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If it looks like a duck ... : Comments
By Lorraine Finlay, published 17/11/2008The Rudd Government's plan for a compulsory amenities fee is the re-introduction of compulsory student unionism in everything but name.
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Sometimes I despair of you.
"...dear your post an admission that the 'student union' fees were in fact used for political activism ? :) I think this is a 'moment of truth' GOTCHA."
Duh? Sharp today, aren't you?
You noticed, what I couldn't hide, when I said: "Sure, Australian student unions provided the training ground for political activism - not just on the radical fringe: it should not be forgotten that people like Brendan Nelson, Peter Costello and Tony Abbott cut their teeth on compulsory university unions - one of the few training grounds for the conservative side of politics."
That was no 'admission'. That was a statement of obvious fact, not something to 'admit' as if I've been caught out. I applaud the use of universities as training grounds for political activism. Any decline in university activism is detrimental to Australian politics in general.
I consciously mentioned the fact that the conservative side used student politics as a strong training ground. It might be cute alliteration, but to characterise all student politics as "rabid rabble rousing ratbags among the student body having their ratbag rants revenued by other students..." is a very short-sighted and cliched view of student activists. I suspect you have never actually been involved in university political life but rely on media caricature and ignorant scuttlebutt.
Have you ever thought how people learn to be politicians? Better still, good politicians? In the churches? I think not. In the trade unions? Certainly for many. In the legal profession? yes, a lot. In the universities? Too right!
Involvement in student politics is an age-old and honorable process that ultimately broadens a student's education. Not something to sneer at and starve out of existence as your mate Howard did (to his side's cost ultimately).