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Obama and Afghanistan : Comments

By Ayub Maftoon, published 29/7/2008

Barack Obama is in a constant struggle to convince the American public that he is a patriot.

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Sa'id Syub Maftoon, who, via (eg) the scare quotes with which he demonstrates his contempt for the Middle East's only EVER functioning democracy and for the United States of America and its 30 or 40 allies defensive war against islamanazi terrorism -- projects the psychopathology to which he subscribes -- need have no fear that the every bit as moronic mobbed-up Marxist murtadd Muslim Arab-African, B Hussein bin B Hussayn bin Hussayn Mahummid Ubama, will (providing he could find either on a map) ever cause any more strife in Pakistan and Ashcanistan than the barbaric natives of those parts are capable of causing themselves.

For there is a better chance of a Christmas (snow) ski season at Kakadu, than that that the self and own culture loathing Stalinist, Sa'id Ubama, ever be elected DC Dogcatcher -- let alone to America's highest political office.

Brian Richard Allen
Los Angeles - California
Posted by Brian Richard Allen, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 2:09:47 AM
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Brian, as someone who does not live in the USA but has a fondness for it the level of hate projected in your post is much more worrying than the threats of muslim extremists. The fact that someone with all of the benefits and privilege of being part of western democracy with access to a wide range of sources of information and viewpoints is able to express a viewpoint which appears every bit as narrow and hate filled as those expressed by people who've grown up with no access to alternate viewpoints, little opportunity to gain an understanding of "the other" should be a source of concern.

I've not yet made up my mind how much of Obama is showmanship, there are some bit's of that I don't like but maybe you have to do that stuff to have a chance. Just maybe he is the person to change the paradigms, to talk to the enemy rather than further provoke them. Just maybe he is the person to heal rifts rather than take an axe to them to make them greater.

I've been to your lovely country (and your state) a couple of times and one of the things I've found is that there is not a single culture. Your post represents a loud voice in the US's foreign image but those I've encountered have been nothing like you. The ones I've spoken to in depth about issues like these have had some understanding that it's not all black and white, good vs evil. Rather a complex interplay of differing values, historical and current grievances on both sides and a small number on both sides determined to draw the majority into meaningless conflicts.

As for not being elected DC dogcatcher, I wasn't aware that Obama was trying for the position. He is already a US senator which by my understanding is somewhat higher on the pecking order than DC dogcatcher. He has or will get the nomination of his party to be the candidate for the US presidency, again no small thing.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 10:09:54 AM
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How interesting, Robert, that from my stringing together of a few letters into a couple of absolutely Truthful -- though tongue in cheek, contemptuous and fairly clumsily constructed -- paragraphs about the world's most dangerous dullard, the Stalinist ideologue, Ubama, you should feel, if I am to believe you, only hatred.

After running, these past few election cycles (since their lying, looting, thieving, mass-murdering serial rapist) the also seriously intellectually and morally-challenged second generation traitors, the Eco-Marxist, Al-Fredo Gore-leone and the serial-gigolo, John Kohn Julia Thorne Maria Teresa Thierstein Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry, one might have hoped America's branch of the Socialist Internationale (AKA the "Democrats") might have run someone who at least PRETENDED to like America -- and Mankind's tenuous last grasp of its God-given right to individual liberty.

But no such luck: -- And in time of war, to boot. Another moronic, self-and-own-culture-loathing, elitist, Stalinist. And a murtadd Muslim, to boot.

A, K. "Dudd" Rudd, clone, yet!

Fair go, Democrats, I'm not a member of your party but you owe it to our beloved fraternal republic to not wish to plunge it into the dark age inevitable if another of your mobbed-up Marxist wannabe Euro-peon fasciSSocialists "wins" office.

And please don't get me started on the leftard media's other selected "candidate," MccRainman. Not since McGovern ran against Nixon has the choice been so appalling and the prospect of the least most awful "president" so gloomy.

But don't let that hatred you tell us you're feeling get you down, Robert. You'll soon be living in Rudd's version of the brutally beaten together bunch of enslaved colonies called "China," Mate. And that'll make for interesting times.

Best ones - Brian
Posted by Brian Richard Allen, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 4:31:18 PM
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Brian you should hook up with stevenimeyer and PaulL here on OLO.
Posted by Steel, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 5:22:52 PM
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If your first attempt was clumsily contructed Brian your second was downright unintelligible.

The author's got a point about getting some decent advisors. Rove and his band of megalomaniac PNACers have done America no favours. Obama seems to have realised there is such a thing as soft power, or in fact what 'power' can achieve. Indeed, "Why can’t we just assist and let the indigenous people of countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and so on decide for themselves rather than imposing forces from outside?" seems a fair question. A bit too late now don't ya reckon?

Just make sure Obama wears his little flag pin. It seems to be a major issue if televised political debates have any bearing.
Posted by bennie, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 5:58:55 PM
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