The Forum > Article Comments > Since when has it been left wing to be green? > Comments
Since when has it been left wing to be green? : Comments
By Barry York, published 12/11/2008Politics abhors a vacuum; green ideology has filled the vacuum created when the Left went into hibernation.
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When Marx and Engels talk about control over the envrionment they are talking about its enrichment, not its destruction.
Environmental destruction is an example of our alienation from our own humanity, an alienation stemming from the exploitative nature of capitalism and the fetishism of commodities.
The orkers' revolution, with its overthrow of the material bases for exploitation, and its democratic organs of rule, gives us the opportunity to re-engage as humans with our environment and not, as Barry in common with the capitalists and their apologists seems to suggest, to propogate its destruction.
Liz Ross from Socialist Alternative ( wrote a phamplet on this called Capitalism: It's costing us the earth. Have a read.