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Is God the cause of the world? : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 16/10/2009Belief does not rest on evidence; it is a different way of knowing than that of scientific knowledge.
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Posted by Squeers, Wednesday, 11 November 2009 7:17:31 PM
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Follow the Sermon on the Mount completely, and Christianity will be eliminated.
Matt 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. The law that Jesus referred to was the Jewish law – not the Roman law. Since all has not been fulfilled not one jot or tittle should be ignored. Your entry into heaven depends on following those laws completely. If you want to follow the Sermon on the Mount you must leave the Christian heresy and return to Jesus' faith which is Judaism. My words to Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue, I sang it on 4zzz in Brisbane The Imitation of Christ Six feet two, eyes of blue Jesus Christ, he was a Jew Has anybody seen my lord? Big hooked nose, There he goes Preaching so that everyone knows Has anybody seen my lord? Speared by a Roman In the abdomen Blood gushing out Rose from the dead So it is said People believe without a doubt Jesus died, still a Jew He's a Jew so why aren't you? Has anybody seen my lord? Posted by david f, Wednesday, 11 November 2009 7:21:21 PM
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David f, love your song, reminds me of Kinky Friedman’s ‘They ain’t makin’ Jews like Jesus anymore”, from my days of yore.
I've had to adjust 'the profanity' to 'migger' to suit OLO sensibilities. Well, a redneck nerd in a bowling shirt was a-guzzlin' Lone Star beer Talking religion and-uh politics for all the world to hear. “They oughta send you back to Russia, boy, or New York City one You just want to doodle a Christian girl and you killed God's only son. I said, “Has it occurred to you, you nerd, that that's not very nice, We Jews believe it was Santa Claus that killed Jesus Christ. “You know, you don't look Jewish," he said, “near as I could figger I had you lamped for a slightly anemic, well-dressed country migger.“ No, they ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore, They don't turn the other cheek the way they done before. He started in to shoutin' and a-spittin' on the floor, “Lord, they ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore.? He says, “I ain't a racist but Aristitle Onassis is one Greek we don't need And them miggers, Jews and Sigma Nus, all they ever do is breed. And wops ‘n micks ‘n slopes ‘n spics ‘n spooks are on my list And there's one little hebe from the heart of Texas — is there anyone I missed ? See the whole set of lyrics here: Posted by The Blue Cross, Wednesday, 11 November 2009 8:05:32 PM
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Great lyrics, fellas, but if you want a tune too, you can't go past Tom Lehrer. Here are three that talk to this lengthy thread. The last one of course the timeless pythons.
God has left the building ... Good night and God bless. Posted by Squeers, Wednesday, 11 November 2009 9:14:36 PM
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Squeers, you are deeply offensive sometimes. That last utube of 'Brian' is just the last straw.
How dare you? Hurrummph... thin end of the wedge... hardly cricket... blasted colonial... heresy... waddya say to that, eh wot? Posted by The Blue Cross, Wednesday, 11 November 2009 9:42:57 PM
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Judea/Galilee..were two separate states/and political entities,.as illustrated on the map of the time of our Saviour in your Bible. Jesus Himself/was not a Jew..(Judean)..or resident of Judea,..He was a Galilean/..resident of Galilee.(Matthew 26:69;/John 7:41),..and a Judahite or descendent of the Tribe of Judah. The Judeans of prominence..were not/of the Tribe of Judah,..but of Edomites...Pilate was being ironic/when he wrote the sign.."Jesus of Nazareth,,,King of the Judeans'(John 19:19). That is,.."the Galilean/who was King of/the Judeans," in.."Queen Victoria of England,/Empress of India."..Jesus grew up in Nazareth/in Galilee...His disciples..were fishermen..from the Sea of Galilee. And although..He visited Jerusalem,..he spent most of His life/in his home country of Galilee. John 7:1,.."After this..Jesus stayed in Galilee;..for He could not walk in Judea,..because the Jews/sought to kill him."..His followers were constrained.."for fear of the Jews"..judeans..(John 7:13,19:38, 20:19). Why was this? Psalm 83:3..says God's elect/are "hidden" or protected ones,..and that they are under attack..from a coalition of evil groups..led by Edom...Who was Edom? Esau,..the brother/of the patriarch Jacob,..became the ancestor of the people called Edom,or Idumea...The Antiquities of the Jews/by Flavius Josephus,..III/ix..1;..XV/vii..9 instructs us:..John Hyrcanus forcibly assimilated..the Edomites as a national group..and they became.."Jews" about 120BC. The Jewish historian/Josephus,..who lived just after/the time of Christ,..wrote,.."They-[Edom]..were other than Jews' During His lifetime, persons/were described as.."Jews"..anywhere. That fact is supported by theology,history and science. When Jesus/was in Judea, was not the.."homeland"..of the ancestors/of those/who today style themselves.."Jews"...Their ancestors/..never set a foot/in Judea. For some mysterious reason..the history of the Khazar/ its absence from the schools and colleges. "The historic existence/of the Khazar kingdom..of so-called "Jews", their rise and fall,..the permanent disappearance/of the Khazar kingdom/as a nation..from the map of Europe,..and how King Bulan/and the Khazar about 740 A.D...became so-called "Jews" by conversion,...concealed from American/ censorship imposed by so-called "Jews",..of historic Khazar ancestry,..upon all U.S.A./media of mass communications..directed by them.,MEDA:2008-36,MEDA:en-GB Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 11 November 2009 11:54:34 PM
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Sells has failed to say anything to justify his position, and I wonder what his definition of "research" is. This is simply because at the end of the day it (his position) is vested in nothing but wishful thinking and an obdurate refusal to look dispassionately at the evidence.
And much as I respect the intellects of the contributors on the theist side of this thread, I'm equally frustrated by their obsidian refusal to acknowledge their untenable positions apropos reason.
Sorry I haven't come up with anything else on your posts, as I said I would, but once we get into Jung, my eyes glaze over. I went through a Jung phase decades ago; I still have some of his texts, including a first (translated) edition of "Psychological Types". Jung was also a popular figure in English Lit., but he makes his colourful assertions without the least substantiation; his is a creative and erudite mysticism, a symbolic shambolic--though I spent years trying to get to know the I Ching, my anima and my wise old man, pouring over Herman Hesse, Van der Post, Anthony Store and other Jungians simultaneously---and all is vanity, vanity of vanities, a chasing of the wind. Why can we not simply accept our ignorance, that we will probably never know, and spend out time trying to make "this world" a better place. Nietzsche condemned Christianity, Buddhism and the other "great religions" (corruptions all of original insights) because they offered no hope in "this world".
I'm comfortable with my ignorance, as was Socrates--indeed it implies infinite possibility!