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The Forum > Article Comments > Immigration brings real and tangible benefits > Comments

Immigration brings real and tangible benefits : Comments

By Jacob Varghese, published 16/11/2009

There is every reason to be optimistic that in 40 years Australia will be an even better place with 13 million extra people to share it.

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Ponzi scheme, that was my line ! Though sort of obvious. One day will be payback time.

There could be higher population in the north, very under populated. Atherton tablelands such a rich, fertile, magnificent foodbowl with everything from beef, milk, coffee, tea, banana, barramundi, potato, watermelon, corn, sugar, mango, onions, brewery and fruit fact if they grew tobacco again what else does one need? Oh yes bread, import some grain and heaven on earth. Plus of course it rains a lot so plenty of water availability. However zero infrastructure, electricity, water storgae and treatment, internet, roads, transport all 3rd world. So we are not investing very well to support any sort of population spurt. Look at Brisbane they have 2 minute showers. Yet it does not stop development and building approvals. very odd. Like a death wish.
Posted by TheMissus, Monday, 16 November 2009 2:34:21 PM
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Perhaps this is just another facet of the old adage that misery loves company.
Posted by Rick S, Monday, 16 November 2009 2:40:27 PM
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To most political parties, the ¨real and tangible benefits¨ they desire from the gushing stream of immigration they urge, is the indefinite, yet unsustainable, maximum rate of economic growth they crave. If, for the sake of the environment, or for that matter, any other reason, someone actually advocates economic sustainability that includes a reduced rate of immigration, that person is branded as un-Australian by politicians, and indeed, those countless raving disciples of a flawed national multi-cultural policy.
Posted by native, Monday, 16 November 2009 3:35:54 PM
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rstuart, you said
"This is a bit of a let down. I was genuinely hoping to see an article on OLO with a title like this so I could understand the relentless pursuit of population growth by all of our political parties".

That is easy to understand. The major political parties receive big donations from developers and big business, so do their bidding. Business is only interested in one thing, selling more consumer goods.

The wants and needs of Australians comes a poor last.

You are right but note my response to rstuart above.
There is an old saying. "He who pays the piper, calls the tune"
Posted by Banjo, Monday, 16 November 2009 4:54:36 PM
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Bugger me eh.

Sure refugees bring benefits....when:

-the country doesnt have a housing shortage.

- the country has a social system that is able to help the homeless NATIONALS well BEFORE refugess.

- unemployment isnt on the rise

- The People take a vote as to whether they want more refugees.

- When they can speak english.

So until all of the above get ticked off i say yeah ok no problems.

Blunt: i dont think we need more right now......maybe not for the next 40 years actually.

BTW kevin Rudd, i want an apology aswell.............seems thats all you can do.
Posted by elroy, Monday, 16 November 2009 6:00:36 PM
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Correction: "So until all of the above get ticked off i say no thankyou".

My Apologies,

A little too passionate about this topic.
Posted by elroy, Monday, 16 November 2009 6:04:06 PM
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