudd, Abbott, Brown,etc have so far disingenuously failed to accomplish. The Pollies, for all their Bureacratic minders,and " think tanks " have only muddied the waters, cost taxpayers heaps, and continue to perplex/confuse most citizens with their ineptitude and blissful ignorance. Do we have a Plan D for the long term Kevin ?

Helen cites the moral, emotive, humanitarian, short term expediency issues. Her detractors go for her Political allegiance jugular ! It's irrelevant because she is not in the shadow Ministry, nor in Parliamant.

The mere existance of tens of millions of Refugees from conflicts around the Globe, is something we have to live with: like poverty.
Amusingly, that most Wars, since the end of the War-to-end-all-wars, was spoken in all sincerity and Universally sanctioned by all. Now, some people are even calling for the perpetrators of Wars to be tried for: War Crimes against Humanity - if only, just to put a moratorium on future conflicts, and deter would be despots/dictators from wholesale murder, destruction, refugees etc. The extenuating aftermath often extending well beyond borders, generations, and time zones.
Posted by dalma, Tuesday, 19 January 2010 6:04:19 PM
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Apart from the very pressing skill's, ADF etc shortages.Our dependence on Exports for growth, our obligations to our Pacific neighbours paradigm, the asylum equation is not as forthright as many would have us believe.
It is no secret our Border Protection Authorities are a dismal failure. For the money spent on aerial/naval/UAV surveillance, we would be far better resorting to local Aboriginal " coast watchers " to identify wannabe broachers, at one fiftieth the price.

Wilson Tuckey raised the ' terrorist bogey ', and ASIO confirmed our misgivings. Recently Dr Haneef was incarcerated by our dauntless AFP on spurious charges, only to be exonerated, publicly maligned, and later compensated, with no apology. ASIO is not required by Commonwealth Law to devulge it's mere existance, nor to comment on it's findings. End of story ?

Treasury modelling reveal with the Baby Boomers ageing, and the population reaching retirement, it takes 5 employee's tax earnings to support this mob. By 2015, only 2.5 employed would be left to provide the same service. Without migration, who is going to support the elderly ? The requirements for the Aged isn't a cut and dry procedure. Hospital, housing and ongoing support is absolutely vital to their meagre existance. Your Parents may well be on the roll !

Who then is going to protect us from the hordes, in this vast Continent ? Dad's Army ?

Australia's detested " White Aust Policy " still prevails, and where ever I visited in Asia, Japan, Korea,Singapore, Cambodia, the conversation always steers to Clive Cadwell, Ben Chiefly etc and are we a Racist Nation ? It surprised me, that despite Gillard's $ 2 Billion ( monopoly money ) revamped Education curriculum, students cannot describe the event, yet Aussie History is taught in thatched, rickety outhouses with no desks or mod cons, to children seated on deck boards ? Money isn't the panacea for knowledge Julie. Worst, having to defend the indefensible for some witless Politician with delussions of grandeur, and a superiority complex - that's the rub.

To be continued.. !
Posted by dalma, Tuesday, 19 January 2010 6:57:09 PM
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Over a decade 108,540 visas were granted permanent residency under the Skill Migration Program.It's patently obvious there's a chronic shortage of Professional and Technical tradesman. With the Building boom escalating and everybody wanting a piece of the action, carpenters, electricians, draughtsman, architects etc have never had it so good. On the Coast, it's bedlam trying to get a ' traddie ' to return your calls - they haven't got the time, much less the motivation to tender quotes. Time is money.

41,800 persons were sponsered by Business Entities. Among these key personnel e.g Doctors, Specialist, Engineers ,Psychologist, Nursing staff etc are in this category. ABS estimates that in their first year $ 581m will enrich the Economy. By year 15, $ 1.01 B would be generated. There is ample evidence these New Australians pay their way, earn their keep, and subscribe in many ways, to the Wealth of the Nation. Pity, we have to compete with other more affluent Nations, for their professional expertise. An ominous sign of the times !

DIAC - Immigration & Citizenship, expect 168,000 new migrants 2009/10. Under the Humanitarian Program 13,700 - 6000 Refugees (Asylum seekers) plus 7500 others may qualify for special circumstances entry criteria.

It is on record, Canada, US, and Oz are among the top three Nations committed to 1951 UN Refugee Convention Charter, and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, out of 146 signatories.

What is not generally known, we accepted 140,000 on Humanitarian grounds, and a staggering 675,000 refugees since WWII. Mostly form ME, Africa, Thailand, Burma etc. Over a 12 year period, 1.3 million visa holders were granted permanent residency status.Due to a growing demand, and a relaxation of previous Govt policies, 13 amedments / changes (2009/10) were incorporated into the Act, to make it more accessible and user friendly. TPV's,THV's,885,487 visas were abolished. Since June 2009, Asylum seekers can apply for Visa applications to join the growing queues of 36,900 applicants. Most visitors apply through MARA - migration agencies, well before they board their plane in their Country of origin.There are well over 5500 Registered Agents
Posted by dalma, Thursday, 21 January 2010 9:14:32 AM
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..who provide Legal Aid, commercial, and noncommercial advice, and paperwork. There is no minimum set fee. It's a case-by-case process, and a burgeoning Industry, increasing by the minute. Lucrative, easy money for shysters out to fleece their largely ignorant victims. We relentlessly pursue " people smugglers ", yet ignore a prolific rort - right under our roof ?

For Business Skill's entry, it cost's $3000/10,000.Child migration : $1500/4000. Student (TRS) entry $700/1000.Reviews: $500/750. DIAC encourages the use of Agents to minimise their work load. To be fair, some really low life weasels, have been struck off for abusing the largely unchecked modus operandi. Rarely, and only after serious multiple complaints.

DIAC provides all sorts of grants, financial assistance, incentives for people intending to settle here. Accommodation, food, health care, language assistance etc are their primary focus. Asylum seekers are contracted to reimburse the Commonwealth onshore or offshore, for expenses.In reality, this surcharge is only a token symbolic gesture.. Taxpayers foot the myriad Bureaucratic departments e.g Justice,ASIO, AFP, Health etc. In 2007, a disgrunted ex Baxter inmate went Public, complaining of a $92,500 bill, his gaolers charged him, whilst languishing in that fetid gulag, amidst a previously disused UK (1949-58)Atomic Bomb Test site, which was subsequently returned to the Aboriginals !

His claims raised the expected kafuffle. The usual Politicians cried shame, but Immigration defiantly stuck to their guns, and issued a rebuttal in the newspapers. Finally, he absconded, leaving a few embarrassed red-faced Officials. The Auditor General needless to say, scrubbed the debt ( nonrecoverable, it seems!)

There are many more anecdotal incidents that never make the newsprint. Perhaps in the long term, it is just as well. A V was promoted, and shunted off to NY to a cushy UN posting, many would die for. Remarkably, she was never included in the New Year's Honours List. A coveted AO would do her proud, dont you think ?
Posted by dalma, Thursday, 21 January 2010 9:58:34 AM
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