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Climate change, government coffers and snake oil salesmen : Comments

By Rowen Cross, published 3/9/2009

Government support of R&D will be crucial to our climate change mitigation efforts but it must be wary of rent-seekers with unproven ideas.

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It's absolutely amazing that anybody still has an issue with AGW. This has been evidenced so often it becomes tedious in the extreme to have to regurgitate that empircal evidence, which is largely ignored by the patrons of denial such as the Heartland Institute. What's even more mind-boggling is this continued furphy of "computer models". It is thoroughly hypocritical for the anti AGW acolytes to try and discredit the science whilst relying on the "statistical computers models" of the ilk of McIntyre McKitrick (see here for rebuttals)

or Wegman vs The National Academuy of Sciences:

And what of the hero of the last year Prof Ian Plimer, supposedly with that new bible of climatology "Heaven+Earth". He can't or won't substantiate even the most simplistic of his data sources, see here for the latest:

So let's get past these pissant minority postulations, nit-picking at the edges of the "greenhouse theory" without disproving any of that science and evaluate the impact of AGW on climate. That's now the problem, let's all be part of the solution.
Posted by sillyfilly, Thursday, 3 September 2009 2:47:30 PM
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The greenhouse theory is just that – a theory. No scientist, nor anyone else for that matter, has been able to prove that it is the main driver of climate change, whether warming or cooling.
Posted by Raycom, Thursday, 3 September 2009 3:05:44 PM
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Heads in the sand people can never be convinced. They would fry and shrivel and still deny it was humans that caused it.

The evidence is there and the denialists completely ignore it, never attempt to debunk it, dont even bother looking at it. As if by pretending it doesnt exist and never acknowleding it they somehow make a credible argument.

Bunch of fools who will need catastrophic destruction and massive dislocation before they will even contemplate AGW and even then idiots like runner will say it some curse from their magical imaginary fairy friend in the sky punishing us for some sin we committed (not fouling of the planet their superfriend gave us thats ok) but because we allow abortions or because we are not exterminating the muslims well enough or maybe because we didnt drink the purple coolaid.

If nothing else the principle of "just in case" and "leave it as you found it" should sway some of these so called "spiritual" types but coupled with their love of money and irrational hatred of anything they perceive as "social" (even if its not) the majority of them live in their own sniping, craven little world, always fearful of "them" and totally convinced of their own greatness and infallibility. Narcissus had nothing on this lot.

Its the ignorance of these people that makes me sad. They dont want it to be true so they deny everything and bully and defame anyone who stands against them. True immorality and evil and in the end they WILL lose. Even if they take the rest of us with them.
Posted by mikk, Thursday, 3 September 2009 3:36:30 PM
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Socialism by Stealth!

haha. Beat you Col!

Man I love the sound of that.
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 3 September 2009 3:41:46 PM
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sillyfilly, are you seriously still trying to defend Michael Mann's hocky stick graph? But even the IPCC has dropped it. They wiped all mention of it from their 2007 report (it featured prominently in the 2001 report) after the Wegman congressional report you decry and have not referred to it since. They never explained the change, never apologised for it, just never referred to it again. Nor will anyone on the AGW side of the debate. The Wegman report people were all senior statisticians who looked carefully the hocky stick reconstruction and found it to be false. The US national academy of science gave Mann an out - I forgotten the details - but the IPCC rightly dropped it as no longer defensible.
They had to fall back on the use of computer models, which are all essentially unverified - that is, they have no forecasting record of any kind.
In any case, the article is about not buying snake oil to fix this supposed problem and, as noted, we have already bought several billion litres of the stuff in wind energy and, perhaps, trading schemes that will have no effect.
Posted by Curmudgeon, Thursday, 3 September 2009 5:49:57 PM
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Curmudgeon - sillyfilly is a Scientology AGW type combatant from Andrew Bolt's online Blog. Since he is on holidays for a month, I guess sillyfilly has come to OLO looking for sport.

Clearly of Google link wars behaviour, loves to duel your link versus my links, since that's what gets attention on those type of blogs, and eventually proves nothing.

Lost the battle, well yes, but that doesn't mean science has won, merely that the side with better propaganda, funding and the most to lose has won. Wouldn't there be a huge hue and cry if all the funding for AGW type research dried up?

Anyway, all the vitriol in the world won't change what is happening, the climate changes, yes it can - can we stop it, unlikely. We'll see in a few years what is happening, and then I imagine we'll all get excuses and see the blame game in full flight, since the Scientology AGW types appear to be getting more and more shrill and bitter as the world refuses to follow the "modeling" script.
Posted by rpg, Thursday, 3 September 2009 6:57:03 PM
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