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Another year over, but the wars continue : Comments
By Lyn Allison and Tim Wright, published 22/1/2009Australians are admirably engaged in the movement to end abject poverty but few see the connection between deprivation and conflict.
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Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 22 January 2009 9:49:30 AM
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Leigh when are you going to join the defence forces, you obviously like the thought of killing everyone bar yourself, which is what every politician thinks, as long as it is not me, when we pay big money to film stars, sports people, Politicians and others including Royalty,let us become more humane to the poor, bullets create poverty in itself, a useless exercise
Posted by Ojnab, Thursday, 22 January 2009 10:57:01 AM
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Ojnab - banjO .. never a person in more need of punctuation, ever!
Where did you get the idea Leigh wanted to kill people, I read the post as a comment from an observer. A lot of wildlife documentry makers now have got the message, don't mess with what you're fiming, don't save the wildebeast calf, or the lion cub from certain death - it's the way fo the wild. A lot of what foreign aid does is prop up bad situations and extend the suffering of people, excluding them from natural selection. One day we may have to adopt the documentry maker's policy, I agree Leigh, and not help every plea for help. Tough love, but that's an equaliser and a natural way of reducing the population. Sure I wouldn't like it if it were me, but I'm fortunate to live somewhere civilised and that has moved beyond living in mud huts eating dirt .. progress. It might be us one day, yes, that's tough luck - I'm sure you all feel good handing out a little pittance to everyone who wants it, and everyone who asks. Do you think it really helps in the long run? Charity begins at home, stop wasting taxpayer's money (ordinary, working people) on every basketcase overseas, we have so much need here e.g. our own poor and homeless. Posted by rpg, Thursday, 22 January 2009 2:04:29 PM
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Thanks, rpg. I certainly don't want to kill anyone, but every time I expound my opinions on population, there is always someone who wants to call me a homicidal maniac.
Your wildlife analogy is a good one; culling is often used when a species starts eating itself out of existence. I understand that kangaroos know enough to stop breeding when conditions are tough. What does that say about us? I have no religious convictions, but I do believe in the forces of nature, and I am not advocating culling people; nature is doing it for us, and I believe that it is wrong for people looking for kudos to interfere in that process. For a long, long time Australia and other rich countries have been giving aid to over-populated countries unable to look after themselves, and all of it has made no difference at all – in fact, it might have made things worse, as meddling in the process of natural selection usually does. Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 22 January 2009 7:09:58 PM
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Leigh just says it with out a lot of padding and fluff. It's good I reckon!
Posted by meredith, Friday, 23 January 2009 1:37:44 AM
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The problem is that countries like India and China who have pop problems see this era of instability to distract attention from home woes thus unite their country,lose a few unwanted people and expand their empires.
There is a lot of money to be made from war.The Central banks of the world loan to Govts who spend $ trillions on weapons.These Govts are then in debt to the banks for decades latter. We may have to spend a lot more on defence,since the US may no longer be an assured ally. We have to find ways of curbing pop growth.China is doing it's best and countries like India will have to bite the bullet.No one will win the next war since the temptation to use the ulimate force if invasion threatens,will be too great. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 23 January 2009 6:43:09 AM
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Arjay, Ojnab
Voices of some reason, someone who are addressing the problem and not simply ranting survival of the fortunate/ strongest myopic and ultimate self-destructive rhetoric. I would add that sub Saharan Africa and particularly the Middle East are currently lethal time bombs too for the reasons given in the article. If we do nothing treating the whole issue as some grotesque distorted manifestation of natural selection/population control we are courting indiscriminate ‘culling’ of *us* via terrorism etc. I see the issue on several levels moral, ethical and enlightened self interest. I would agree that the military manufacturing complexes (all nations) are what needs to be curtailed. Defence is one thing but selling weapons to unstable areas merely to maintain profit and jobs is both obscene and ultimately creating monsters that may yet come back and savage us. The afore mentioned Middle East is one such greater example, Iran is a specific example. That is not to discount irresponsible self interested manipulative politics both past and present by the strong. Leigh You may not be a homicidal maniac but you do appear either horribly misinformed or incredibly insular and myopic in your reasoning. I would encourage you to consider the logical consequences of some of your assertions. These potential cullees simply won’t meekly accept the fate you’ve prescribed them they’ll lash out and guess at whom? I'm not keen to be culled just yet how about you? Posted by examinator, Friday, 23 January 2009 8:25:57 AM
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Perhaps Leigh should be culled with the rest, I bet she wouldn't want that, but if it is other than herself, that is definately OK
Posted by Ojnab, Saturday, 24 January 2009 2:09:40 PM
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RPG you remind me of the motorist who never does anything wrong on the roadway, toots and carries on, never makes mistakes.
Remember a lot E-mails are sent in a hurry, don't be so particular with commas, but I forgot you never make mistakes. Posted by Ojnab, Saturday, 24 January 2009 2:23:59 PM
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I don't want to side with Leigh, because of some distasteful associations, but he is correct in the basic premise...
Poverty is caused by high population growth! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=--==- All the poorest countries have the highest fertility... And it is THE CAUSE of poverty, not a RESULT of poverty. Imagine, that our government had top build 5 time more schools, 5 times more hospitals, roads and somehow make 5 times more farm land each generation? Our wealthy economies would simply collapse! But that is the burden we allow the poor countries to suffer from... Rwanda's growth means that every 25 years, there are 5 times more people! Why is it 'not acceptable' to talk about 'population management' as the solution to poverty? The people who oppose population management are sadists, guilty of causing immeasurable pain and death. (now I'm getting dramatic!) Growth rate of total population... Rwanda 7.41% per year Liberia 7.19% per year United Arab Emirates 5.79% per year Kuwait 5.12 Turks and Caicos Islands 4.16 Cayman Islands 4.04 Western Sahara 3.93 Palestinian Territories 3.7 Niger 3.61 Togo 3.59 Northern Mariana Islands 3.57 Gambia 3.55 French Guiana 3.49 (Source ) Posted by partTimeParent, Tuesday, 27 January 2009 11:01:35 AM
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Or try For a list of "fertility" rates by nation. Again, the highest fertility rates have the highest poverty (with some sexist muslim nations with religious-ly motivated high fertility) The other thing to note is the bottom of the list - nations who are committing genocide against themselves by failing to produce children are the richest nations (and some with social issues, repression etc). Also these are the most feminist nations... feminism causes low fertility. Posted by partTimeParent, Tuesday, 27 January 2009 11:10:08 AM
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Fanatical religious leaders and the people who believe what they say unquestioningly are the biggest cause of poverty,division, overpopulation,and threat to world peace in the world today.
Some of the problems are just caused by rotten, armed nasty leaders, full stop. As long as the West keeps saving these leaders and countries from the consequences of their actions they will never learn or get desperate enough to change for the better. The people of the West need to stop sticky beaking over the fence via satellite television at the problems in other people's back yards and realise that those problems were there before they ever had satellite TV, they couldn't fix them then and regardless of their benevolent godlike veiw of themselves they wont't be able to fix them now. The people in these countries need to look within for the solutions. You cannot fix problems for he who will not see. Posted by sharkfin, Saturday, 31 January 2009 10:10:08 PM
Rather than admire the foreign aid do-gooding industry and the people who contribute to it, we should be condemning them as global criminals. Most people ‘help others’ for their own benefit – they feel good. Organised foreign aid is just an extension of this, and it is doing more harm to the recipients than good.
The cost of Australia’s armed forces has nothing to do with poverty; anyone who thinks, as these authors do, that money not spent on the military would go into foreign aid, has clearly lost the plot. And, we need a defence force. We definitely do not need the high world population we now have, thanks, in no small measure to the aid given by Australia and other countries. And, we should have a DEFENCE force; not reserve force for other countries to use to help fight useless wars in tin pot countries which can do with a reduction in population that comes from killing each other.
When we despair of our politicians, we should be thankful that, bad as they are, they are not as woolly minded as Lyn Allison and Tim Wright.