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The Forum > Article Comments > Ian Plimer and George Monbiot: could litigation sort out their argument? > Comments

Ian Plimer and George Monbiot: could litigation sort out their argument? : Comments

By Stephen Keim, published 7/1/2010

Professor Ian Plimer is famous for using litigation to settle disputes going to core beliefs.

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If four + independent specialists advised you that the bump on your rump was a carbuncle then you would do well to accept their advice.

If four + of Australia’s most eminently qualified scientists (Profs. Karoly, Walter, Lambeck, Brook etc) advised that the contents of Mr Plimer’s “Heaven and Earth” book were seriously flawed then you would do well to consider their advice.

When Mr Plimer publicly declared that “climate scientists are pompous and arrogant and are treating people as stupid”, then you would do well to challenge him on his assertions.

However, if one prefers to keep one’s head in the sand and in the event of litigation: Monbiot vs Plimer, one can always donate to the “ Professor I Plimer Fighting Fund.” As history reveals, I suspect the hapless Professor will need all the donations he can get his hands on:
Posted by Protagoras, Friday, 8 January 2010 11:28:51 AM
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If Plimer was still telling off creationists as he did so well, I would cheerfully contribute. At the time I did.

Regarding climate change, Plimer is not arguing his case so well.

If he goes back to chipping fundies, I'll contribute again.

Posted by Rusty Catheter, Saturday, 9 January 2010 8:52:02 AM
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It is now 25 days since George Monbiot accused Ian Plimer of lying and fabrication. The accusation was levelled on national television.

Plimer has still not instituted action against Monbiot.

Posted by stevenlmeyer, Saturday, 9 January 2010 8:59:45 AM
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Steven, I watched that exchange on 'Lateline', and I think the answer to your question is because Plimer was obviously lying and fabricating - not to mention evading and distorting.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 9 January 2010 9:29:05 AM
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Let me rephrase my last post.

Professor Plimer,

It is now 25 days since George Monbiot accused you of lying and fabrication. The accusation was made on national television. I find it difficult to conceive of a worse accusation that can be levelled against a scientist. Your reputation has been besmirched.

You have still not instituted action against Monbiot.


Plimer's email address is:

Email him and ask him why he has not sued Monbiot. I did.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Saturday, 9 January 2010 11:25:24 AM
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Define a scientist? He's an advocate definitely.

Wikipedia says "Ian Rutherford Plimer is an Australian GEOLOGIST,(my emphasis) academic and businessman."
"Plimer is a director of three Australian mining companies: Ivanhoe, CBH Resources and Kefi Minerals."

"Plimer is listed as an associate of the Institute of Public Affairs, a free market think tank. In 2007, Plimer was listed as an "allied expert" for the Natural Resources Stewardship Project, a Canadian anti-Kyoto Protocol advocacy group."

"In November 2009, Plimer was named as a member of the academic advisory council for Nigel Lawson's global warming skeptic group, the Global Warming Policy Foundation."
Posted by examinator, Saturday, 9 January 2010 3:22:20 PM
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