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Democracy has long odds in a stacked house : Comments
By Scott Prasser, published 6/7/2009Executive power: unicameral parliaments cannot rely on watchdogs alone to guard against corruption.
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Australia is not a representative democracy. The dictates of the party room override the wishes of the parliamentarian's constituents. In a representative democracy the wishes of the constituents are taken into account. Except for the issues specified in the party platform on which the government was elected every vote in parliament should take into account the opinion of the constituents the parliamentarian was elected to represent, the good of Australia and the conscience of the parliamentarian in addition to the dictates of the party room.
Posted by david f, Monday, 6 July 2009 11:01:18 AM
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Party politics are redundant - obsolete.... and we're overdue in investigating what really defines a "democracy."
Party platform promises are often broken so the public are regularly duped and maverick politicians are ostracised by the party and do not win pre-selection if they "misbehave" on behalf of his/her consitutents or for the common good. Posted by Protagoras, Monday, 6 July 2009 4:10:16 PM
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Democracies have only one advantage over other forms of government: they can correct their mistakes. But if we are going to learn from our mistakes we must be allowed to commit them, and not 'protected' from them by a biased minority. How can it possibly be right for a senator from Tasmania, with a constituency of 50,000 electors, to have the same say in the government of Australia as a senator from NSW with 650,000? Keating had it right: 'unrepresentative swill'.
Posted by Jon J, Monday, 6 July 2009 8:13:11 PM
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Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Our Ref: KJII.L.14/09 (as amended) Your Ref: By: Registered Post (confirmation by e-mail) Attention: Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General of the United Kingdom of Australia This is an open letter published internationally. To Quentin Alice Louise Bryce, Companion of the Order of Australia, Governor-General of the former Commonwealth of Australia; I have not previously had the occasion to introduce myself - it is now appropriate that I do so formally; viz: I Declare, according to Law, I am: JAMES THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, King of Australia and His other Territories, Head of the United Kingdom of Australia. Greeting. As you are undoubtedly aware, the English Crown itself is a ‘corporation sole’ (as distinct from a corporation) that represents the legal embodiment of the Executive Government, which in English law is a legal entity consisting of a single (sole) incorporated office, occupied by a single (sole [the sun personified]) man or woman. This allows a corporation sole (usually a religious corporation but not necessarily) to pass vertically in time from one office holder to the next successor-in-office, giving the position legal continuity with each subsequent office holder having identical powers to his predecessor. In the late seventeenth century, Stewart Kyd, the author of the first treatise on corporate law in English, defined a ‘corporation’ as: “A collection of many individuals united into one body, under a special denomination, having perpetual succession under an artificial form, and vested, by policy of the law, with the capacity of acting, in several respects, as an individual, particularly of taking and granting property, of contracting obligations, and of suing and being sued, of enjoying privileges and immunities in common, and of exercising a variety of political rights, more or less extensive, according to the design of its institution, or the powers conferred upon it, either at the time of its creation, or at any subsequent period of its existence,” op.cit. Continued... Posted by The Australian Crown, Monday, 6 July 2009 9:13:30 PM
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Corporations are brought into being within a legal framework or body of law that specifically creates them as legal personalities. Typically, corporations are viewed as a fictional person, a legal person, or a moral person, as opposed to a natural person. Thus, once created, corporate statutes typically give corporations the ability to own property, sign binding contracts, pay taxes in a capacity that is separate from that of its shareholders, who are sometimes referred to as “members.”
According to Lord Chancellor Haldane: “...a corporation is an abstraction. It has no mind of its own any more than it has a body of its own; its active and directing will must consequently be sought in the person of somebody who is really the directing mind and will of the corporation, the very ego and centre of the personality of the corporation,” op.cit. You will agree that the ‘Australian Imperial Crown’ (The Crown) existed in Law as a legal fiction or simply a mental concept - similar to that described by Lord Chancellor Haldane above. In other words, The Crown existed in Law, but not materially as a corporation sole in fact. This is no longer the case. I Declare: The Crown in Australia has passed into being as a corporation sole according to Law. In order to achieve this, I have evoked a special legal framework - vested in the policy of the Law in both statute and the common law of Australia and the United Kingdom (Law [as referred to herein, as distinct from: ‘law’]) - to bring The Crown into being as an existing legal personality in fact and Law. Thus, I Declare I am the King of Australia according to Law. With respect to the forgoing matters, I refer in part, yet without limitation whatsoever, your attention to the following matters, facts, and things. Specifically, I draw your attention to Clause 2 of the Preamble to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (The Constitution) as generally cited, and other relevant matter, viz: Posted by The Australian Crown, Monday, 6 July 2009 9:14:19 PM
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What the current economic downturn has taught, is that Democracy is just a franchise, like KFC or Maccas, that is
foisted upon humankind by evolving Economic systems. These economic systems continually fail for they are weak representaions of theromdynamic laws. They seek Low-Entropy(order/profit) without the necessary understanding & management of its complementary High-Entropy(disorder) component. Consequently, Disorder is 'hedged' around and accumulated 'under-the carpet-of-civilisation' in ecogloomic machinations not unlike a child solving a Rubik's Cube:Hoping to get all the good squares on one side and the bad ones on the other. The desire for 'freedom from all restraints'(democracy), 'unboundedness', is no different from hunger or thirst and thus economic interests can & do capture the democracy market as easily as the food or auto markets. The problem is that the Rubik Cube of humanity, although solvable, does not have the property of PERMANENCY like a plastic toy. Everything in humanity decays by the second law of thermodynamics and so too does our pathetic attempt to abey that decay and create permanent order via primative economic models. Take Iran:,25197,25703953-7583,00.html Just as Nth Korea is China's insurance or Hedge Fund (Rottweiller if you will) against intrusion of unwanted foreign userpers(disorder for the Chinese), Iran may be our insurance policy or Hedge Fund against disorder in the form of thermodynamic oblivion. The economic modelling concept of deferring RISKS to weaker elements of the human race such as 'future generations' &the poor, is on the rise since the current downturn began. Democracy is just an instrument to shift RISKS from rich to poor people. The NSW 'undemocratic' 7E conservation instrument' that burdens Blue Mnts property holders with dead investments to offset big Labor developers in say Huskisson is a perfect example of rich offloading RISK (environmental responsibility) to poor, right on our doorstep. There are better economic systems, better possibilities for the Human race. But they involve 'abhorrent' concepts such as: Zero population Growth & sustainability: 'living-within-our-means' for the benefit of all Australians not just the increasingly lazy & sleazy rich who own our media with "democracy-for-sale" propaganda assaults like this: Posted by KAEP, Monday, 6 July 2009 10:25:46 PM
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Scott Prasser has identified the problem, but failed to come up with a solution. The simple solution is for Kevin Rudd to reject sixty years of Liberal Party Government by benevolent dictatorship, and restore true democracy, by abolishing S 39 Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 and Order 46 rule 7A Federal Court Rules.
Those of us born before 1949, were born into a representative democracy, in every State except South Australia. It abolished representative democracy in 1927 when it gave its Judges absolute power, by abolishing civil juries. Representative democracy was abolished in New South Wales in 1970. When the Liberals created the Federal Court of Australia in 1976, it could be democratic, but was given a choice. It has never constituted itself as a court since its inception. A court is essential to a representative democracy. A Judge is a State God. He or she is not a democrat. None of our Judges and Magistrates are either honest or democratic, and the word Judge does not appear in the Constitution. When the Parliament of the Commonwealth enacted s 268:10 Criminal Code Act 1995 ( Cth) so as to make it a twenty five years imprisonment offence to exercise ownership over another human being, Judges should have accepted their time was up. That is what a Judge does. He exercises ownership over another human being, and he or she is no less a criminal because the State has authorized this particular form of slavery. Scot Prasser’s problem is that he has failed to remember there can only be One God, One Queen and One Nation in Australia, and until we work that out it is a miserable place, for so many of us. Kevin Rudd can fix homelessness. He has not as yet faced the fact that just throwing money around is not enough. He must assert the dominance of the Federal Government. Instead of having a one legged cripple as the Federal Court of Australia he should make it a democratic institution, that in the conduct of its business stops dealing exclusively in the private sector Posted by Peter the Believer, Tuesday, 7 July 2009 9:00:13 AM
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I have never read so much codswallop as this article has attracted. There is so much ignorance about what a democracy is, that I am moved to write a bit more about it. Democracy and Christianity are synonymous. The places that do not have democracy do not have Christianity. They have a belief structure, but it does not have a Trinitarian nature. The Christian belief in the Trinity is the foundation of the United States democracy, and until the United Kingdom went bad after World War II was the foundation of that democracy too.
The Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are the foundation of democracy, because the teachings of Jesus Christ, set out that all persons are equal before Almighty God. Almighty God is the Law. In every country with a government there is Law. In a democracy all people are equal before the law, and no one is entitled to rule over another. The English adopted democracy derived from the New Testament when in 1295 they made the Magna Carta law. They had it read in every Church in the land three times a year, because many people could not then read. In 1640 they confirmed it again, in the Habeas Corpus Act 1640 16 Charles 1 Ch X. We got democracy in 1900, when we adopted a written Constitution. Like the English we started to lose it from 1949. Democracy means that when you are accused of a crime, or called into court by another human being, you are not judged by an aristocrat but by a jury of 12 people just like yourself. This is because we are a Christian Country, or were, and the father in Heaven is represented on earth by an executive officer, who was called a Justice. Seated at the right hand of the father, are two or more gathered together, and in their midst is Jesus Christ, as promised in Matthew 18 Verse 20. The Holy Spirit does the judging, and it is declared that the worst blasphemy, for which there is no forgiveness, is to defile the Holy Spirit Posted by Peter the Believer, Tuesday, 7 July 2009 9:24:24 AM
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Oh Boy.
One of the better articles and all it can generate is a couple of decent comments and some looney talk. Could sum up OLO and other internet contributions to civil society... Posted by Reality Check, Monday, 13 July 2009 11:17:12 AM
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Oh Brother,
Transferring the rights, services and benefits of a nation to IMMIGRANTS, &transfering the costs of that insidious strategy to existing citizens is NOT democracy. It smacks of the farming of the human-race, the Animal Farm of human beings. At the end of the day the economic growth that comes from this strategy is transferred into investment futures & thus the costs onto future generations so the Maquarrie Street rich can live like pigs. The only beneficiaries are existing conglomerates of family dynasties &their extant political sock-puppets like Kevin Rudd and the NSW Politburo-government. By all Orwellian accounts, democracy is the new communism. Loony views? Just try going out Friday night and not getting bashed. Try getting help in an emergency ward if your wife is pregnant or try getting from the southern suburbs to Nth Sydney in peak-hour in under an hour. The only loony thing here is that as our economy grows all we get is pain, danger, frustratiion, media reports of "How Great we Are" and new and soon to be free Maybellinesque beauty products to trap men into the greatest undemocratic fiscal instrument in the economic quiver.... Marriage. Unless this nonsense is challenged the rich will get richer and the majority will just become animal farm chattels. Australia leads the world in the new communism. In the name of FREEDOM and true democracy for all Australians of all racial backgrounds we need to STOP immigration. That means cancel the iniquitous GST which underpins the base value of immigrants who NEVER pay a red cent for their downsides to Australian communities. Only civil war and rebellion will come from the current immigration to communism strategy. True economic growth will only come from mining and rural commodity exports which increasingly depend on lower population numbers to ease water & energy usage requirements that are needed to support sustainable developments in a fragile and dry continent. True economic growth depends on new technologies like Geothermal energy committments, exports that support global green infrastructure and local green invesment in wetlands and mega-sewage containment to clean up filthy unproductive coastlines Posted by KAEP, Monday, 13 July 2009 3:00:20 PM