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Nominating minorities : Comments

By Ben-Peter Terpstra, published 17/4/2008

Persistent questions in our media about the US's readiness for a black or female president ignore some interesting facts.

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The Republican Party in the US was an outgrowth of the Ripon Society, an antislavery group. Since then it has changed greatly. My grandfather was a rock-ribbed Republican since the Grand Old Party "saved the Union and freed the slaves". Franklin Roosevelt was elected by a coalition of big city Democratic machines and southern whites. However, his social programs appealed to black people and progressive whites. My grandfather switched. The south used to be solidly Democratic, but the Republicans adopted a 'southern strategy' appealing to the white establishment in the south. The southern Democrat President L B Johnson supported Civil Rights legislation which benefitted blacks and remarked at the time that this would lose the south. Although the present president of the United States is not a racist having appointed blacks to many important positions his party has supported legislation which is less beneficial to the poor including blacks than the Democrats. The Republican Party of today is not the Republican Party of yore, and neither are the Democrats. It is in the interests of most black people to support the Democrats.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 17 April 2008 9:57:04 AM
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Perhaps I'm a bit thick but what is the point of this article.
Seems like another example of Ben's dim-witted "cleverness"----full of sound and whatever, and signifying nothing.
Posted by Ho Hum, Thursday, 17 April 2008 10:36:02 AM
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I have just checked out the contents of Ben's blog---such as it so far.

The title of the blog is probably supposed to be an attempt at humour.
But it actually describes the zeitgeist that "informs" the blog altogether.

Junk or garbage all the way down.

As though stringing together a few stastistics proves anything.
You can use statistics and "science" to "prove" anything.
Or string together endless lists of out of context "facts" to "prove" any and every possible point of view about any and everything.

By contrast Paris Hilton is a towering intellect.
Posted by Ho Hum, Thursday, 17 April 2008 1:32:18 PM
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