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Under a centralising Federal Government : Comments
By Bruce Haigh, published 19/5/2008Under a centralising Federal government, what is the future for States’ rights and the separation of powers embodied in the Constitution?
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The cost savings of streamlining government in Australia to two-tiers is likely to be in the order of over $30 billion per annum according to postgraduate research conducted at the University of Canberra.
Essential service sectors and national infrastructure are under severe financial stress. Economic 'roots and branch' reform foreshadowed by Rudd needs to extend to reform to the basic structure of government to ensure that Australia remains competitive in an increasingly global economy.
Given the changes and challenges since federation, the overhaul that is needed to the constitution is quite radical, and is therefore quite complex. The next constitutional referendum could include a republic question as well as preamble and substantive inclusions relating to indigenous Australians, a Bill of Rights and the role of local government.
The enormous relentless compounding cost of duplicated bureaucracy and regulatory friction of 9 sovereign governments will increasingly place an unsustainable burden on tax payers, produce sub-optimal services and harm Australia’s competitive advantage.
A constitutional summit, convened by the Australian Local Government Association, will be held in the Melbourne Convention Centre from 9-11 December 2008 following community consultation.
Any or all of these options may be raised at the constitutional summit with a view to establishing a clear constitutional capacity for the Commonwealth to establish the structure under which local government operates. The alternative to significant and substantive reform is mere rhetoric that goes no further than tinkering on the edge of federalism.