The Forum > Article Comments > Arab human rights abuses uncovered in explosive report > Comments
Arab human rights abuses uncovered in explosive report : Comments
By David Singer, published 21/12/2009An explosive report, 'Bastion of Impunity, Mirage of Reform' has been released on the state of human rights in the Arab world.
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Posted by Baxter Sin, Monday, 21 December 2009 11:21:17 AM
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So what! Singer the israeli apologist is presumably trying to contrast how evil the arabs are compared to the israelis.
We all know these are repressive and vile regimes. It is taken as given that they mistreat dissidents, practice torture, censorship, media control and pass repressive laws. This is what despots do. No one needs a report to tell us this. It is countries that call themselves democracies that we hold to higher standards. It is countries that can be influenced to do the right thing that we pressure to change. It is countries where regime change means elections not war that are scrutinised for corruption, repression and cover ups. It is countries that follow the rule of law and have an independent judiciary that are able to change their ways. All the rest are just authoritarian despots and the west should have nothing to do with them. They should be isolated until they can agree to join the civilised nations. Pity that would deprive us of oil etc and so we all turn a blind eye. Shame humanity shame Posted by mikk, Monday, 21 December 2009 1:16:00 PM
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How can this be true?
Surely the abuses referred to run counter to the fundamental tenets of Islam? It must be a lie from Shaitan and the Zionists! Posted by HermanYutic, Monday, 21 December 2009 2:02:30 PM
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Now you can tell us something we don't know Mr Singer,these terrible regimes how dreadful but I did not see the US Govt shy away from using the despotic Governments to torture prisoners from IRAQ.
You remember IRAQ Mr Singer,and remember Gaza where you gloss over the crimes committed by the IDF and gloss over the murder,theft and bastardy by the settlers towards the Palestinians whose land they are thieving. We already know the Arab world is a mess,but one seems to find the hand of the US, French, Brits,handing over Palestine to the Israeli Zionists,the force able removal of Arabs from there homes,the confiscation of Arab lands still going on,and you keep telling us what a fine democracy Israel is,I think you talk a load of rubbish,dont you have enough problems with trying to shift the blame elsewhere Posted by John Ryan, Monday, 21 December 2009 11:09:13 PM
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More Zionist propaganda:
The Jordanian National Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) has issued a report which finds that Islamist parties are the least concerned with human rights. How can that be, with all the exhortations for brotherly love emanating from the Koran? Posted by HermanYutic, Tuesday, 22 December 2009 7:59:22 AM
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What colour is that pot David?
Posted by keith, Tuesday, 22 December 2009 11:56:34 AM
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Who can argue with David Singer's condemnation of those vicious tyrannical regimes that plague the ME? However,the attempt to include Gaza is transparently propagandist,the chaotic, oppressive situation in Gaza is a product of Israel's policies,so Hamas is Israel's creation,and the Zionists need Hamas. Unfortunately the Palestinians pay the bill,as usual.
Posted by mac, Tuesday, 22 December 2009 2:57:32 PM
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Most of the comments on this article reflect a left-liberal desire to condemn Israel, out of a bleeding-heart concern for the situation of the Palestinians.
No country is perfect, not Israel, not Australia. But preparedness to bend over backwards for the Arab cause is a bizarre travesty of the central values of "left-liberalism". When last I looked, these included pluralist democracy, tolerance of social diversity, religious toleration, equality of the sexes and strong disapproval of corruption. Over the sixty years or so since the Arab world got independence from colonialism, it has shown spectacular fecklessness. Its political failures stem from its own actions alone; they are not the fault of colonial oppressors. A good starting read is David Pryce-Jones: The Closed Circle - an interpretation of the Arabs. More generally, there has been a lamentable failure of Islamic "civilization" since it closed the gates of ijtihad (independent critical thinking) about 800 years ago. The Arab world's woes, cultural and religious, are self-inflicted. It is not the fault of colonial oppressors, nor indeed of a "Jewish conspiracy", that the Islamic world had no post-mediaeval Renaissance, Reformation or Enlightenment. Nick Cohen ("What's Left? How liberals lost their way") quotes ‘Moynihan’s Law’: * The number of complaints about a nation’s violation of human rights is in inverse proportion to its actual violation of them.* Thus, you can find out about Guantanamo Bay but not about North Korea’s prison camps. And you can document and badmouth Israel's actions, but not those of the Bashir regime in Sudan towards political and religious dissent generally, and genocidally toward the Christian and animist south and toward Darfur. I could mention also the disgraceful spoiling action played last week by both Sudan and Saudi Arabia at the Copenhagen Conference. It seems to me pretty rich to accuse ISRAEL of lacking moral clarity. Posted by Glorfindel, Tuesday, 22 December 2009 11:03:41 PM
It's appalling but consider how western governments are creeping towards the same abuses under the guise of the 'war on terror'.
The full report is worth a read!