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Mary as the figure of the Church : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 24/12/2008At Christmas we celebrate the birth into the world of a man who is the pure Word of God.
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that was an interesting response, which included:
<The resurrection experience, whatever that was, represents the beginning of Christological reflection which took 400 yrs to mature into the sophisticated formula that we know today. As for Paul's Damascus Road experience, it, or something like it, was necessary to establish his 'apostolic' credentials. Given the tension that existed between him and James it perhaps isnt wise to make too much of that 'event'.>
Are you suggesting that Paul simply invented his encounter? (1 Cor 15 is very strongly against such a view I feel)
Tension with James? I don't find that in Acts 15... the only tension was between Paul and Peter for a while, but that seems to have been reconciled.
Much has been made of the 'Paul' camp and "Jerusalem/James/Peter" camp thing... and I think farrrrr too much.
I never detected such a problem when I read the N.T. and when I read the theory my jaw dropped as I couldn't see what it was based on.
When I finally did see.. I found the case so flimsy as to be scornfully weak.
But let's keep with Paul for a moment. There is not just his 'Apostolic Credentials'.. any explanation must also account for his former life and adamant opposition to the Church....
You seem to be suggesting:
1/ Paul was a major and zealous persecutor of the Church, thinking nothing of dragging off men, women and children to prison and execution.
2/ For some reason.. Paul 'saw the error of his ways' and then..
3/ Invented an 'encounter' story to give him credibility with the object of his hatred.....the Church...
Hmmmmmmmmmmm :) or.. "ah huh" (picture an African American person saying that.. I'm sure you know the tone)