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When heat waves become killers : Comments

By Malcolm King, published 21/5/2009

In Australia our attitude to the elderly must take some of the blame for the high death rate from heat waves.

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Given that outer Melbourne hit 48C before the fires I think the young and fit will also experience dangerous heat as well as the elderly. Yet we are all supposed to use less carbon energy e.g. air conditioners powered by coal fired electricity. Note that wind farms are usually becalmed in heat waves and solar power is impractically expensive. Perhaps future summers will exceed 50C.

I think TV stations should run advice segments on keeping cool. An emergency hotline probably won't help the truly vulnerable like frail seniors. Low cost air conditioning for seniors should be restricted to emergencies. This can be done by remote control switching. Perhaps designated callers could check on the elderly to ensure they have adequate hydration and a room in the house which is under 35C.
Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 21 May 2009 1:14:28 PM
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Good point Tassie. The SA Government told people to turn their air cons off on the first few days of the heat wave. Pensioners obliged. Wrong.

I'm not so interested in carbon this or carbon that - important as all that is - but the nature of a society that leaves elderly people alone to fry in continual temps above 37C.

That heat wave will go down as one of the worst on record for deaths in SA and Vic. It wasted me and I'm fairly fit.

This is a story about societal norms and why many anglo-elderly people are put out to pasture and cut off from main stream life.
Posted by Cheryl, Thursday, 21 May 2009 1:34:11 PM
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On the news last night a group of very elderly people just chucked out
of an O/P Home , apparently the management/Owner had relinquished tenure .
The Old Peoples stress level was appalling .
How come this type of crime can be sanctioned by Brumby ?
What's the difference between the younger person renting a flat , loads of protections , even if they fail to pay rent regularly , smash things , windows etc the property management can't just unceremoniously kick them out. There is nothing new about this situation Melbourne has a history of crimes against the Elderly .

Perhaps the Elderly might be better serviced , more humane care if they went country , maybe Malmsbury or Kynton , say 2000 ground level units properly air conditioned with an emergency diesel powered generator . Humanize the program , don't join the units together , use Jayco Cabin type construction but with Toilet Shower and Entrance modification for wheelchair and Ambo access . Make allowance for pets important for people living alone .
Posted by ShazBaz001, Saturday, 23 May 2009 9:01:11 AM
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