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The ABC broadcast bullying and science hooliganism problem : Comments

By Graham Young, published 15/5/2008

The ABC's science presenter may be a 'living national treasure' but his behaviour can be pure junk.

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Two things here to keep in mind.

1 How does Tim know what is and isn’t mainstream science, if
2 he himself is not a scientist and teaches computer graphics and hasn’t published in his own field for around a decade.

If Tim has published in his own field during that time we would appreciate the links and other citations.

And has it escaped Tim the only reason it may have been published WAS because it was a competition entry and the piece may not have cut the editorial mustard otherwise. This exhibits narcissism in the most objectionable level.

<i>Graham Young, OLO chief editor, showed up in the discussion to abuse me and declare that OLO should not have published it because he disputed one of the points I made. I suspect that this has something to do with OLO's bias on climate science.</i>

No Tim, it has probably a lot to do with the fact that Young may have found your piece to be dissembling and possibly doesn’t like your bullying tactics at other sites (as well as your own). This after all isn’t the first time you have been accused. In fact people have created a word after your name- to lambert-, which is supposed mean to dissemble, dishonestly present a position and to bully.

<i>He continues in this vein in the current article, calling me a "bully" and a "tick" because I dare to express opinions he disagrees with.</i>

No, Tim, he describes you that way because you are.

<i>If you want to see the sort of thing that Young objects to, see my post on Aitkin's Ockham's razor piece:</i>

You should also point to post or a comment where you said that if one tosses a coin a 1,000 the likelihood is that close to 50% would be heads. You have a degree in mathematics. This is probability at it most basic.

And please stop referring to your blog as a science blog as that is completely dishonest. You are not a scientist and have no credentials in science. If you do, please present them.
Posted by jc2, Friday, 16 May 2008 2:39:18 PM
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So jc2 is another one that 'attacks the man and doesn't play ball' - typical.
Posted by Q&A, Friday, 16 May 2008 2:51:43 PM
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Thanks for also helping to prove my point Tim. Your piece to which you refer was a defence of An Inconvenient Truth and a swipe at Andrew Bolt. If you had gotten your facts straight it wouldn't have been too bad, although we generally like to see the article being criticised on the site _before_ the criticism.

But you didn't get your facts straight. I picked on a particular one because it was amenable to a a yes/no answer that couldn't be denied. You said Benny Peiser admitted that Oreskes was right, and I had an email from Peiser saying he didn't. That's an open and shut case. Talking about cases, a number of your other points in that piece were tried in the UK High Court, and the judge agreed with Bolt, on the basis of what the IPCC says.

I did call you a bully, because you are. And that can be demonstrated. It is not an ad hominem attack. I also did not call you a "tick". What you are referring to is a simile, and it indicates that you have some characteristics in common with one.

One behaviour that I would characterise as bullying is the suggestion that it is somehow improper for me to comment on articles. Apparently I'm supposed to go to all the trouble to run this site, but I can't ever participate in it. That's an argument designed to take a critic out because you don't want to answer the criticism, and is a form of bullying.

I've also had a response from John Quiggin which I will deal with in due course.
Posted by GrahamY, Friday, 16 May 2008 4:39:20 PM
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Computer science is still science... despite assumptions that only studying ants qualifies.

And considering a lot of the examination of the climate data relies on knowledge and understanding of statistics, I'd say pretty well qualified, too - especially having done a lot of the same stuff myself...
Posted by Chade, Friday, 16 May 2008 4:49:56 PM
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Another behaviour that I would characterise as bullying is being threatened with OLO suspension in an email for being ‘provocative’ for Pete’s sake.

Don’t get me wrong, Graham can twist his rules on his site all he likes, but it does seem a bit hypocritical.
Posted by Q&A, Friday, 16 May 2008 5:53:43 PM
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Computer studies are an amalgam of software engineering, business and maths. Some people rabbit on about engineering principles, many computer systems are automated accounting and book keeping systems. The science part is the maths component which is boolean algebra. Computer science is a tool used by climate science, climatologists use computer programs to model climate change.

Not all computer scientists use science to write their computer programs.
Posted by billie, Friday, 16 May 2008 7:39:06 PM
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