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The Forum > Article Comments > Seeking Australian asylum: a well founded fear > Comments

Seeking Australian asylum: a well founded fear : Comments

By David Corlett, published 20/11/2008

Instead of receiving protection and safety, they were detained within Australia’s Pacific Solution before being returned to Afghanistan; a country racked by violence.

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Currently the Herald Sun's poll on whether or not 15 foreign homeless World Soccer players should be granted assylum is running at:

No - 76%

Yes- 23%

Now let's hear what 'heartless bastards' the majority of Herald Sun readers must be.

Perhaps they feel that our own homeless should be housed first.
Posted by Mr. Right, Wednesday, 10 December 2008 10:58:07 AM
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Mr Right "Perhaps they feel that our own homeless should be housed first."

Doubtless, I am courting the risk of criticism and castigation by some of our more self-righteous brethren

But being undeterred from my right to express a view -

I always find it strange the way the "m" (between the "o" and the "e") replaces the "p" in what is really being observed......
Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 10 December 2008 11:26:00 AM
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Ah the Herald Sun, home of Australia’s loudest peabrain Andrew Bolt. If world peace came tomorrow he’d complain arms manufacturers were doing it tough.

“Perhaps they feel that our own homeless should be housed first” suggests Mr Right. Maybe they do. Here’s some of what they said:

“Bring all their relatives here through family reunion they stay we pay more, they are nothing more than queue jumpers.” (go join the queue in Harare, open 9 to 5 weekdays)

“They will be entitled to $429.00 per fortnight of centerlinks money…they will also be elligable to recieve up to $60 rent assistance… HUNT THEM DOWN & Deport them NOW” (we’re not gonna smoke ‘em out first?)

“All of a sudden Pauline Hansons views arn't looking to bad are they” (pity she didn’t campaign on improving literacy standards)

Many comments carried on about ‘illegals’, queue jumping etc, all very shock-jock-ish, especially when considering those involved have formally applied for extensions of their visa. 250 pilgrims also applied for asylum after WYD but they were nice Christian illegals so they don’t really count.

Yep, they’re sure having trouble finding it in their hearts to overlook our own homeless, Mr Right.

To be fair some did mention our domestic situation comes first. None acknowledged there may be merit in considering asylum due to their countries of origin - Zimbabwe and Afghanistan. Quite the opposite. True to the spirit of Pauline they cited the likelihood of them carrying aids as a reason to send them home. I’m confident none here at OLO would be so quick to condemn.

Col if there’s any one thing in common among the long-term homeless it’s a mental disorder to some degree or other. Many are literally hopeless and will be wherever they sleep. Personally I think unless they fit the criteria they should return whence they came.
Posted by bennie, Wednesday, 10 December 2008 3:08:26 PM
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A billion people probably face the same prospect and most Aussies rightfully dont care.

Id rather my charity goes to Pakistani or Chinese Earthquake victims than abled bodied parasites who come to Australia.

Every ATM these Middle Eastern thugs blow up, every one incarcerated or on welfare that is less charity available for the truly needy like pakistani earth quake victims.
Posted by donaldstuff, Saturday, 20 December 2008 6:55:06 AM
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There was a very serious Iraqi serial rapist and double murderer in New Zealand.

There was also the Indian Muslim overstayer who molested 2 girls at Chadstone, Melbourne.

These are just the known cases.
Posted by donaldstuff, Saturday, 20 December 2008 6:58:32 AM
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