The Forum > Article Comments > Completely plucked and hissing loudly > Comments
Completely plucked and hissing loudly : Comments
By Mikayla Novak, published 11/12/2009The weight of submissions to the Henry Tax Review amply illustrates that average Australians feel completely plucked.
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Until today, I had never heard of the Haber-Bosch process.
Nor had I ever knowingly read anything from Discover Magazine.
Mind you, from the sample provided, that's probably not a great loss. Sort of Readers Digest, gussied up with faux-demotic familiarity...
"...a grateful Lord will one day wash your tired feet in Paradise. For it is from here, looking east, that you get to see the truth—long known in the scientific community, and as a consequence long kept quiet—that Mr. So-Called Charles Darwin, with his dumb beard and his dumb theories, born 200 years ago this very year, was wrong. Not just a little bit wrong. A lot wrong. Wronger than a bluetick hound on moonshine. Wronger than a Dixie Chick wearing a blindfold. And he could, additionally, be a real pain in the you-know-where about it."
But I think I may be missing your point a little.
>>it is all being subverted by mindless growthism<<
Having made the very strong and valid point that civilizations tend to self-manage their growth and shrinkage, are you suggesting that what we are experiencing now is somehow different? Or is it just another go-round of the same cycle?
From the macro viewpoint, you are of course correct in pointing out that decline is ultimately inevitable. Just as RawMustard is perfectly right at his own, micro level, that "it was wonderful out here 20 years ago, it's a hell hole now".
But declines, as you showed us, have never been permanent.
And hey, where did I paint a "picture of conditions always getting better"?
I simply pointed out that despite their overcrowded conditions, large cities around the world seem to continue to rub along. And since it is unlikely that we in our lifetime will see conditions that allow, say, the inhabitants of Kolkata slums to live in the same comfort as yourself and RawMustard, we would do well to consider that we are, comparatively, well off.