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The Forum > Article Comments > Who will pay for online news? > Comments

Who will pay for online news? : Comments

By Terry Flew, published 8/9/2009

It is debateable as to whether news consumers will accept paying for something they are currently getting for free.

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Deary me, this whole story seems to basically be about Rupert.

He's spent his whole life accumulating newspapers and now the world
has changed, money is still being made but its Google making it and
not him, so he is spitting the dummy it seems. Certainly one of
his boys was in a speech, lashing out at the BBC.

Given some of his news, like Fox News, boyo do we need public

Yes I pay for business and financial news, for without it I could
not make informed decisions. So I subscribe to Alan Kohler's Eureka
Report, to keep myself informed.

Would I pay for News Ltd news? Not a great deal, for I think the
problem with newspapers is the cost of physically chopping down
trees and printing papers, not so much in writing the stories.

Electronic distribution costs them essentially nothing, they still
make money from advertising and with tens of millions of readers
worldwide, costs per viewer should be minimal.

Much of the news comes from news organisations like Reuters etc,
so perhaps Rupert should stop sucking his dummy and review his
business plan, so that Google does not get it all, but the
cost of his reporting is covered too.

But internet subscribers can't simply be lumbered with the costs
of failing newspapers, that is life for you, the world changes.
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 8 September 2009 9:28:14 PM
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I had to go back to buying the odd news paper.

The local free paper went to the magazine size format.

It's totally useless for wrapping the scraps.

I don't think an online news format will be much use for that, either.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 8 September 2009 10:38:40 PM
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Murdoch and his totalitarian perturbators can go and suck eggs.Viva the free market and the thought of the internet!This is the future!
Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 9 September 2009 12:23:05 AM
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I gave up reading newspapers when I realised that I was throwing away the majority of what I was buying - unread.

I occasionally buy the Weekend Australian and then wonder why, again with sections immediately discarded and articles that are pointless - who can afford multimillion houses and expensive woman's clothing (not being a cross dresser).
Or reading about someone that I do not know and do not care about that have done nothing with their lives except ponce around.
Or column opinion pieces that are by totally biased writers and do not report the facts.

Are well there is always another forest to be cut down in Tasmania to feed the papers.
Posted by PeterA, Thursday, 10 September 2009 6:19:38 PM
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