The Forum > Article Comments > It's the system, stupid > Comments
It's the system, stupid : Comments
By Marcus Strom, published 23/10/2008While executive salaries are an obscenity, they are a symptom, not the cause, of the financial crisis.
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Posted by Tristan Ewins, Friday, 24 October 2008 3:55:17 PM
I agree, also, that there are democratic alternatives to neo-liberal capitalism... And definitions of 'capitalism' are numerous...
Personally, I aim to broaden the ownership of the means of prodcution so much - that there cannot be seen to be a bourgeois ruling class...
Already power is more broadly based than some Marxists suppose... (take the Weberian definition - and consider the different aspects of power, wealth etc)
A democratic mixed economy - which promotes demcoratic forms of ownership - co-operativism, Government Business Enterprises, public pension funds - can nonetheless be mixed with freedom of investment by ordinary workers.
Private investment and markets could endure - but wealth ownership and political power broadened such that citizens collectively could be seen as having sovereignty ahead of any organised economic class...
Power would increasingly be political - with economic power so broadly based...
And there would have to be a balance between responsive and innovative markets (for practical reasons, and for the sake of liberty) - and public planning...
Some forms of infrastructure, in particular, should compromse public monopoly...
Other areas - eg: banking - could be balanced amongst different democratic forms of ownership (including credit unions) - so financial/economic power is not too concentrated...)
And there are areas which would not benefit from competition - where increased cost structures of competition are dire - could comprise public monopoly...(eg: communications, welfare, transport,power and water)
Public shopping precints (including malls) - could also open up a new horizon of social life and active citizenry)
Areas such as mining - which compete internationally - could be socialised without comprising a monopoly... (in the worlds market)