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The Forum > Article Comments > 'Kevin Rudd is my Facebook friend ...' > Comments

'Kevin Rudd is my Facebook friend ...' : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 29/9/2009

The public requires something deeper than the promise of a Facebook encounter with a political leader to engage in online democracy.

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There are roughly 20 million Australians. 8 million of us are on Facebook. Take out the under 18 and over 70... and you have a large percentage of the adult population on facebook. So the facebook voice counts. If your interested in how social media will redefine ideas of information exchange and control hear Mozelle Thompson speak about Facebook and privacy on 14 October 2009 in Melbourne at his only Australian appearance
Posted by privacypro1, Tuesday, 29 September 2009 8:38:52 PM
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Facebook and other blog, opinion sites won't make an iota of difference to democracy. It will only replace the Letters to the Editor pages to which we are able to vent our angst.

Facebook would be less likely to have impact than a site like OLO which would be monitored to some extent to gauge public opinion.

Logistically politicians would not have the time to devote to Facebook or other online interactions to be able to have any real effect on the processes of democracy.

Referenda is one way we can increase participatory democracy in Australia. Although one should acknowledge the farce of the Republic referendum in the options provided and note that the ACT referendum on self-government was ignored twice. But there could be legislative protections for outcomes of referenda to be a true voice of the people.

Twittering, website pages and Facebook only adds to the volume of information but contributes very little to democracy.
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 30 September 2009 8:29:22 AM
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You've got to feel sorry for those poor sods, who draw the lowest card in the pack.

How does it go? With friends like that, who needs enemies.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 30 September 2009 9:35:34 AM
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