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All is not well in the asylum : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 20/10/2009

Philip Ruddock's policies led to some of the grossest abuses of human rights in Australian history.

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Since Menzies turned a blind eye after WWII to the flood of Nazis , and they (the Nazis) began to influence our polity by joining the backrooms of the “Liberal Party’’, we have lost our way.

Egon Kisch was a Jewish communist and anti-war activist he was a vocal critic of Adolf Hitler’s regime.
When Kisch wanted to come to visit Australia in 1934, Menzies pointed out that “every civilized country had the right to determine who should or should not be allowed in”, and that “since Kisch was a revolutionary and that revolution involved violence, he was not to be permitted entry”.

Did you notice that nothing has changed?

The present Tamil Asylum seekers would more than likely claim they were freedom fighters fleeing the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka; the same government that we recently saw, shell helpless civilian human shields, to compel Tamil Tigers to finally succumb.

Should we accept these people just as we accepted the defeated Nazis who got into Australia under the radar, while menzie pretended he was Lord Nelson?

The UNHCR has virtually set up a system to process asylum seekers, which must fail because are simply not enough protection officers to cope with the demands placed upon them, by providing a total of 30 people, including clerical assistants, who are responsible for asylum seekers in Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Malaya, Singapore and Timor Leste.

Of the 185 member states of the United Nations (UN) only ten have established annual resettlement quotas above and beyond their acceptance of persons arriving spontaneously at their borders. We have a quota of 12,000 per year over and above those who arrive at our borders. We made a commitment then, however, under Howard’s repudiation of that promise, we live with the dishonour of our word and of our forebears. Who by the way thought they had just fought a war against Hitler to make the world a better place.

Kevin Rudd should be ashamed that he so readily took up the torch we voters snatched from the hand of that political pigmy John Howard.
Posted by lorry, Wednesday, 21 October 2009 1:48:21 PM
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"Many Asylum seekers are forced to leave their countries in haste and are unable to access appropriate documentation."

Anyone who believes that will believe anything.
Posted by Leigh, Wednesday, 21 October 2009 6:46:38 PM
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People arriving by boat ARE illegal entrants. People found to be genuine refugees in accordance with UN criteria have status, but asylum seekers having 'legal status under international Law' is just another weirdy from the wild imagination of E.Sykes. The illegals would not pass UN muster (the UN is much tougher), and they know it; that's why they try for silly old Australia. They think that we are a joke.

While Sykes's attempted interpretation of any law concerning illegal entry to any country is all up a wattle, there is his added ignorance of the fact that international law is a lot of hocus pocus which no court in the world can enforce if a sovereign nations choses to ignore it.
Posted by Leigh, Wednesday, 21 October 2009 7:01:33 PM
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Leigh, it is well established under our own law that it is not illegal for asylum seekers to enter Australian territory, by virtue of the fact that Australia remains a signatory to the UN Convention.

We know you don't like that fact, but a lie is still a lie no matter how many times you repeat it.

The Missus: << “Neurosis or mental illness (fear of hoons) is hardly a justification for anything except your own failings”. But a reason for asylum? >>

Possibly a good reason for committal to an asylum in your case.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 21 October 2009 7:33:06 PM
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You are correct- any person who is a non citizen requires a valid visa to enter Australia lawfully. Therefore that person is classed as an unlawfull entrant. THe DIAC uses the term a lot in their various fact sheets dealing with visas and related topics.

Untill such time as they apply for protection they are classed as unlawfull (a word meaning illegal) entrants. So we should continue to use the word 'illegals' when applied to those who have not yet applied for protection.

I prefer 'illegal alien' myself, which is even more accurate.

Those that go in to bat for the con artists, liars, cheats and bribers that the illegal aliens are, simply are trying to use terms they think sound nicer. They try to take the high moral ground but fail miserably because they have no compassion for the poor buggers in camps in various countries that are far more deserving of our help.

One wonders why they hate the genuine refugees so much that they ignore them and encourage deceitfull people to get ahead.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 21 October 2009 8:13:50 PM
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*Leigh & Banjo*
" ... "Many Asylum seekers are forced to leave their countries in haste and are unable to access appropriate documentation."

Anyone who believes that will believe anything. ... "

Methinks that you boyz have not known war, and not known suffering.

Why do I say this?

Let's imagine that we are in WWII germany. Now, let's imagine that Leigh is a retard, and Banjo is a poof.

Hmmm .. now what's the first thing that you'd do. I know, u'd put on pink and ?yellow? stars and go down to the nearest tin pot pom consulate, WITH YOUR DOCUMENTS, and present for a visa.

Seriously, whilst to some your comments may seem to be coherent in and of themselves, they are from my point of view completely divorced from reality.


Don't you think you'd cut your hair, change your clothes and appearance, get some fake ID if U were lucky, and try to sneek out somehow, maybe hitch a ride with a fisherman or whatever?

If the situation here deteriorated badly, u could bet they'd lock the airport down quick smart and I for one would not think twice about chartering a boat, irrespective of the status of the rest of the families paperwork.

.. as said in the other thread, the will to survive unites us all.

And then when boaties come here, at least they are easy to pick up and screen offshore. Nasties that come in under the cloak of legitimacy are far more of a concern I reckon.
Posted by DreamOn, Thursday, 22 October 2009 11:03:18 PM
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