The Forum > Article Comments > Connecting the faithful - Bondi to the Bodhi Tree > Comments
Connecting the faithful - Bondi to the Bodhi Tree : Comments
By Simon Smart, published 24/12/2009Most seem to think of the Jesus story as an important one to hang on to - for the kids.
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Posted by Formersnag, Sunday, 27 December 2009 9:24:30 AM
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Formersnag, Point taken & respect given.
I'm chatting with my mate at the same time I'm writing this & he is an agnostic but he is totally against the very same things as you & I. So sometimes I might sound abrupt but in fact I'm sincere. If you want to find me other than here, go to Regards, Matt. Posted by Atheistno1, Sunday, 27 December 2009 5:59:41 PM
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Formersnag and athiestno1, if I can butt into this mutual admiration society the two of you have formed, how you manage to live in this world of conniving religious females is beyond me!
To listen to you two, one would be forgiven for believing that women are the one and only evil in this world, and are the reasons for all male problems? Makes me feel kind of powerful really. Posted by suzeonline, Tuesday, 29 December 2009 9:59:18 PM
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Suzeonline, the lesbian, feman-nazi, paedophiles don't, just abuse innocent men, they also abuse innocent women, (who would like to be real women living a normal life) & CHILDREN as well. They even abuse themselves without realising it & somehow "denialise" themselves, into thinking all their own self created misery, is still some blokes fault.
Women have the power, they have today, because men gave it to them, voluntarily. We can take it back again, just as easily, if women continue proving their incompetence at taking responsibility, when wielding that power. When the evil, feman-nazi, paedophiles sought access to men's superannuation in property settlements, some years ago, they did so by producing vast amounts of scientific data, to prove that most women are incapable of managing money, assets, etc & that's why they needed more of it. Do you remember that old 60's folk song with the chorus line "united we stand, divided we fall & if our backs should ever be against the wall, we'll be together, together, you & i". What do you think femanism & the "battle of the sexes" is all about? If the "revolting peasants" (that's the "you & i" part) are busy hating & mistrusting each other, then the revolution is hardly likely to succeed is it? The whole thing was about the rich getting richer & the poor getting poorer. BTW, its way out of date, have not used it for ages, as i have many names & numbers in my mobile & keep meeting new ladies everyday, but go to "", type "formersnag" into the "individual name search" box, check out my old dating profile page & see what you are missing out on. Posted by Formersnag, Wednesday, 30 December 2009 1:37:46 PM
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Formersnag, are you for real?
I reckon you must be having us all on! I have never heard of feminist paedophiles. In fact it is very rare for women to have sex with children. I guess you must run with a different crowd to me. I think I will pass on checking out your page thanks. Posted by suzeonline, Wednesday, 30 December 2009 11:13:16 PM
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Suzeonline, sorry for the delay in getting back to you, have been having fun with connectivity.
No i am not having you on. Women having sex with younger men & boys has always been around. Has been getting far more common over the last few decades. But it has been deliberately under investigated by child protection services in all states & territories as the responsible staff in management are nearly all female. They have a vested interest in protecting other women. Only a tiny number of the most egregious cases ever see the light of day. Besides, what red blooded teenage boy is going to complain about getting his rocks off? Openly gay men don't touch under age boys but many lesbian/bi women do encourage girls to "see the light". I personally have witnessed this in Brisbane involving a young woman with intellectual disability & yes there was an active cover up, involving several govt departments & NGOs. Also tracked down some old catholic male friends & at 1 boarding school, 2 nuns would line all the boys up in the showers at night, the first one would move down the line digitally stimulating them until achieving erection, whereupon the second nun would hit it with a cane. Needless to say that this man became impotent. Posted by Formersnag, Thursday, 7 January 2010 6:16:02 PM
Your quite correct about the link with mental illness though, but are we talking about, the merely demented, or criminally, insane, sociopsychopaths?
The most corrupt organisation the world has ever known would have to be the unholy roman catholic church. Close second, the anglican church having been started by a crazed, syphilitic, despot, looking for "legal" excuses to be rid of bothersome wives. Close third of course would have to be the green/red ALP coalition. Google "", see what you find & whether it confirms your opinion of krud, swan, etc.
As for the fe-man nazi's & my concept of good versus evil? i come back to logic. Medical science has gone ahead considerably over the last few decades. Psychology, psychiatry & neuro surgeons have discovered much about the brain. Is it scientifically possible for anybody to be that stupid or greedy? The femanists have been at it for 4 decades now, without apology to anybody for anything. Are they remorseless, recalcitrant, recidivist, criminals or, were the male chauvinist pigs correct all along & women really are a morally, weaker, dumber sex?
If you are in Brisbane and would like a verbal joust over hot coffee or cold beer anytime, let me know. I have often considered that what we need is not another new political party but an apolitical, concerned citizens lobby group. What do you think? Maybe antiseptic and some of the other "crusty demons" would be interested?
BTW, Maccas filter is probably a crude denial of rude words like sex.