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The Forum > Article Comments > The business of Indigenous affairs > Comments

The business of Indigenous affairs : Comments

By Kevin Andrews, published 25/8/2008

The recent history of Indigenous affairs in Australia is a tale of noble aspirations, enthusiastic efforts, modest successes and significant failures.

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Am I the only one that has been laughing at the blurb on the poor author of this article. The poor fella apparently didn't hear about the Kevin07 success in the election. Kevin Andrews still seems to think he is a minister assisting the prime minister, gee I wonder if Kevin Rudd knows this. See below :)
Hon. Kevin Andrews MP is the federal Member for Menzies (Vic) and Minister for Employment and workplace Relations and Minister assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service. He was Minister for for Ageing from 2001-2003.

I think Kev Andrews is not a 'full-blooded' minister anymore, perhaps he is now half empty blooded. I am sorry but it is good to get a giggle as this is usually such a serious site.

Its a bit slack OLO, I thought for sure someone else would have picked up on it by now or maybe they are too busy laughing.
Posted by Aka, Monday, 25 August 2008 11:32:52 PM
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Kevin Andrews,

You and the Howard Government have suspended the Racial Discrimination Act and took away Aboriginal Land Rights in the Northern Territory .

You and your Government set the bar impossibly high for many language groups of Aboriginal people to claim Native Title as they battle against well funded, sophisticated white miners and sqatters organisations who know that mny of the elders will be dead by the time the claims are settled .

In the dying hours of your Government, you and your party approved the destruction of sacred Aboriginal objects and sites on the Burrup Peninsula on a huge scale by Woodside.

You and your Government destroyed the important if somewhat imperfect Atsic which at least gave Aboriginals a voice.

Today your Aboriginal Affairs colleague Tony Abbott has said it's fine to take support payments off disfunctional families who can not get their families to school or off families that have fled to the bush to get decent food for themselves and their families in remote areas.

In short your utter neglect, apathy ,insincerity over many years ARE responsible for the "mess" that many Aboriginal People are now in.

Australian People have had enough of your excuses and blame and will never let your Government back as long as you live in the 19th Century with your racist "holier than thou attitude" that are an excuse to do nothing .

But then , you did bring in the Army.
Posted by kartiya jim, Tuesday, 26 August 2008 9:29:44 AM
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Dear Kevin,

Until (and if) you ever get around to explaining your actions in relation to Dr Haneef should you proffer your amateur opinions on Indigenous affairs.

When you've done this I would welcome reading your account of the "significant failures" of the Howard government in Indigenous affairs over the last 11 years and especially the failure of the intervention in the NT.

Now run along Kevin, you've got some repentance waiting for you.

Posted by Rainier, Friday, 29 August 2008 7:33:29 PM
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