The Forum > Article Comments > The divide between Gallican and Anglican liberty > Comments
The divide between Gallican and Anglican liberty : Comments
By Fred Hansen, published 16/7/2008The Al Gore-led climate scare has all the features of previous attacks on Anglo-American liberty and free market capitalism.
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Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 16 July 2008 10:47:23 AM
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Is this supposed to be an exercise in intelligent thinking and cultural analysis?
I wonder if Fred can even begin to understand that he has a very blinkered one-dimensional "world"-view"? Which despite its procaimed "rationality" is just as irrational as those that he criticises. And even essentially anti-human, because it denies and makes anathema the multi-dimensional nature of our existence-being which is the essence of our Humanity. Never-ending worldly work-effort is now the only purpose of existence. We are supposed to work, watch TV, accumulate stuff in our houses, and eat junk food. No profound questions are allowed. And certainly no profound doings. Fred and his one-dimensional "right" thinking true believers from the Adam Smith cult see "reality" clearly---everyone else is deluded and "irrational". By extension this also includes every other expresion of human culture (past and present) other than that advocated by Adam Smith and his fellow Scottish "realists", who were the products of the scientific "world"-view that had (at the time) begun to eclipse all other ways of knowng and being---and even more so now in 2008, and with culturally devastating consequences. The baneful limitations of the Newtonian clockwork "realism" as defined by scientism (and Fred) are described in this reference. 1. The devastating cultural results are described in these two references. 2. 3. Posted by Ho Hum, Wednesday, 16 July 2008 5:29:49 PM
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I think the cultural dimensions you allude to include horizontal altruism between families and across groups, in contrast with, say, China, where familialism is dominant and guanxi has utility. Reverting back to the Continent. Germany was really agrarian until before WWI and also authoritian. A dangerous combiation, as noted Veblen. In contrast, Norse, Celtic and Anglo-Saxons, were, either exploratory [which requires co-operation] and more willing to set in place inte-clan relationships. The Celtics through, historically, were spinkled throughout the Continent. Thatt said, in many ways the West III, is an Civilization almost as spread and in control, as the old British Empire. That is ABCA, America, Britain, Canada & Australia. The kernal on the Anglo-West. Britain while built on Anglo-Celtic clans, Viking cum Norman invasions, also imported feifdom from the collapse of the Roman Empire. Rome, towards the end, didn't have slaves to labour its economy and its hands full with the likes of Odoacer. Feifdom was crucial to the formation of Commoner villages. Posted by Oliver, Wednesday, 16 July 2008 6:21:12 PM
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Unlike Ho Hum I thought this was an interesting and considered article. As I read it I thought 'the real fruit cakes are going to emerge and sneer with pompous superiority.' Sure enough, up pops Ho Hum. according to him the good Fred '...denies and makes anathema the multi-dimensional nature of our existence -being......'
Poor Fred, I bet he is shattered. But seemingly Fred gets worse: Ho Hum points out that he, Fred, is advocating something that '... eclipse all other ways of knowing and being..'. Certainly Ho Hum came up with lots or the usual things that ooze out of education faculties, notably that ' ways of knowing 'phrase. Ho Hum did forget two of the usual gibberish statements - she/he forgot to have a sneer at something called "western science". Also missing from the usual selection of this sort of stuff is '..all knowledge is culturally based..'. or words to that effect. Please Ho Hum would you explain to me what are the 'other ways of knowing'? Not believing please, not having a hunch, actual 'knowing' Thank you Fred Posted by eyejaw, Thursday, 17 July 2008 7:20:31 AM
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Eyejawe accuses me of "sneering"
His post was one long sneer----full stop. Perhaps if he actually bothered to read the references that I posted he might just begin to understand that there are other ways of seeing and being in the world and that the asana of scientism IS "profoundly" reductionist. See for instance The Asana of Science. 1. and 2. Plus this reference which, among other things, describes the origins of the power and control asana of scientism. 1. Eyejaw also sneers at academics in general---especially academics that question the consensus "reality" created by scientism. Given the opportune circumstance such a sneering attitude inevitably leads to the gulags, book-burnings, the jailing and disappearance (that is murder) of "dissidents", the death-squads that mudered tens of thousands in Central & South America during the Reagan years, re-education camps, the efforts my Mao during the "cultural" revolution to root out and eliminate "bourgeois" thinking, and even what happened in Cambodia via Pol Pot. Why does the Pentagon use the advice of anthropologists in its efforts to win the hearts & minds of those who are quite rightly resist the invading imperialists? Because different cultures do see and do things differently. And more importantly respond to objective events in completely different ways. IF the US military had taken the advice of its anthropologist ABU GHRAIB might never have happened. Plus you might like to GOOGLE Edward T Hall one of my favourite anthroplogists who is also a very good writer. Posted by Ho Hum, Saturday, 19 July 2008 9:54:14 AM
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Civilisations in the past have come and gone because limited resources have ultimately run out. Today's ability to share the available resources is merely lulling us into a false sense of security. Climate change or not, our resources will also run out one day unless extreme steps are taken, not only to conserve the resources, but also to limit the ever increasing population which is consuming same.