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School attendance and welfare : Comments

By Ruth McCausland, published 30/6/2008

The withdholding of welfare payments in the NT punishes people who may have been spending it in the interests of children.

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Sorry, Flo, but courts around the world have placed a value on human life of between $4 and $10 million (in developed countries, at least). I place a value equal to this on Aboriginal Australians and their children, so I really don't care what it might cost so long as the children subject to the intervention have as close as possible to the same opportunities in life as I've enjoyed.
The other issue to consider is the cost of not succeeding better than we have done in the past. Aboriginals are hugely over-represented in our jails and in our hospitals so this cost has to be factored into the equation.
To date, we've failed - it's really that simple. It's time to put our bleeding hearts and emotions away and take strong, decisive action and back it up with long-term support.
Posted by Bernie Masters, Monday, 30 June 2008 6:41:04 PM
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I feel only angwer and contempt for those people who want to criticise any attempt to do something for the children of the NT or anywhere else for that matter.

Everyone else is wrong.Nothing wrong can be attributed to the child molesters-monsters who are either fathers,"uncles," or tribal elders who want to get their rocks off.
No one even wonders how venereal disease and HIV infection is being spread.They dont want to see and condemn which is the first step to recognising the problem.Those poor,poor aborigines lead such a hard life one should be more sympathetic.Tch!tch! long as that is the attitude the children will still be ravaged and poverty will still ruin those unfortunate people.Recognise the truth and then you have to do something about it.
STOP the abuse.Do whatever is necessary however unpalatable it may seem to the chardonnay sippers in their comfortable academic security or middle class affluent suburbs.
But no...there are still squeals about not hurting the offenders.There is always an abundance of sympathy for them and their ways of life. Since when has tribal life been reduced to sanctioning what is going on in NT?

And the children still get abused with alcohol,drugs and sexual depraved practices.What sort of parents do we think they will turn out to be? We are guilty of cultivating the tragedies by our academic posturing to get idaelistic considerations correct right first...when the hell will that ever be? We do love our grandstanding and sermonising abnd paternalistic superiority...why do we want to end their suffering?

Posted by socratease, Tuesday, 1 July 2008 4:38:26 PM
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