The Forum > Article Comments > Resisting the dangerous allure of global warming technofixes > Comments
Resisting the dangerous allure of global warming technofixes : Comments
By Dianne Dumanoski, published 31/12/2009As the world weighs how to deal with warming, the idea of human manipulation of climate systems is gaining attention.
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Posted by Jon J, Friday, 1 January 2010 7:11:49 AM
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@ Jon J Gee fancy that a right wing website saying AGW is not real.
I wish the foaming at the mouth ring wingers would get the story right. Pick one. A. Global temps have not gone up. B. Global temps have gone up but its the sun that making it happen. C. Global warming is happening but it will cost to much to stop it. D. Global warming is happening and we should do something about it. Depending on how ant science you are, the surer your pick for option A. People who pick option A, are likely to not think HIV causes AIDS, the World is only 6000 years old, and Ronald Ragan was the best Prez ever. The rest of us will observe that just like other anti science groups they will not pick one and stand by it. They know that if they do science will be able to come up with test to prove or disprove they ideas. So just like right wing creationist in the US use a undefined concept called Intelligent design to try a wedge the Theory of evolution so do these Anti global warms. Go here and here for what other think of JoNova Climate science. It’s funny really but JoNova is making big money telling right wingers what they want to hear about AGW, and her biggest charge against hardworking climate scientist, “ Well their in it for the money”. Posted by cornonacob, Friday, 1 January 2010 9:58:27 AM
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Most sceptics, I'm sure, would have no trouble supporting your option D: "Global warming is happening and we should do something about it." Perhaps a little too succinct: the doubts and puzzlements are over what is actually 'happening' and what is the 'something' that should be done. I don't think much good can come out of Jesuits and heretics slagging each other [like this]: yes, something (or many incredibly complex 'things') is/are 'happening': but what do we do about it/them ? Yes, excess CO2 is probably a major cause of AGW (proportionately, how much a cause ? how much actual warming ?) Are there many other causes - other gases, particulates, global dimming, deforestation which reduces the earth's ability to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, conversion of all sources of energy including wind, solar, subterranean thermal) into heat energy associated with industrial production and urban living, and so on and on. If there are problems, we have to identify them accurately, find solutions and not just declare (with some schadenfreude ?) that the planet is doomed, at least doomed unless we go back to some pre-industrial, even pre-human, Golden Age. But probably very few people would suggest that we do nothing, so please let's drop that straw-man argument. Either way, it seems pretty simple to me: switch to renewables (including algal conversion farms), electrify the Third World (with renewable energy) and plant more trees. Problem solvered ! Now for the detail ..... Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 1 January 2010 11:51:03 AM
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As an aside it would be interesting if OLO publish a article about denialist. Denialist of any flavour but Evolution and Climate science would be the most topical for OLO I guess.
What is it that motivates these people. Sure it is money for some but for most it isn’t. Is it their political ideas, that make their world view inflexible, this can happen for people both on the left and right. Denialist as opposed to sceptics are generally. Talking from a position of extreme ignorance some maybe trained scientist but they are normal way out of their field of expertise.. Will not accept standard scientific practices. Will not develop testable theories of their own. Will concentrate on one small area of accepted science and try to pin naive holes in the subject. Will reassert their talking points no matter how often they are shown to be wrong. Will general appeal to “Common Sense” or the “man in the street”. Will site books and blogs in defence of their opinions. Will only read the relevant Science journals if given a free copy and only then use the knowledge to quote mine. And finally my favourite, They tend to state regularly that they are only interested in the truth, when that is the last thing they are going to stumble across. Posted by cornonacob, Friday, 1 January 2010 12:17:56 PM
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I would like to suggest farmers start putting more carbon in their soil. Not because it will help that fairy tale stuff about GW. But because pyrolysis biochar and organic carbon will:-
* save farmers $ in less fertiliser use and run off * less damage to environment like Qeensland's GBR ( saving the Govt $) * save farmers heaps of water (and $) * increase farmers' crop yields by up to 30% (more $) There is one unfortunate side effect-- doing this will sequester CO2 so those silly people who believe in GW will think was are doing it just for that reason! At all costs, we should try to stop the government introducing a carbon credits scheme because then farmers will use biochar for the wrong ideological reasons! ;) Posted by michael2, Friday, 1 January 2010 2:15:32 PM
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Not one of you warming alarmists comment on the deliberate fraud, suppression of alternative ideas and the apparent loss of the raw data at the alarmist warming Hadley Institute at that University in England.
The one that supplied that concocted hockey stick graph and that now totally suspect report to the alarmist warming UN committee on climate change. That unrepresentative UN committee(As is usual practice in the UN structures) that keeps trying to convince the world capitalist activity is dooming the world. Come on folks ... wake up to the realities. In Australia you might have noticed the drought as broken, you know that drought many of you warming alarmists were claiming as evidence of warming. Why are you in denial these things have occurred? Posted by keith, Friday, 1 January 2010 2:54:08 PM
If proponents of AGW are so sure of their facts then the next step is obvious: make the raw and the 'adjusted' data available so the public can see for themselves. Until this happens the steady flow of government money will ensure that there are plenty of researchers willing to 'correct' and 'tweak' and 're-analyze' until they obtain the results they are being paid for.