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The destructive cycle of federal intervention : Comments

By George Williams, published 21/5/2008

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said he would not override ACT legislation allowing for civil unions - now it seems he has changed his mind.

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Why is George Williams so surprised at the federal governments intervention into ACT politics. Lets be reasonable: The question of same sex marriage is still a nationally unresolved issue, as is the issue of legalisation of drugs. To my thinking, both these issues should be challenged by Federal intervention as they were in the case of the ACT. At least until there is a nationally agreed and a clear consensus by the broader population of Australians. Why not test these issues with a referendum.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 12:03:09 PM
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The Federal Government is to congratulated for blocking this perverse legislation. No sane Government who was concerned for our future would want to endorse sodomy as a lifestyle. Mr Rudd has been true to his pre election promise. For that I am thankful. He has indeed gone up in my estimation as a man who cares more about society than he does bowing to the militant homosexual lobby who have been shown not to accept the wishes of the majority.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 7:17:36 PM
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Rudd had said he would not get involved

Oh hang i heard that before

The labor government will not sell the electricity.

Now this is a joke about Rudd

Many here need to do their homework.

Lets look at The Heiner affair with labor and unions hiding child sexual abuse and child physical abuse.

Those involved Rudd, Goss, Beattie, we could even say Keating and more ministers as is goes.

So have a look at Heiner or even
The justice project and you will find that rudd and his mates, all those who vote and support the alp and unions actually support the

Hiding of child sexual assualts (RAPE)
Hiding of child sexual abuse (TORTURE)

I am not going to stop fighting and i will not play follow the peodophile leader.

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 8:00:07 PM
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If what you say is true about Mr Rudd it would seem that he, the homosexual lobby and the porn industry have a lot in common.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 8:34:16 PM
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Yes you are right.

I have had people threaten me with defamation but alas it was just talk.
I had also emailed the pm with a nice email but alas to gutless.

I have included a couple of links and what you make of it is up to you, but the people who have had these things done, some of them have spoken to me so i am disgusted with what labor and the unions stand for.

Some say i hate them but that would be a tainted veiw and a disgrace to the turm hate.

You can also get a copy of a report which you should be able to find the number for , which is the lindberg report.

I found it rather interesting and more specifics came out.

What we have though is a media which is politicaly aligned with the parties and the courts, they are a joke.

Have a good one


Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 9:07:12 PM
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Tut tut. Why do we need a referendum?

The religious wingnuts would vilify a minority group and the issue of homosexuality is none of their business. Gays have suffered too long.

"Heterosexual" men commit sodomy too - and frequently!

How many rapes and murders are committed by gays eh?

Anyway, Rudd can't be trusted. Other electoral promises have already been broken so I am not optimistic for change.

This man Krudd's shifty...very shifty!
Posted by dickie, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 9:59:00 PM
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I went to a demo outside the ACT legislative assembly the other day and George here is echoing the Andrew Barr line from that demo. It's all the fault of the Feds. I suspect actually that once Rudd started to have doubts about the ACT treating gays equally eg through recognising gay marriage that Stanhope (the ACT Chief Minister) couldn't guarantee that the right wing in his party (eg John Hargreaves et al) would have supported full blown civil unions legislation.

I agree with Wayne Berry (Labor ACT MLA) that the ACT Stanhope Labor Government should have called Rudd's bluff. That would have exposed the hypocrisy of the ALP federal members (Ellis, Lundy and Macmillan) who would have supported Rudd's attack on gays and lesbians, i.e. treating fellow human beings as second class citizens.

The Rudd Government is so keen on working families that it discriminates against those not in that world view, including pensioners, and gays and lesbians.

By the way George, which Federal seat in the ACT are you angling for?

If you were successful say in replacing Annette (although I think the right still controls that seat) would you cross the floor if the HowRuddistas opposed a full blown civil partnerships law in the ACT?
Posted by Passy, Thursday, 22 May 2008 2:51:39 PM
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Now I should make something very clear.

I have mates who are gay and that doesnt worry me because many of these people are quite successful and they are very proud of themselves, well why not.

What disgusts me is the supporting of peodophile activities from the labor party and unions.

So for those out there who are going to get all religious , one should think about incest, and as by religion we are all related.

A persons life is theirs and not anybody elses, so choice on how they live on how they act come naturally.

So our governments just do as they please and since it is in the constitution they could change this, but since our states and federal pollies should be aware of is their treasonous actions towards the people of australia and the constitution.

I am Stuart Ulrich and i am gunning for all those who are traiters to the australian people and its constitution and that means you for starters Rudd.

Stuart Ulrich
Posted by tapp, Thursday, 22 May 2008 9:58:17 PM
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A clear and insightful analysis George. I hope that some State Governments may dare to take the bold step and support human rights over the religious bigotry on display by our PM. I doubt that any would create laws on other forms of marriage and face the consequences of Rudd's wrath in other areas.

It seems that gay marriage came to California and South Africa thanks to their Constitutional Bill of Rights. Rudd will not commit to Human Rights in the Constitution or by Act of Parliament and the reason is clear. He is not the 'garden variety' Christian he described himself as on the ABC's Q & A program.

Kevin is a heaven sent fundamentalist, who will act strongly to advance advantages for Chritians over all other faiths and panders to conservative Christians at every opportunity - most recent example the massive financial support or around $170 Million to Catholic recruitment - World Youth Day. He said on Q&A that gay marriage would not come 'anytime soon' (not in his political lifetime). He said that to allow ceremonies in gay civil unions would be to immitate marriage ceremonies and that would 'degrade' it (for mean-spirited conservative Christians). Who else would be offended if Sir Elton John reaffirmed his vows in OZ or if Justice Kirby or Dr Bob Brown had a lavish wedding ceremony? Not many, because most Australians accept equal treatment.

Rudd is a disappointment to all those people who thought he offered hope for policies aimed at building a socially inclusive Australia. He clearly does not. As Dr Bob Brown summed him up - Rudd is Howard lite.

My guess is that Rudd is a secret admirer of Howard and thinks he can maintain his huge electoral support by not offending conservatives and elites. By signing Kyoto and abolishing Workchoices, he would be badly mistaken to think he has done enough to maintain support from workers and environmentalists. The only real policy choices in Australia at the moment are being offered by the Greeens.
Posted by fair go, Tuesday, 27 May 2008 9:55:17 PM
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