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Getting a job within government : Comments
By George Fripley, published 11/2/2009To get a government job you must learn to effortlessly peel off jargon and spend ten minutes talking about what should only take two.
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The job's position description (PD) is, all too often, written by members of that pretendy-profession, human resources management; people who *can't* use language properly whether it is common or not.
This is usually evidenced in the prologues to the PDs where it is clear that there is no understanding that "criteria" is the plural, and "criterion" is the singular.
Take a quick buzzword scan of any current PD selection criteria and "strategy" is popularly misused in place of "activity" or "tasks."
The malapropism de jure in PDs is "methodologies". This is an incredibly pretentious misuse of the term in place of the more correct "methods". I am convinced that there is not one public sector HR practioner who is remotely aware that "method" and "methodology" are very different animals.
The irony is that these glaring and somewhat bemusing errors appear on PDs insisting that the applicant(s) demonstrate "excellent writing skills"