The Forum > Article Comments > In sickness and in health > Comments
In sickness and in health : Comments
By Joel Bevin, published 6/2/2009Although valid cases obviously exist, why should individuals who are lax in taking care of themselves be afforded the luxury of sick leave?
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Posted by Mally_p, Monday, 9 February 2009 11:29:42 AM
Earlier generations fought and suffered to get reasonable working conditions. There is NO law to say one has to use the sickleave. It is a work-related health insurance .. physical and mental. As with all 'rights', it gets abused by a few. I say this in a very motherly way and with a big, wise smile as I give you a hug and a pat on your head.
My interest is social and I love the thinking of the Y-generation.
I enjoyed your article. Thank you.