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Perspective on anti-terror laws : Comments

By Gary Brown, published 8/11/2005

Gary Brown argues by using authoritarian means to defeat terrorists we are no better than they are.

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I would suggest that a more and a Objective investigation of what some call Jack Boots and Anti Semitism, is more in the direction of Ego, Authoritarianism, obviously some peoples views are misguided. Fascism and Nazism is a trait of the left of olden days, Fascism is a trait that has been adopted by western Governments of late. As explained here:
Your answer Mahatma duck is here: and here: :
As you will find, all are based on a Marxist Philosophy, and so was the Jewish Question. Many years of corrupt Academe feed all the garbage to the later students, and that’s why the Modern day man is in a greater struggle to survive. Happy reading, you will learn a lot
Posted by All-, Thursday, 10 November 2005 12:32:59 PM
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"These are the types of...parasites undermining their host countries and threatening 1000 year old cultures and bringing with them crime, corruption and chaos."

From footage of second world war Nazi propoganda broadcast to German ppl. It's from a doco about Nazis on ABC or SBS a few weeks ago and was referring to "Eastern Jews who flooded Europe's cities..."
Posted by Shoshana, Thursday, 10 November 2005 12:33:04 PM
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It has NOTHING to do with international terrorism. It is about social and cultural issues - the conduct of the Lebansese Muslims outside the Melbourne court who cowardly attacked the camera man sums it up - it is the same condut i see in bankstown And lakemba in Sydney all the time - it is a 'clash of civilizations' - what i mena is, when you take someone form an extrem culture and put him into another extrem culture which are at odds, he cannot assimilate.

look at the gang rapes against Australian women by lebanese muslims, well, the same is happening in France, Holand, Norway, and Sweden - its not about race or Lebanses, but it is about the common Arab Muslim culture.

Mark Steyn sums it up when he says, " in Sydney, in Oslo, in Paris, in Copenhagen and in Manchester, multiculturalism means that the worst attributes of Muslim culture -- the subjugation of women -- combine with the worst attributes of Western culture -- licence and self-gratification"
Posted by Thor, Thursday, 10 November 2005 12:38:16 PM
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you misuse the term - common misuse by leftists, liberalists, and IslamoFacists.

Etymology and usage;

word antisemitic (antisemitisch in German) was probably first used in 1860 by the Jewish scholar Moritz Steinschneider in the phrase "antisemitic prejudices" (German: "antisemitische Vorurteile"). Steinschneider used this phrase to characterize Ernest Renan's ideas about how "Semitic races" were inferior to "Aryan races." These pseudo-scientific theories had become quite widespread in Europe in the second half of the 19th century, especially as Prussian nationalistic historian Heinrich von Treitschke did much to promote this form of racism. In Treitschke's writings Semitic was practically synonomous with Jewish. German political agitator Wilhelm Marr coined the related German word Antisemitismus in his book "The Way to Victory of Germanicism over Judaism" in 1879. Marr used the phrase to mean Jew-hatred or Judenhass, and he used the new word antisemitism to make hatred of the Jews seem rational and sanctioned by scientific knowledge.

So far as can be ascertained, the word was first widely printed in 1881, when Marr published "Zwanglose Antisemitische Hefte," and Wilhelm Scherer used the term "Antisemiten" in the "Neue Freie Presse" of January. The related word semitism was coined around 1885.

The term anti-Semitism has historically referred to prejudice towards Jews alone, and this was the only use of this word for more than a century. It does not traditionally refer to prejudice toward other people who speak Semitic languages (e.g. Arabs or Assyrians). Bernard Lewis, Professor of Near Eastern Studies Emeritus at Princeton University, says that "Anti-Semitism has never anywhere been concerned with anyone but Jews."[2]

In recent decades certain pro-Arabists have argued that the term should be extended to include prejudice against Arabs, Anti-Arabism, in the context of accusations of Arab anti-Semitism. The argument for such extension comes out of the claim that since the Semitic language family includes Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic languages, and the historical term "Semite" refers to all those who consider themselves descendents of the Biblical Shem, anti-Semitism should be likewise inclusive. This usage is not generally accepted.
Posted by Thor, Thursday, 10 November 2005 12:50:08 PM
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I agree with everyone, but there is more.

Gary may know something he isn't saying, so I'll take a guess.

One comment interested me because it contained the term “misplaced and displaced utopia, communism”. 'Communism' has been used to describe various ruling or legal systems, but these communisms have never resembled the ideology that produced them.

These communisms have in common, revolution and rule by machine gun, with each other and with stage 1. of Carl Marx's ideology. This also sounds like fundamentalist Islam.

Seemingly unknown to most, Marx's stage 2. of his ideology, is democracy, or forms of democracy or as an Englishman might say, “a degree of democracy ”. Marx's democracy would be described as “rule by the people for the state” and not just state but a Godless state. Democratic Communism? If this sounds like a oxymoron then your understanding of these words is wrong.

The western countries have bypassed Marx's stage 1. and gone directly to Marx's stage 2. If you look closely at the State and Commonwealth legislation. You will find that since Harold Holt Legislation has been becoming increasingly Godless and State (not people) oriented. Our Commonwealth has been systematically destroyed and most probably has a negative dollar value. Why do they still call Australia a commonwealth? I guess it is because they have changed the meaning of the word.

I have a lot of respect for John Howard. I am sure he does the best he can do with what he has got. He has my support.

Evil men already have all the Legislative and Constitutional powers to do what they want to do, it's a mystery that John Howard has had so much trouble doing something good.

Where is this leading you ask. Seeing that incoming alternate Governments never repeal Legislation, knowing that better than 60% of the population disapproves of most legislation, if we want a piece of legislation repealed all we have to do is find a minority group, say Bob Brown, and pee in his pocket.

I havehad to shorten this post, I hope it still makes sense.
Posted by GoldBrick, Thursday, 10 November 2005 3:47:36 PM
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Oh Goldbrick

Just between you and me, its always dangerous (on most blogs) to admit a positive attitude to Mr Howard.

You appear to see things with odd clarity.

I'm looking forward to your next post with greater relevance to the topic.

Nothing like a fresh perspective.

Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 10 November 2005 4:09:04 PM
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