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Will more drinks cure a hangover? : Comments
By Geoff Carmody, published 13/3/2009Observations about the global financial and economic 'correction' (a.k.a. crisis).
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Posted by John Pratt, Saturday, 14 March 2009 6:37:41 PM
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Surely the real political problem at the moment is that the standard of living of the average person has to be LOWERED. In addition, the lowering cannot be masked by inflation, indexation, spin, lying, humbug, or anything else, it will be brought about by the LOWERING of wages. This is likely to cause considerable social unrest (mounted policeman firing into the crowd of demonstrators, etc. ) The thing I like about deflation is that it takes all the masks away, something that politicians obviously hate. As one who has lived all their life under the principles of Macawberism (living within your means), I find it hard to understand those who have let themselves be seduced into borrowing, but unfortunately now is the time that they will have to pay the piper. The sooner we move to an honest financial system, such as the gold standard, the better off the world will be. The only thing that worries me about that is that in history every time the gold standard would have required the politicians to do something inimical to their re-election prospects, thet suspended the gold standard.
Posted by plerdsus, Saturday, 14 March 2009 7:17:21 PM
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Wing Ah Ling, and the lefts, Calathumpian greens, enraptured in their utopian models of last resort, dissolve into being and nothingness ideals to save the planet when they don't know how to save themselves as mothers government milk dries up. Human Individuality is an endangered species hunted by the lefts mob, baying to blame someone else for their misplaced ignorance.
Posted by Dallas, Saturday, 14 March 2009 8:33:52 PM
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Why! are you drinking at all? Is this the ten rats in a box?
But you need more evidence! Do you remember, A time that's corrales with the speed of the minds. Tell you what. Drink a lot of water, a belly full! Then get back to your studies in the morning.. All The best. EVO Posted by EVO2, Monday, 16 March 2009 12:43:12 AM
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Oh! The song to listen too, is the ones called the killers!
And the big question is? ARE WE HUMAN? or are we dances. That's a great piece of music. Now thats a great piece of thinking! All the best. EVO Posted by EVO2, Monday, 16 March 2009 2:04:29 AM
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That is very lazily structured essay, firing off one bizarre article of laissez faire faith after another, leavened with some more or less compatible pieces of other monetarist dogma (e.g., Keynes and Keating). Then the hokey aside about "mother always told me"...
The classic line from Carmody's latest: "What role can politicians play? Mainly, shut up. Please! Confidence is both crucial and shattered at present. Your blathering about the sky falling in is making things worse." Echoing Jim Cramer after Bear Stearns fully nosedived (see: - good for a laugh at least. It's exactly that kind of "confidence" (a la massive "confidence trick" or con job) that ensured this systemic disaster in the first place. Like the entire ship of fools in the finance sector and government: bereft of ideas, imagination, intellectual clarity, moral principle, openness or integrity of character; just more and more of the same ol'-same ol'. No surprise too that Carmody avoids entirely the need to declare bankruptcy for the entire range of toxic funds under their even dodgier derivatives exposure. A con artist? Nah, couldn't be! Carmody is one of the main backers for a new-fangled fart bubble in ETS/CRTS! Posted by mil-observer, Monday, 16 March 2009 9:29:19 AM
Democracies can make the correct decisions for example we could get rid of the baby bonus. We could stop welfare payments to families with more than two children. Policy decisions that could help reduce our population and boost the economy.
We could use the money saved to provide a better education to the reduced number of children.
What principles of economics apply whether I like it or not?
I prefer the hard sciences myself such as physics there is a limit to the resources on the planet and there is a limit to the amount of C02 we can pump into the atmosphere before we cause catastrophic climate change. I think it is fantasy to think we can have continuous growth that is against all laws of physics.
It seems to me that the baby bonus and welfare payment to have more babies is in fact central planning, I am arguing for less government interference not more.